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Reasonable amount time before I should expect a reply?

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Full disclosure I am a late millennial, most of the providers tend to be Get Z , meaning currently aged 20-30. The ones closer to thirty are young millennial ish. 

So I texted a new interest a day ago and have not yet received a response. How long is too long before I assume the said provider has no interest ?  I think 1 day seems to be about right. Same time zone. 

Most Gen Z will reply right away, if not also note they will reply later. 

I never quite figured out the ghosting thing, but really don't need it if I'm hiring. Unlike the older dadies I don't need to face time guys or talk to them on the phone.  Keep it simple. But ghosting prospects?  

I was very to the point

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RentMen has read receipts for escorts, I'm assuming it's the same for clients? If they've read it and not responded for 24 hours, it seems likely they're not interested. If they haven't read it, I would consider giving them a little longer. Some profiles also show most recent login, this is another clue. 

There are definitely times I don't log in or check RM messages for more than 24 hours. 48 hours is the minimum I try to hold myself too. On occasions it can be more, if I'm off, say, on an overnight hike or something. 

Bottom line, if you're feeling impatient, it's absolutely your prerogative to move onto another escort. But if this is THE escort you want, waiting more than a day isn't weird. And in the end I wouldn't read too much into a no-response, there could be any number of reasons for it.  Some guys dip in and out of the work, you might just catch him at the wrong time. 

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I would say 24-48 hours. Very rarely have I had extraneous circumstances that prevented me from responding under that amount of time. If I do, I explain to the client what happened and apologize for any inconvenience they may have had from waiting. Anything over 2-3 days seems like it would be a no. It wouldn't hurt if one gently politely follows up with something along the lines "Hey just checking if this would be of interest you?" the next day, if you're really wanting to meet them and haven't heard back in 24 hours. A message of saying nothing but "?" or "?!" or "???!!" would be a red flag to a provider and they probably wouldn't want to meet if someone seems that impatient. Boundaries are important in this business and many experienced providers will pay close attention to subtleties and tone if a client who they haven't met yet gets impatient. 

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Communication times can vary depending on a service provider and surrounding circumstances. Some service providers are hired for more than an hour… I fit into that category. While I do some shorter sessions, (but never one hour), I am sometimes with clients for several days and on up to periods of two months long. This may clearly impact my ability to communicate with clients who are seeking an immediate appointment~
 Additionally, I travel from country to country and city to city… Some of my flights/travels can be as lengthy as 10 to 26 hours. Then there is a certain amount of time necessary to get to one’s accommodations and that’s assuming it’s not out in some jungle or on a deserted island somewhere and assumes there is internet and viable cell. (I will address travel schedule later in this response).

 That being said… I also have a lot of travel time and may be in different time zones. I might be on a plane, on a train, a bus, passing through areas where there is no reliable cell phone service.  

  I generally use the communication platforms to establish a relationship with somebody… Rarely, (if ever), to set up an impromptu appointment on short notice. We live in an age of precarious politics, clearly excitable political climate, health concerns and general fear/angst in the people living in all of this duress. Both Clients and Service Providers may benefit from Investing a little bit of their time into getting to know each other prior to a meeting.

On first contact with a new client, I do my best to let them know when I will and will not be available. It’s absolutely a red flag to me when somebody demands an instant response and then shows anger or gets snarky when they don’t get that instant response. Unscheduled random phone calls tell me a client has little regard, consideration or respect for my time or that of an Client I may be with at the moment~ When I am with clients for extended periods of time, there is generally a provision of time in there that allows me to communicate with other people. Somebody that does not let you do that and I might be an indication of other issues. I’m not talking about when you are With somebody for a few hours. I’m talking about when you’re with somebody for over two day or weeks or months~ 

  In general, I make every effort to respond within 24 to 48 hours. That doesn’t always happen though. It’s not a perfect world.
 I also prioritize registered premium users before non-registered users in my communications. Registered users have a shown that they are a real person by connecting themselves to the site they are on. Non-registered users can be either sincere or somebody with mischievous intention. So, they will not be treated with the same degree of seriousness by me.

I personally find it very offputting when somebody contacts me and simply says:  ”Hey”~ 

 I usually just respond back the same way and that’s pretty much the end of the conversation.

 It’s also a red flag to me when a person demands instant responses, pictures, location, undivided attention but, offer nothing of them selves.

 The person that is more likely to get a real time response from me is one who is registered, has contacted me in one way or another on rentmen, has contacted me outside of that venue and offered some thing of themselves. That can be a number of different things and it varies from situation to situation.

I schedule things far in advance, sometimes weeks or months in advance. So, one of the ways I substantiate a real interest is by having ongoing communication with them. I love building that relationship. I love the opportunity of getting to know each other better and it ultimately, in most instances improves our time together. 

 It may be a benefit to you to look at your potential hires travel schedule. I find that some are in a hurry to hire and don’t take the time to read the “about me” section Or check out my travel schedule that shows which city/country a potential hire is in or traveling to~ 

 If I was in a hiring position, It would personally find it of benefit for me to develop ongoing communication prior to actually meeting. Everybody is different though and has their preferred methodology, needs and desires. I’m not prescribing that this is what everybody should do but, offering my simple personalize perspective on this matter and offering some of what I do and why.  You will inevitably, do you what works best for you and switch that up from time to time.

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I’m not sure that the read reports on Rentmen are necessarily an indication that somebody is not interested whether they be a Client or Service Provider~ 

 There’s a lot of times that people get interrupted from what they are doing because they have to attend to an emergency situation, work, somebody shows up at their house… any number of reasons. In an ideal world we would all just be here at our phones waiting to answer inquires but, my personal experience is that the world is more complex and things don’t always fall into place that way. Sometimes I have already made a response to a Client, but, they haven’t gotten back to me in over 48 hours… By that time I’ve already got something going on perhaps that I can’t just put aside to try and contact them again. Three or four days later I might get a response and they can be insisting that I suddenly talk to them with undivided attention. That may or may not happen depending on what’s going on in my own schedule. If I am with a Client, I nearly always feel very obligated to respect their time and privacy during our appointment unless there were an emergency or I felt threatened.  
 Even when I am with somebody for an extended period of time, I try not to reach out to other potential or established meeting Clients. I do my safety check ins, other Client interest communications etc while my current Companion is sleeping, showering of on the toilet~ 

 I’m not being sneaky about this by any means… My Clients are aware that I’m tending to other business whine they are otherwise occupied~ 

 Even with a service provider who is not a traveler and stays local, they have extenuating circumstances like another job or a partner or something like that preventing them from immediate response~ 

 Not everybody in this industry is full-time and has this as their only partner, family, work situation. 
 It may be more beneficial to take each instance has a unique set of circumstances rather than apply a general rule to everyone.

 I hasty generalization of the situation could lead you to an unhappy meeting or missing out on a really great one.

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