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Overnighters... What do you do?

Rick M

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14 hours ago, JTtorretto said:

That sounds very exciting

 and sexy Benny!  






You are in the minority and fit a very specific niche market (i.e. the majority of clients who post on this website, how convenient).  

On the other hand; 

95% of my clients don't frequent this website, enjoy partaking illicit substances on occasion & 100% of my  illustrious reviews have been from these same clients.  (Some are school teachers, one is a billionaire so they don't fit any sorta cliche niche). 

Wrong again. One size doesn't fit most. 

Very few of my clientele even know about this site. This place isn't my bread and butter... Hasn't been for a long time. 

I just happen to choose clients who fit the profile I want. I don't veer from that.

I choose to escort. I don't need to. And that said, if I choose this life, I genuinely want to enjoy the time I get to spend with my guys.

Drugs just don't fit that profile. 


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1 hour ago, Jamie21 said:

Agree with @BenjaminNicholas, it’s a job I choose. If I was having to do it then I might feel compelled to go with clients who ‘party’. But because I choose to do the work, because I enjoy it, then I can choose not to do things I’m uncomfortable with. 

This has become an interesting discussion.  I hadn't thought of someone thinking that an escort would likely only choose to not be sober for a client appt / overnighter because they were wanting to dilute their consciousness because they had qualms with their profession.  

I share the same feelings both you and Benny stated regarding how much you enjoy escorting and your clientele.  I also love my job and my repeat "regulars".

Therefore,  I'm not getting my clients or myself high to "numb the pain" as perhaps you both are suggesting.  Rather,  I feel that certain drugs [stimulants, ecstasy, ghb] ADD to the sexual experience and certainly to our energy levels enabling a multi-hour / multi day session to occur. After which, I am thanked for providing a "safe space" for them to escape their monotonous daily life and explore their inner fun-self albeit done with their outmost comfort and health in mind.  🥳🎉 Often they describe the initial overnight encounter as "possibly the best night of their entire adult lives" and definitely a moment that was "eye opening"; some say "life changing".  

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1 hour ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

I genuinely want to enjoy the time I get to spend with my guys.

Drugs just don't fit that profile. 

Benny, drugs are not enjoyable?  

Yes I agree with you; BAD DRUGS totally suck balls and could ruin an experience. 
Thankfully, due to my connoisseurship of usage I've become a Master Sommelier of these "designer sex favors" and I've not done "bad drugs" in several years.  [ last time I did bad ecstasy was in 2010 at an outdoor rave in Rome]  

And I'm sorry it sounds as if you have only ever been offered bad drugs and this has negatively affected your opinion  about them.  

Steve Jobs credits dropping acid as one of the most important things he'd ever done for himself in his entire life and encouraged others to also experiment as certain drugs have been proven to expand your consciousness and see the world 🌎 in a new way.   

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Over my seventeen-plus years of hiring, I would say that 25-33% of my hires have been overnights, weekends (2 consecutive nights), or mini-vacations.  I sometimes I don’t like to just “get off” and go, but like the intimacy and getting to know someone more an overnight gives.  I have hired some of them for overnights or weekends without doing an hourly first, only because they peaked my interest and live far away from where I live, and I have to fly them out (and it wouldn’t be worth either of our times to fly them out for an hour or two).  Someone that I invite on a mini-vacation is someone I’ve done numerous overnights with, so that I know we click.

When I first started hiring, I got a feel of what I now consider a standard overnight is:

• Showing up early enough for a dinner to meet and greet.  This is usually around 7 pm

• A minimum time period of 10-12 hours.  This gives time for a dinner the night before, and non-rushed morning sex.

• After dinner, going back to the bedroom for fun

• Cuddling for a bit, then sleep on separate sides of the bed, as I can’t have anyone cuddling me all night

• Sleep for at least 6 hours, undisturbed

• Wake up to cuddling, spooning, and morning sex (but not too early)

• Optional breakfast 

* If weekend session, go explore the area during the day and do fun things with lunch we both agree on.  Have dinner, and repeat above steps over again.


