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Length of Appointments

Guest tmbg
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What do escorts feel is the best length for an appointment? Would you rather meet with a client for an hour session, two hours or more, or is overnight more of interest to you?


Cheers! Ritchie

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Hey there,


For first time clients, I definitely prefer a one or two hour appointment. But, if the the client has a "Big Time" planned, then I'm all for an overnight. Shorter appointemnts just give the client a chance to check me out & see if I'm what they are looking for in an escort without investing a huge chunk of money. Cos guys I'm the last guy you want to ask plan a long evening LOL I suck at that stuff.





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My preference has always been ovenights. This will sound like a load of crap... but I like getting to know the person I'm having sex with: ) don't get me wrong, sometimes those 'jump you when you walk in the door' appointments are great for what they are, but I guess I'm just a smaltzy romantic at heart... oh god next I'll be admitting something like secretly loving Meg Ryan flicks...ack

matt(multi-hour member manipulation)

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I prefer appts. 1-3 hours in length. Most of my clients are 1 hour appts. which works out great for me. I have quite few regular clients so they keep me fairly busy. I did 1 overnight appt. last year. I find that an hour is plenty of time for the basics. I have some clients who are in and out in around a 1/2 hour. I believe it's about the quality and not the quantity.




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Guest DevonSFescort

Ideally my work week will contain a nice mix of one hour, 2-4 hour, and overnight appointments -- they all have their unique advantages. The relaxed pace of a longer session is awfully nice, especially with clients who enjoy sparking a connection that goes beyond the physical, or whose scene is fairly involved or multi-faceted. When I think about which of my regulars I am closest to and feel I know the best, it by and large tends to be ones who see me for a couple hours or more at a time.

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Guest chaz49wm

I like the all nighters. It don't get much better cause you can have some fun and get to know the guy/escort all in the same breath. It's not "Wham Bang Thank You Maam or is that Sir?" Well my money and preference is on the overnight. I like to WOW and DOW the escort. Thats a nice dinner, a show and then some fun, BUT THAT'S ME. Some may like it, some may not? If you are into lot's of appt's then maybe not, but if you care about each one then you can settle down and enjoy life. Many people assume that every escort has done or seen it all no matter what area they are in or where they are from. I like to move past the sex, and don't get me wrong, it is important but I also like to move into the fun and bonding and a place to become friends or something more than here is you money "hun now run." HUGS CHUCK:P

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I'm kind of strange about this, but i'd rather have a short appointment when i first meet a client. An overnighter is kind of a personal thing that is better when you kind of know the client already. If I know him, than it's like spending the night with a special friend! :p

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I definately prefer overnights. I'm a bit of a chatter box and flirt so its always good to do a great dinner and use both skills to get the client all worked up. }> Afterwards catching a set in a dark musky jazz club. Had a few jump when I groped them under the table. From conversation you can figure out a lot more of which buttons to press in bed than just jabbing at a few, plus a bit deeper connection is made. (DOn't get me wrong some hot carnal full force 1 hours are great too.) Many clients often write to me afterwards saying how special it was to wake up with me in their arms, which of course makes me very happy to have given them that feeling.

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Guest AsianConsort

I am more of a romantic kind of a person. I prefer to have a longer appointment. I like to get to know the client better. That way I can provide a more personal touch to my time with the client. I also love being cuddled to sleep. :-) Besides I hate being rushed while slurping, pounding, riding or whatever it is.


-- David


Happy Chinese New Year to all

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I have hired only one escort. The reason I haven't hired more is because, when I'm enjoying myself, I lose track of time. I met a guy Friday evening for a dinner date at 7:30 and the next thing I knew it was 3 AM. I don't drink alcohol or use controlled substances, and I wasn't drugged. I remember everything. I just had so much fun.


Question to escorts: Knowing how guys on these boards feel about clock watching, how would you remind me of the time in a similar situation? I wouldn't expect an escort to simply accept such a situation without compensation, but I also don't want to bankrupt myself. Something I suspect I could do with many of you guys.;-)



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Guest Derrick

Dan, you bring up a very, very good scenario. I had this happen last month. He only wanted an hour and then bam before you know it; it was

now 3 hours into the start of the "meter".


1) He only had enough cash on him for the full first hour.


2) I did not bring it up (the time) to him until 2.5 hours into the event. And I did it in a suttle glance over at the bed-side table.


3) He then told me he had to go to the ATM, so I went with him.



I feel the client needs to focus on having a good time and that

most of my clients live/stay/behave in manners that are evidence of

wealth, so I feel it would be highly inappropriate for me to

initiate such conversation.


