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What age is too old?


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21 hours ago, FewBricksShy said:

“Plenty” is probably relative term. Plenty when “well kept” includes financial benefits, I’m sure. A “well kept” 70 yo likely has a decent home, more than a few life pleasures, and enough income to be generous. I’m not suggesting it’s bad. I’m simply saying I struggle to believe the attraction is strictly age related or physical.

“There plenty of guys out there who really are attracted to men INSERT COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE than they are.”

That can probably be said for any parameters  under the right constellation of circumstances. Dumber. Smarter. Thinner. Fatter. Poorer. Richer. Better employed. “Plenty” is a matter of perspective. To someone who has, plenty is a lot different than to someone who doesn’t.

The real test is if these younger guys, escorts in particular, would still be attracted and spending time with guys so much older than them if the money situation changed. “For richer, for poorer?”


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We know that most escorts would fail your test.   Not because of any failing on their part, but because the test has unrealistic expectations built into it - that the escort is supposed to be your friend forever because one time or a few times he provided a personal service to you.   We don't expect a "til death us do part" commitment from any service provider - not even a psychotherapist with whom you have shared your deepest, darkest secrets.   If you want a "til death us do part" commitment in a relationship, you should be looking for a spouse not an escort.

And actually, the same holds true for friendships between older men and younger men.   No one expects a "til death us do part" commitment from their friends.  Why would you hold your friends to that type of comittment?


And what is all this stuff about "testing" to begin with?  Relationships that involve testing usually end up with the person being tested fleeing.   Sooner or later the  person being tested will disappoint you.  Then you are faced with the dilemma of what to about the failed test.


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23 hours ago, FewBricksShy said:

The real test is if these younger guys, escorts in particular, would still be attracted and spending time with guys so much older than them if the money situation changed. “For richer, for poorer?”

I think we all know the answer to that. Some luv the make believe world better I guess.  

Next post. What age is too old? ...if you're poor..🤣

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I’m sure glad I can dispense with reality and enjoy sex with younger escorts. I’m in my sixties and 90% of my escorts over the past six years (that’d be about 40 guys) have been under 30. It’s been a continual pleasure for both sides …at least it seems to be when we both cum. Most of them have been good company too. So grateful to whoever started Rentmen. 😋😃 

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13 hours ago, Rudynate said:

What is it that you are trying to prove with your test? 

Well, I literally said it…”But would they hook up with older men for no money? That’s the test.” So, in the example you gave, the answer suggests “no.” Enjoying being with someone doesn’t mean you seek it out. Anyhow, it wasn’t about escorts, as I said. It’s about young guys and their preferences in general.

You’re conflating two things. 1. If younger guys in general are attracted to older men as such and 2. if escorts are in this for money. Two distinctive questions. Obviously the answer to 2 is “yes.” My skepticism is that “plenty” of younger guys fall into category 1. I suggest they like they like other things commonly associated with older men, including importantly financial stability. If suggest that younger guys who say they like older men would prefer a younger guy if he can provide a stabile life, and especially financial stability and freedom.

I’m not faulting escorts for making money or seeking to make money. You can stop litigating that now.

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1 minute ago, FewBricksShy said:

Well, I literally said it…”But would they hook up with older men for no money? That’s the test.” So, in the example you gave, the answer suggests “no.” Enjoying being with someone doesn’t mean you seek it out. Anyhow, it wasn’t about escorts, as I said. It’s about young guys and their preferences in general.

You’re conflating two things. 1. If younger guys in general are attracted to older men as such and 2. if escorts are in this for money. Two distinctive questions. Obviously the answer to 2 is “yes.” My skepticism is that “plenty” of younger guys fall into category 1. I suggest they like they like other things commonly associated with older men, including importantly financial stability. If suggest that younger guys who say they like older men would prefer a younger guy if he can provide a stabile life, and especially financial stability and freedom.

I’m not faulting escorts for making money or seeking to make money. You can stop litigating that now.

No I didn't  conflate them.  You did.

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48 minutes ago, FewBricksShy said:

1. If younger guys in general are attracted to older men"…My skepticism is that “plenty” of younger guys fall into category 1. I suggest they like they like other things commonly associated with older men, including importantly financial stability.

When I was looking online (8-9 years ago, before I found my much younger partner) I was surprised at the number of quality guys who contacted me. (Two were escorts looking for a committed, money-led relationship and I respectfully declined). I interviewed/dated some 8-10 guys that I found interesting and desirable before I found my partner.

So @FewBricksShy for me, 8-10 was “plenty”. After all, I only wanted 1 man.

1 hour ago, caliguy said:

Next post. What age is too old? ...if you're poor..