Most of my hires have went well, but something that would probably cause me not to repeat with them:

• No intimacy or kissing

• Asking to sleep in a separate bed while they sleep (hasn’t happened to me yet, but I have seen some requirements by done escorts on here).  If I hire you, I want you to sleep with me like a boyfriend experience, and wake up to you cuddling and progressing to sex.  If you sleep in separate beds, I may as well hire you for an hour at night, and once again in the morning.

• Putting clothes on to sleep with me.  I like to sleep naked with my “partner”, and I’ve had at least one or two insist they don’t sleep naked.  This ruins the moment for me, and I just move on, as most escorts have no problem sleeping naked with me.

• Not having sex at least once in the evening, and again in the morning.  I had at least one guy said he doesn’t do morning sex (why did you even stay all night then?)

• Thinking an overnight is 6 hours, or only part of the night.  Overnights to me have always been a minimum of 10-12 hours.  I had one escort say I had to buy him a room at a hotel for the overnight, as he needed to go there after the overnight.  I told him, “This is an overnight.  You stay with me until morning.”  He said his overnights are only 6 hours.  I politely turned him down.  I’ve seen to notice this aspect on escorts originally from anywhere south of the US border, and not sure if this is more prevalent in South America or what.

• Asking for all of their money up front, especially if I’ve flown them out to me and paid their round-trip ticket.

• A-la-Carte pricing during an overnight.  If I hire you for an overnight, you should know what is expected.

• Can’t get hard when they advertise as a top.

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I just did an overnight two nights ago which was a spontaneous decision. I had had a two hour session the previous night with this new provider and was so taken with him that I scheduled another for the next evening. 

We started with a drink in the hotel bar where I was staying and then retired to my room. The night before he had started by giving me a terrific erotic massage but this was on my hotel bed, not the most ideal for him. We started with this again but he told me something that was deeply personal and our conversation evolved from that. 

So I decided to invite him to stay the night but he couldn't because he had a dog at home who was alone. So we ubered to his apartment where I met his dog and we all had a wonderful time.  He was able to give me a more professional massage on the table in a separate studio he had with all the right ambience. We then retired to his king sized bed and had terrific sex. 

Afterwards the dog crept into bed with us as I lay cuddled with my new friend, both of us naked. The dog lay on my other side all night. We did have some more sex during the night and the dog went away without our asking. He then reappeared when we resumed sleeping and lay beside me all the rest of the night.

I had lost my dog 6 months ago and it was so nice to have this little furry creature that acted like I was his life long friend.

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5 hours ago, JTtorretto said:

Steve Jobs credits dropping acid as one of the most important things he'd ever done for himself in his entire life and encouraged others to also experiment as certain drugs have been proven to expand your consciousness and see the world 🌎 in a new way.   

if you've done acid with a client, that's wild, and I'd love to hear about. 

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9 hours ago, JTtorretto said:

 I hadn't thought of someone thinking that an escort would likely only choose to not be sober for a client appt / overnighter because they were wanting to dilute their consciousness because they had qualms with their profession.  

I hadn’t considered that either. My point was that if I did sex work just for a way to earn money then I might be tempted to take clients who were into pnp style sessions. I’ve a friend in the business who started taking drugs, because some of his clients were too, and then he became reliant on them and I saw his health and personality deteriorate. Fortunately he’s clear of it now but he had to stop doing escorting because otherwise it led him back down that route. 

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On 3/20/2022 at 4:52 PM, Rod Hagen said:

I've never been intimate with a woman, but many married, and formerly-married, men have told me that being held by (or holding) a man all-night is entirely different.   Give. It. Some. Thought.  If you get two beds then you can always shift back and forth.  No need to respond, just trying to help 🙂

How in the world could anyone think that it would be the same?  I have slept next to a woman once and don't remember much about it, so this is mostly conjecture, but really . . . .  My husband and I haven't slept together in years - we both snore and disturb each other.  When we travel and stay in a nice hotel with great king-size beds, we sleep together.

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My last overnight went like this: 

Meet at 10pm.

Sex Round 1

Sex Round 2

Talk + Sleep 12am-1am at this point.

Wake up 7am-8am

Sex Round 3

Sex Round 4

Sex Round 5

930am. Breakfast - which he asked for, I provided

1030 - Chit chat back in the room.