This is a scenario I wonder how often it occurs with others?



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Derrick, it sounds to me like you are taking advantage of your clients or perhaps just being a bit irresponsible. You're assuming that someone who is rich should or will just pay for the extra time. That's unfair to the client to let him get lost in passion (as Dan did) and expect that he'll pay because he "lives/stays/behaves in manners that are evidence of wealth"! That sounds like a hustle.


Derrick and Dan: It is both the responsibility of the escort and the client to be aware of the time. The phrase "not a clockwatcher" has made me laugh since I read it in my first review. You both have to be aware of the time! I rely on my internal clock to gauge the time, while allowing myself to "let go" and be in the moment. I check the clock at some point to make sure we haven't gone too far over. I think "clockwatcher" implies someone who stares at his watch, or seems preoccupied or in a hurry, etc. Of course that's wrong, and that's why they say I'm not a clockwatcher, but it's not a bad thing to show you're responsible!


The time must be decided upon in advance. That way, you don't have to discuss money during a session. I ask each & every prospective client what length of a session they desire. If they say they want to just play it by ear, I let them know my hourly rate so they will come prepared. That is the only instance where I will not check the clock at all. Otherwise, it isn't fair to just let the time go, and then have an unpleasant situation where the client isn't prepared to pay or feels he shouldn't.


That's my way, and I've never had a problem. No, wait, that's not true. I had a problem a couple of times in the beginning but that's how I learned how to set times in advance. :-)

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Exactly Mr. Munroe. I always find out how long I'm going to be with a client when making the appointment. I also figure it's my responsibility to politely mention that it's about time for me to go if the client doesn't seem close to "wrapping things up" so to speak.


I don't watch the clock, but I do have an internal clock that has gotten to be fairly accurate over the years. Very rarely do I have to kick a client to the curb. A good escort can keep the show moving right along without the client feeling like he is being rushed.


You're slipping Rick. A post with no mention of your hole, your cock or any other body part.;-)




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That's unfair to the client to let

>him get lost in passion (as Dan did) and expect that he'll

>pay because he "lives/stays/behaves in manners that are

>evidence of wealth"! That sounds like a hustle.


>Derrick and Dan: It is both the responsibility of the

>escort and the client to be aware of the time. The phrase

>"not a clockwatcher" has made me laugh since I read it in

>my first review.




Just to be clear, the man I was with on Friday was not an escort. We happened to meet at a movie theatre and decided to have dinner together. After a wonderful dinner, we chose to continue our conversation at his home. I had a terrific time and he told me that he also enjoyed himself. Perhaps I would not have gotten "lost in passion" if he had been an escort. I don't know. Obviously, my internal clock sucks or I wouldn't have asked the question.


As far as the "clockwatcher" comment I made, I was just saying that many guys have mentioned, in reviews and posts to the message boards, that an escort is or is not a clockwatcher. I believed that if I did not acknowledge this, it would come back to bite me. It was my intention to avoid an argument.


As I mentioned in my original post, I would not expect an escort to accept going over the planned time without compensation. If I choose to hire more escorts in the future, I would not want to make a habit of going over the agreed time because of my inoperative internal clock. Would it be acceptable to set a clock radio or stereo to start playing soft music near the end of a session? Or is that poor taste?


I'm just looking for some guidance, from an escort's point of view.


Thank you for your comments.



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Guest DevonSFescort

>Would it be acceptable to set a clock radio or stereo to start

>playing soft music near the end of a session? Or is that

>poor taste?


That is in EXCELLENT taste. If it doesn't ruin the ambiance for you, go ahead and have a clock out in full view and mention to the escort the problems you've been having with inner (time)piece.


What would be in poor taste would be both to make it hard for the escort to keep track of time (though as Rick says our internal clocks are pretty good) and to fail to do so yourself.


Another, slightly more suave technique is to pop in a favorite CD, one which just so happens to be either an hour long, or where you know which song is playing when an hour is up. Obviously, not just any old music will do. Don't go playing a Weird Al Yankovic CD just because it's the right length.

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Guest MikeConway

Hi Ritchie,


thats a good question as well. I think it depends on a couple of things. But it depends on what you would like and the kind of rapport you want to establish with the escort, especially if its the first time.


Many of my clients don't want a quick fuck and leave. They want to get to know me and I would like to get to know them,. So I say 2 hours, if possible. THere is no rush, can sit have a glass or two of wine, chat. The sex is better when you think, "hey I quite like this guy" I can also get a better sense of what kind of sex my client like, etc etc.


AFter that, well usually an hour is good, but sometimes do two.



Mike in Toronto

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