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Overnighters... What do you do?

Rick M

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So far my maximum tolerance for being with a stranger, even a sexy one, is 1.5 to 2 hours. Beyond that I wonder: what is there to do? I'm shy to begin with, and I don't lead conversations well. (Keep asking me questions, and I may turn voluble.) The idea of sleeping overnight raises concerns... What if I toss and snore? I ask both providers and clients: how do you keep yourselves entertained for 6 to 8 hours?

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When I've had overnight hires, it has been a mix of activity.  Usually, it involves meeting and having some bedroom play before going to dinner, then returning back for another round of play time.  That can include sharing a bottle of wine in the bath.  By the time I'm ready to sleep, there may be some cuddling as we unwind.  It's about 50/50 whether or not there is any intimacy in the morning.  

Another overnight scenario I enjoy includes going to dinner and a show - whether a play or musical, a concert, or a bar with live entertainment.   Just something that I would enjoy, but usually prefer to not attend solo.

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Overnights aren’t for everyone, but some love them intensely. I have clients who literally only book me for overnights. That being said, in addition to the physical component, what you do during overnights is no different than what you do with a lover, boyfriend, partner, companion, i.e. conversation, dine, watch a movie, hold hands, cuddle, jacuzzi together, or whatever it is the client likes to do. 

Edited by Storm4U
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In my experience the company is really the reason for an overnight, not 12 or so hours of action. It’s about being with someone you feel comfortable with to chat, eat, relax, bathe, walk, and of course get intimate with each other over the course of the session. Clients book it as an escape from normal life. 

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19 hours ago, Rick M said:

So far my maximum tolerance for being with a stranger, even a sexy one, is 1.5 to 2 hours. 

That's fair. If an overnight doesn't feel natural, don't do it.

But if you want to understand why other people do, ask yourself: what is your maximum tolerance for being with a sexy acquaintance, friend, or casual lover?

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39 minutes ago, DanteV said:

That's fair. If an overnight doesn't feel natural, don't do it.

But if you want to understand why other people do, ask yourself: what is your maximum tolerance for being with a sexy acquaintance, friend, or casual lover?

Will they swallow ghost peppers with me?

I truly enjoy overnights with established lovers... 

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1 hour ago, Rick M said:

I truly enjoy overnights with established lovers... 

I think you hit it on the head right here. I recently did an overnight with an escort I hadn't met before. While not a total bomb, I do think I would've enjoyed a shorter session with this particular guy. 

But I have had some absolutely wonderful overnight sessions with guys that I have a lot more rapport with, both sexually and emotionally/intellectually.

I do not think I will ever do an overnight with an escort I have not met before. And that might be good advice for you too. 

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31 minutes ago, keroscenefire said:

I think you hit it on the head right here. I recently did an overnight with an escort I hadn't met before. While not a total bomb, I do think I would've enjoyed a shorter session with this particular guy. 

But I have had some absolutely wonderful overnight sessions with guys that I have a lot more rapport with, both sexually and emotionally/intellectually.

I do not think I will ever do an overnight with an escort I have not met before. And that might be good advice for you too. 

An hour is plenty with a lot of guys.  Other guys, 2 hours isn't enough.

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I've only done one overnight so far, and while it could have gone many different ways, we actually had a great time. Proof: We became friends and spent a few non-business times together before he quit the industry and moved to a different state with his now-fiancé.

Anyway, during our overnight, we played five times (not all penetrative and to completion though). We went for drinks at a rooftop bar, had dinner at a Belgian restaurant, and passed by a small art gallery. It helped that we clicked—our conversations never stalled.

Don't feel like you have to do an overnight, even if it's with a provider that you see on a regular basis. They're like our friends: Many of them we are happy to have around, but we do not want to spend more than a day with them.

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It definitely varies for different people. When I’ve done overnights, We would play a bit, go to dinner, watch a movie in bed together, have a drink, play some more, cuddle a bit, sleep, then wake up with some play, have breakfast. Like I said it varies and depends on what the client wants to experience. I’ve also gone to see an art Exhibit with a client as part of the overnight. Just do whatever you’re comfortable with.  ❤️❤️❤️Hope this helps

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I did an overnight one time with a client that involved me going to his work Christmas party. He didn’t want to go alone, the party was at a smart hotel and most of the guests had rooms for the night. So he booked me to accompany him. 

I had met him for regular sessions (short 90mins) previously so it wasn’t like we’d just met. I turned up late afternoon, we played a bit, showered etc then went downstairs for the works meal and party.

The organisers had decided (I hate this) to mix up the couples so I was sat between some bore who seemed to run the place and a quiet woman partner of another employee who I chatted to mostly about her love of Greek islands. My client was on a different table…to his annoyance.

He hadn’t anticipated the seating plan nor had we worked out a story about who I was (do I say to his boss “yeah I’m an escort he’s put on expenses for the evening”?) so I just said I was a friend. Turns out he told people I was a relative. I’m sure no one believed him. 

Then after the meal there was dancing and karaoke (it’s all the worst elements of a work Christmas party). My client didn’t want to dance (slow dance? Kissing?) so we sat and chatted about work with a couple who both seemed to work at my clients firm. I can be surprisingly informed about UK GAAP 🙂 and managed to avoid them asking what I did for work. 

