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Would You Quit?


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I’m too old to be kept as a boy. My perception is they need to be in their 20’s but I could be wrong. Since working as a provider I’ve learned to assume nothing about the intricacies of human sexuality.

If I was kept, it would need to be on the basis that I’m not exclusive. It’s impossible for me to be monogamous. I need variety and lots of it.

It would also have to be where I can be kept in luxury (I like nice things), intellectually stimulated and where I have the opportunity to indulge my exhibitionist side (filming porn / group sex parties that sort of thing). Oh and continuing to do sensual massage /sex work. So actually it’s my current life (although I’d hope bit more luxurious….swim pool, home gym, cinema room- that sort of thing) but with a keeper to look after me. I’m not bothered what he’s like, any age or look but he must be kind and not do any drugs or drink. If there’s a rich guy out there offering that proposition I’m listening…

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/24/2021 at 9:55 PM, Pd1_jap said:

We all need to chill. Chemistry between two people define the nature of the relationship and the benefits determine the level of comfort. We all walk our own path. If you look too hard and long on another's path you will lose light of your own. 

That being said, I find this thread fascinating. I would love to be taken care of by a Daddy but seeing I'm already in my forties(and fat and bald), I think I missed the boat on that. I'm currently trying to save up enough money so when I retire I can be Daddy for someone. 

Providers, what are the benefits that entice you into being a kept boy? What are the minimum expectations?

I think the certainty and possible stability of it for a time period are big advantages. Minimum expectations for me are that my financial needs are met. That I'm treated with respect and not expected to do anything to compromise my health or safety. I also would not be able to do this with anyone who smokes or uses drugs.

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1 hour ago, Benjamin_Nicholas said:

Being kept is still being powerless.  It's someone else's money.

Being left major assets in a will...  Now that's having options.



I know a couple in their 70s from Newport Beach that imported a Brazilin boy to be with them. They have a very successful Real-Estate business and they're teaching him everything to eventually take it over. That's one kind option.

Yes he has to perform husband duties for guys old enough to be his grandpa but between that and the cruises and European trips it's not a bad trade off.  He'll be a multi millionaire before he hits 30. 

Edited by caliguy
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/21/2021 at 1:43 PM, RandyVue said:

Would you stop being an escort/massuer if a client asked you to move in with him and be exclusive to him if he made sure your needs were met?

Is this client looking for ownership~? Is it basically some form of indentured servitude~? Is that Client also being exclusive~? Is consideration taken for each other’s aging, individual needs and growth, personal likes and dislikes, social needs, family and friends or is this person asking you also to give up all of that for what basically amounts to financial support as long as that person wants to do that for you~? I don’t think it would be a snap decision… It seems like a very important decision that you would make with somebody you know well over time and experience shared somehow~
 I try to imagine reversing the question... If somebody was a successful Service Provider and asked one of their Clients to move, be exclusive to them and in return that Client would be provided for, (whatever they broad term means), would they do it~? If I put myself into either one of these scenarios, I still end up with one collective summation: Paid Compromise~ 
 The image that comes to mind with that summation is: 🚩🚩🚩

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  • 1 year later...

Well, it can definitely work well for both parties. Of course, the details need to be discussed before embarking on this journey. I'm on my 3rd LTR with former escorts, and they've all worked well for everybody. What I've found works well for me and my partner is that we're OK with occasional meetings with another person if (1) it's a one-time meeting, (2) we show each other a photo of the person we've done it with, (3) no contact after the meeting, unless it's the three of us together and we're all agreeable. 

My first LTR was 13.5 years, the second 2 years (the lyin' Paraguayan, who violated those rules), and my current one over a year and a half. He tells me he's never been happier, and I feel the same (being retired adds to the happiness!). We have had serious talks of marrying, perhaps in less than 2 more years. I've only wanted to wait until he's 31 and I'm 62, so at least I'm not marrying someone less than half my age!

I take care of all of his necessary expenses, and he also gets fun money each month which he can save or spend on unnecessary stuff like designer clothing, which he seems to prefer. I've paid for college with my first 2, and my current one's a college graduate. He can choose to work or not work, and he chooses not to work. No one's kept in a cage. He has his own car and insurance. He can stay up with his friends until 4 AM as far as I care, as long as I know his plans. 

On my end, the escort or former escort just has to have a clear criminal record, and to enjoy traveling in style. In the over 1.5 years with my current beau, we've each had 3 outside contacts each. Of those, 2 of mine expressed a wish they'd been in his shoes. My beau has also told me he's had people tell him they wish they had what he had. Even if we don't end up spending the rest of our lives together, I'm happy for the time we've had. And, if we manage to stay together until I'm 86 and he's 55, he'll get my pension for the rest of his life (otherwise, he'll be left enough in my trust to live comfortably anyway). 

Edited by Unicorn
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