He leaves, with thanks.

Yes - he slept naked with me. Yes we cuddled.  And yes, I'd probably hire him again - dependent on my urge, opportunity and what my budget is like


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6 hours ago, jetlow said:

My last overnight went like this: 

Meet at 10pm.

Sex Round 1

Sex Round 2

Talk + Sleep 12am-1am at this point.

Wake up 7am-8am

Sex Round 3

Sex Round 4

Sex Round 5

930am. Breakfast - which he asked for, I provided

1030 - Chit chat back in the room.

He leaves, with thanks.

Yes - he slept naked with me. Yes we cuddled.  And yes, I'd probably hire him again - dependent on my urge, opportunity and what my budget is like


I think everyone would hire this guy, lol

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My last overnight, a couple of weeks ago, was at my home, where I have two bedrooms. For the occasion I set up one  as a play area with a plastic mattress cover and a sheet over it. The other bedroom has a large antique bed which has seen lots of action since I bought it in 1986. Its very strong and is over 140 years old.

He arrived at 10pm and we chatted a little to get to know each other (new hire). We went to play bedroom. It turns out he is very talented at watersports and can piss through his massive hard-on. (He had promised me and he delivered.)

Round 1 and 2. 

It's now about 1am and we retire to big bed. Sleep 6 hours cuddling. I wake up first and wake his dick up. Round 3 in big bed. Then round 4 in other room with fresh sheet. He is fully loaded. Another messed sheet.

Return to other room and sleep another 2 hours. 

We get up, shower, dress and we make breakfast together and eat outside in my gazebo. I drive him home.

Will I see him again? Absolutely, in September when he gets back from a summer tour. And he kissed divinely which was the icing on the cake.


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21 minutes ago, Luv2play said:

My last overnight, a couple of weeks ago, was at my home, where I have two bedrooms. For the occasion I set up one  as a play area with a plastic mattress cover and a sheet over it. The other bedroom has a large antique bed which has seen lots of action since I bought it in 1986. Its very strong and is over 140 years old.

He arrived at 10pm and we chatted a little to get to know each other (new hire). We went to play bedroom. It turns out he is very talented at watersports and can piss through his massive hard-on. (He had promised me and he delivered.)

Round 1 and 2. 

It's now about 1am and we retire to big bed. Sleep 6 hours cuddling. I wake up first and wake his dick up. Round 3 in big bed. Then round 4 in other room with fresh sheet. He is fully loaded. Another messed sheet.

Return to other room and sleep another 2 hours. 

We get up, shower, dress and we make breakfast together and eat outside in my gazebo. I drive him home.

Will I see him again? Absolutely, in September when he gets back from a summer tour. And he kissed divinely which was the icing on the cake.


Waterworks aren't my thing but it sounds like you had fun!

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By contrast I had another overnight ( probably my worst) , in Brazil that went something like this.

We agreed to  meet around 10pm. He texts me the day of to tells me that he is going to a birthday party and that he can arrive only at 1am. * THIS IS A HUGE RED FLAG* -. If anyone changes the time on me, I will cancel ( and you should too) because either you're the second act, and he's spent, or something else is going on. In this case it was the latter.

He arrives a 1:30am. Now I was staying the nicest hotel in a major Brazilian city, ( when I mean nice, its the best hotel in the city I was staying at). Most 5 star hotels in Brazilcan be had for around $100-250 US, this was multiple more than that.  It was a treat to myself and my travel agent managed to get 1 night free out of multi night stay. So the effective rate for was less.

So the dude shows up at this classy joint, all jumpy. After some chit chat, he tells me he worked in London for 6-8 months, then asked to do "chems" [ gee, i wonder where he got that habit from] . I said, I don't mind if you do - as long as it doesn't interfere with my enjoyment.   For a Brazilian, his English was ok, I guessed he picked it up from London, along with other bad habits.  Since I am in the UK frequently, we chat about that for a while.

For those of you familiar with nice hotels - there is no bloody microwave in the room. What was I supposed to do? Call the concierge and ask for one?  

"Hi - this is Mr. Jetlow. My hooker needs to cook his meth, can you send a microwave or heating plate to my room please? "   . I don't think so. 