I have possible answer to this @caliguy:

if you’re handsome with a nice, fit body…30;

if you’re not goodlooking and fit, you better have charm and be younger than 25😎

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2 minutes ago, MscleLovr said:

When I was looking online (8-9 years ago, before I found my much younger partner) I was surprised at the number of quality guys who contacted me. (Two were escorts looking for a committed, money-led relationship and I respectfully declined). I interviewed/dated some 8-10 guys that I found interesting and desirable before I found my partner.

So @FewBricksShy for me, 8-10 was “plenty”. After all, I only wanted 1 man.

I have possible answer to this @caliguy:

if you’re handsome with a nice, fit body…30;

if you’re not goodlooking and fit, you better have charm and be younger than 25😎

There really is no age that is too old.  The problem arises when someone is not willing to be satisfied with the partners available to them.  An 80 -year old with only half of his teeth left can't access the same pool of partners as a built 28-year old.   He either has to live with that or he has to hire.  I anticipated this a long time ago.  I used to watch old guys hitting on guys a third of their age in bars and I thought they looked pathetic.  I was hoping that, by the time I reached their age, I would have learned to appreciate partners closer to my own age.   And that's exactly what happened.   And I discovered that old guys are one of our best-kept secrets - they're fabulous fucks.

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13 hours ago, FewBricksShy said:

This made me chuckle. Interview!? Did it come with a questionnaire too? 😂

The full BFE is important to me @FewBricksShy so there is a full investigation before I proceed. After all, you wouldn’t employ someone in your house unless you’d checked them out fully.

I like to relate to a man emotionally, intellectually and physically. On a first meeting, I like to discuss a lot of matters before we proceed to the full physical inspection. Once we are both naked, I assure myself that he and are totally compatible and that he’s able to perform well and meet my desires. Finally, assuming we have interacted very satisfactorily, I take him out to lunch or dinner to assess his social skills. 

Alas @FewBricksShy you can’t rely on everyone to be honest in their answers to a questionnaire. I find there’s no alternative to a long interview/date…but with the right man, it can be most enjoyable. I feel my approach to finding a suitable mate would meet with the full approval of Edith Wharton. 😇

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@MscleLovr, oh, here you were speaking of escorts! I wouldn’t use the term “date” for an escort. That makes perfect to interview an escort. I was picturing you interviewing a potential boyfriend! 😂 

I’m totally there with you on the BFE and compatibility. That’s why I like at least a telephone call before booking a new guy. I’ve found the compatible guys are more than willing to do that. FaceTime is even better, but I’d say it happens about half the the time. A guy can be a great fuck but unable to hold a conversation in a tin bucket. If I’m hiring for 3 days (my typical) I need the true BFE. A telephone call or FaceTime also can pretty quickly tell me if a guy’s intelligent enough to talk and if he’s all about himself. 

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No, @FewBricksShy NOT escorts. I was looking for a potential boyfriend and partner and I said so online. I was then early 60s, in good shape and I knew what I wanted.

Two escorts did respond (as I mentioned earlier) but both were upfront and so I was able to decline politely. Some of the guys who responded were certainly more excited about my big fat wallet than my big fat dick. 

It’s why I evolved my first date/interview: morning meet for coffee or late afternoon meet for drinks, followed by lots of conversation. If that all is fine, I suggest we go to bed together. And if that is good too, then I offer lunch or dinner. And before parting, I set up the second date. 

It’s an approach that worked for me and it’s how I met my partner. 


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14 hours ago, FewBricksShy said:

A guy can be a great fuck but unable to hold a conversation in a tin bucket. …. I need the true BFE.

I so agree. But I am amazed that you trust your instincts so much for a new hiring. When I used to hire, I’d meet a guy for several dates first and have at least one overnight date, before I suggested a trip together for some days. Admittedly I had some dud dates but I also had some great trips with nice guys.

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On 7/3/2021 at 8:11 AM, Snbrd said:

Regrettably for me the Daddy thing never appealed to me in my youth. (If only I could go back and re-do!) In fact, in my twenties I probably thought 40 was ancient. I used to think sex was over at 50. That concept may have been reinforced by a number of straight friends and co-workers who let themselves go physically and implied that there wasn't much spark in their sex lives.

As I get older I realize that was one of many mistaken notions. Especially in the gay community guys take care of themselves. This hobby is fun for meeting younger guys. Most of my encounters however, are with guys my age. Rather than chasing the Fountain of Youth I frequent venues where I meet guys my age. For example, I'm more Club House II than Club Fort Lauderdale! Recently, I met an amazing 73 year old fit top. His German accent and stamina blew me away. Although he's only 15 years older than me it got me excited to think that there may be more years of healthy sex ahead than I thought.

My guess is that this community consists of guys who want to keep at it. Do any "older" members wish to share their age? Or that of friends? Can any providers tell us the ages of older clients?