Eventually we sneaked off back to the bedroom and I did more of what I normally do for work shall we say. However the funniest part of the overnight was coming down for breakfast in the morning having just had morning sex (which is absolutely the best time for it in my opinion) and having to field leading questions about whether we had a good sleep. I’m unembarrassable (is that a word?) so I didn’t care but my client felt awkward which was a pity.

When we went back to the room after breakfast to check out he apologised for combining the booking with his Christmas party but I told him not to worry…it was a blast and we should definitely have sung “I am what I am” at the karaoke…

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On 1/23/2022 at 8:50 PM, Rick M said:

So far my maximum tolerance for being with a stranger, even a sexy one, is 1.5 to 2 hours. Beyond that I wonder: what is there to do? I'm shy to begin with, and I don't lead conversations well. (Keep asking me questions, and I may turn voluble.) The idea of sleeping overnight raises concerns... What if I toss and snore? I ask both providers and clients: how do you keep yourselves entertained for 6 to 8 hours?


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With two regulars, and many in the past, overnights and weekends are fantastic. We usually have an extended session in the spare room, then clean up and go to bed. I’m not a cuddler, nor are they. I don’t like to be disturbed while sleeping. We often have sex upon waking, and then some coffee and off for a run or workout before a late breakfast. 

I did an overnight with a newbie a few weeks ago and had a nice, but not memorable, time. I was eager to be on my way in the morning. Apparently he had a good time (I’m unfailingly polite and chatty) since he’s reached out several times since. But, as I and many others have commented, test drives are critical before committing to an overnight.

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On 1/23/2022 at 8:50 PM, Rick M said:

So far my maximum tolerance for being with a stranger, even a sexy one, is 1.5 to 2 hours. Beyond that I wonder: what is there to do? I'm shy to begin with, and I don't lead conversations well. (Keep asking me questions, and I may turn voluble.) The idea of sleeping overnight raises concerns... What if I toss and snore? I ask both providers and clients: how do you keep yourselves entertained for 6 to 8 hours?

depends on what the client wants to do but let's face common sense, a fat guy snoring is huge nightmare for any escort. 

cuddling ALL night long is not some guys can do, sex all night, morning sex without mouthwash, etc. 

An overnight can always go wrong if there's no communication. 



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I replied earlier before I realized you wanted an escort reply.  If you’d like to know what works for me as a client please PM me.  

If not, what works is a first meeting 2-4 hours (I prefer 4) for dinner and playtime then work up to an overnight - the guy I see when I’m in FLL our overnights are Noon to Midnight.  

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On 1/23/2022 at 8:50 PM, Rick M said:

So far my maximum tolerance for being with a stranger, even a sexy one, is 1.5 to 2 hours. Beyond that I wonder: what is there to do? I'm shy to begin with, and I don't lead conversations well. (Keep asking me questions, and I may turn voluble.) The idea of sleeping overnight raises concerns... What if I toss and snore? I ask both providers and clients: how do you keep yourselves entertained for 6 to 8 hours?

Perhaps you could talk about being gay with your provider. My first hire years ago was a sexy college student. To be fair to you, I met him before although briefly.

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On 1/29/2022 at 4:40 PM, marylander1940 said:

depends on what the client wants to do but let's face common sense, a fat guy snoring is huge nightmare for any escort. 

cuddling ALL night long is not some guys can do, sex all night, morning sex without mouthwash, etc. 

An overnight can always go wrong if there's no communication. 



Live and learn

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Late to the party @Rick M, I would suggest not doing overnights based on what you have said in your post. I don't do overnights either, there is something exhausting about overnights. I understand you're not having sex for all those hours; however, sometimes you just feel drained and tried after a normal booking. I'm starting to get back into the industry again, after taking a break for a couple of months because of the dynamic COVID situation here in Toronto. I as well, do not offer overnights either, maybe in the future if I decide to tour. 

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Can be playful marathon of intimacy but can also be other activities like Snuddling, dinner date, movies, theater, massage, hot tubbing, play together and later bring in a third of others, listen to music, guitars, karaoke, go to club… Sometimes I’m with Clients for days or weeks or months~ We explore countries, go scuba diving, hiking, skiing, exploring towns and villages, build houses, (I’ve sometimes taken Clients on Habitats for Humanity trips), fishing, track wolves, elk or Buffalo, explore caves and volcanoes, hang glide, go to concerts, go cart racing, ride horses, go to Safari parks, volunteer at animal rescue places, go sailing… that sort of thing~
There’s lots of do together~ It can really be an important dynamic in how we okay together and what we do during our physical intimacy times~
 many times, we incorporate our exploration and adventure time with physically intimate time… it’s fun to play outside or in special out of the ordinary places~ 

Edited by Tygerscent
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  • 1 month later...

My first, and so far only, overnight was with a provider I never met before.  His personality was so different between when I was booking him and when I met him.  He seemed to have a great sense of humor, but when he got to my place he was so negative and complained about everything (not the overnight, just life in general).  We ended up just watching TV most of the night, some play time, sleep, and more playtime in the AM before he left.   I wasn't sure what to schedule, so I didn't schedule any outdoor time.



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