So he then snorts the thing. and festivities begin - except its evident that he can't get hard, hes not into the appointment or into me at all. What  a turn off. He tires for an hour - asks for a drink ( which I provided) , then asked to leave.

But not before asking for his fee, prorated of course. A real hustler. I just wanted him gone

It was supposed to be an overnight - it turned out to be an hour plus. Win some lose some. I was surprised, normally Brazilians are rather professional practitioners. What I learned from this is The next time I'm in Brazil , I am going to ask the guys if they have EVER worked in London, because if they have and they are now back in Brazil, chances are they are RUINED.   My best Brazil hires in Brazil are the ones who have never seen Vauxhall or Soho. Because once they have its DONE, because they have probably done that scene for 6-8 months, on chems, and totally SPENT.   The best ones are the ones who aspire to go to London and are 1 or 2 years into the art, and have yet to hit the British isles or places like Paris.  I have more than once instance to prove this theory to be true. 




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13 minutes ago, jetlow said:

"Hi - this is Mr. Jetlow. My hooker needs to cook his meth, can you send a microwave or heating plate to my room please? "  

Why did you assume this was meth?  
Once meth is created in a factory / laboratory / someone's trailer etc =  it does not require any further cooking or  "microwaving".  

Sounds like your fella was needing to "dry out" / cook "special k".  [Ketamine]

It's an animal tranquilizer. 

Which, tho is fun in the proper setting (like out in nature or in a night club that has smoke effects), "K" is classified as a dissociative drug, thus is not ideal for a fun sexy time in my opinion. However, in the pass couple of years I've heard of guys having sex on it.  

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2 minutes ago, JTtorretto said:

Why did you assume this was meth?  
Once meth is created in a factory / laboratory / someone's trailer etc =  it does not require any further "cooking" / "microwaving".  

Sounds like your fella was needing to "dry out" / cook "special k".  [Ketamine]

Which, tho is fun in the proper setting (like out in nature or in a night club that has smoke effects), "K" is classified as a dissociative drug, thus is not ideal for a fun sexy time in my opinion. However, in the pass couple of years I've heard of guys having sex on it.  

I don't know what it is. Looks too rocky to be coke ( which I have seen before) and from movies. This was rocky. Who knows.  Back to regular scheduled programming.  

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On 1/23/2022 at 11:59 PM, Storm4U said:

Overnights aren’t for everyone, but some love them intensely. I have clients who literally only book me for overnights. That being said, in addition to the physical component, what you do during overnights is no different than what you do with a lover, boyfriend, partner, companion, i.e. conversation, dine, watch a movie, hold hands, cuddle, jacuzzi together, or whatever it is the client likes to do. 

im like this ! I need that time to fully get as much out of it as I can :) 

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I looove overnights with the right guy(s) but I'm doing my first full weekend BF experience next month and I'm very excited for that cuz I will say, I'm an easily excitable person anyway and then you put a hot guy in front of me and theres definitely no sleeping in the overnights I've had lol and then by the end of it like everyones in that weird other under-slept dimension and looking a MESS lol

so I'm very excited to like realize I have a full 3 days and I won't be missing out on that much by SLEEPING lol

but yea I think I've only ever done an overnight with only one guy like once or twice. Its usually me and my favorite overnight with a bunch of other people joining and leaving throughout the night :)

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on the not-so-vulgar side, I also really like overnights cuz after that long my social anxiety has dispersed and I usually have really lovely conversations with the providers. Which is always so fun to have them see me go from like dirty pathetic cock hungry whore to like a really person with a brain lol

but yea I like that I leave feeling like more intimately connected with them. Plus you can tell a provider things you'd never tell ANYONE lol its like a sexy therapy session sometimes 

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I've largely given up on overnights after 2 experiences.


First, my sex drive simply isn't what it used to be, mainly because of stress from my job (I'm usually on call, meaning I can get called anytime into a 24 hour emergency meeting). I'm only able to come once during a 8-12 hour session.


Second, although I'd really like to fall asleep in a bodybuilder's arms, I end up feeling too hot and withdrawing to my side\bed.


Finally, the things that interest me go right over the heads of most escorts, and there's only so much conversation you can have about the weather.

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