My Client base runs anywhere from legal age on up to about mid 80’s… all great fun~ The average seems to be 30 to 45~ I think mainly due to that age groups availability physically and financially… by physically, I mean they are out there playing/exploring and either single or partnered but, more mobile and have more opportunity to play.

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12 hours ago, MscleLovr said:

Some of the guys who responded were certainly more excited about my big fat wallet than my big fat dick. 

I’m sure as I near retirement, my physical drawbacks will play less and less a role and those types of guys who once never gave me a second glance will start crawling out of the woodwork. I fully expect to be partnered when I die. 

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On 7/27/2022 at 7:09 AM, Rudynate said:


I am a lifer with my regular Clients… their financial and health statuses change over time… Some I have known for 22+ years now~ They are family to me~ I am dedicated to them and there for them always~ I’ve held hands with several as they passed away~ 

  This profession isn’t all about sex~ It’s about people~ 

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I had a FB that was in his 60’s.  He was an ex Mormon and had a whole bunch of grown children.  The sex was amazing, I was surprised at his stamina and how nasty he liked to get.  I enjoyed our time together immensely.  How old is too old?  Depends on what you mean….but sexually….all that experience definitely has it’s perks.  I still get aroused just thinking about him.  

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  • 7 months later...

You're never too old for sex!

A 90-year-old tortoise named Mr. Pickles welcomed three new hatchlings to the world at the Houston Zoo.

Mr. Pickles, a critically endangered reptile from Madagascar, became a new father after a vigilant keeper spotted the eggs just in time.

Although he’s been together with Mrs. Pickles for 27 years, the two only ever had one hatchling in 1997, as tortoises don’t often reproduce, the zoo said.

That is until the birth of their three new children, aptly named Dill, Gherkin and Jalapeño.

Officials noted the extra excitement around the newborns given Mr. Pickles exceptional rarity among his kind.

“These little Pickles are a big ‘dill’ for radiated tortoise genetics as their father is the most genetically valuable radiated tortoise in The Association of Zoos and Aquariums,” Zoo officials said in a statement.

The big discovery occurred earlier this year when a herpetology keeper spotted eggs lying near Mrs. Pickles one night as the zoo was closing.

The eggs were then taken in for incubation to mimic the hatching conditions of the reptiles’ native Madagascar.

Houston Zoo officials noted that if not for the vigilant zookeeper, the babies may not have been born. The newborns will be kept at the zoo’s Reptile and Amphibian House until they’re old enough to be reunited with their parents.

Radiated tortoises are native to the brushlands, thorn forests and woodlands of southern Madagascar, with recorded lifespans of up to 188 years, which would classify Mr. Pickles as a middle-aged tortoise.

The species is classified as endangered due to humans collecting and selling them as part of an illegal pet trade.

tortoises The new trio is named Dill, Gherkin and Jalapeño.
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Currently I’m having an “on the clock off the clock” fling with a very cute guy in his mid-20’s. We’ve become quite fond of each other and are developing a great friendship. At this point I’m simply enjoying it and feeling buoyant. I’m also a realist, so I have no illusions about its ultimate direction, since I’m not interested in partnering with anyone. Sometimes these gossamer relationships appear and should simply be relished.

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33 minutes ago, Pensant said:

I’m simply enjoying it and feeling buoyant…Sometimes these gossamer relationships appear and should simply be relished.

So well put. I entirely agree. When I first had a relationship with a much younger man, I spent months worrying about the age difference, whether it was appropriate for him and whether it would work. When he said first that he loved me, I relaxed and simply enjoyed the 3 years that followed. 

And reading in the papers today, age is clearly irrelevant either for heterosexuals or for billionaires. Rupert Murdoch (92) has got engaged for the 5th time to a younger woman (66). Hope springs eternal!

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A year ago, I communicated privately with our dear departed Epigonos to ask him about hiring after age 80.  This was his sage response:

You are correct about my age; I was born in 1940 and thus will be 82 this coming October [2022].  YES I am most definitely still hiring.  I am now at a point where I hire few new guys but when I do I definitely tell them my age.  I don't want to have an escort arrive at my place, take one look at me, and turn and run away.  In the dozens of guys I have approached only two or three have stopped responding once I tell them my age.  Good/Great escorts could care less about a client's age.  Recently I have been hiring cometdance and Tristan Baldwin on a regular basis but, as ever, I am on the lookout for interesting new guys.  I have NO idea when I will stop hiring; probably only when the the libido gives out totally and they take Levitra off the market.  No matter how old you are, DEFINITELY start hiring again but be honest with your potential hires on your first or second email/text.  I usually ask "Do you have an age limit?"  That way I don't have to be immediately specific. 

Now dammit, get out there and hire again AND let me know how it goes.

Epigonos (Don)

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