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What age is too old?


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Regrettably for me the Daddy thing never appealed to me in my youth. (If only I could go back and re-do!) In fact, in my twenties I probably thought 40 was ancient. I used to think sex was over at 50. That concept may have been reinforced by a number of straight friends and co-workers who let themselves go physically and implied that there wasn't much spark in their sex lives.

As I get older I realize that was one of many mistaken notions. Especially in the gay community guys take care of themselves. This hobby is fun for meeting younger guys. Most of my encounters however, are with guys my age. Rather than chasing the Fountain of Youth I frequent venues where I meet guys my age. For example, I'm more Club House II than Club Fort Lauderdale! Recently, I met an amazing 73 year old fit top. His German accent and stamina blew me away. Although he's only 15 years older than me it got me excited to think that there may be more years of healthy sex ahead than I thought.

My guess is that this community consists of guys who want to keep at it. Do any "older" members wish to share their age? Or that of friends? Can any providers tell us the ages of older clients?




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I will be 70 in October, and with seeking playmates,  I really dont put an age on it.  Whomever I have some connection with is the guy for me.  My longtime partner was 10 years younger, and we had 22 wonderful years together.  And he NEVER called me Daddy  (I hate that)  

No matter how much you moisturize and take care of yourself, nature has other plans for you, and at some point you will look in your mirror and looking back will be sags and wrinkles, gray hair and age spots..  For guys consumed with Vanity, this will be a difficult reality check, and the impotus to stay young will come from seeking out "young guys"...   Bad approach....you'll NEVER be young again.

Stay active, stay visible, and surround yourself with people that make you feel good and understand you.  Leave your options and mind open and your expectations neutral.

Embrace who you are now, avoid "labels", and just DO YOU........

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23 minutes ago, EastCoastGuy said:

When I was 19, I met a guy in his early 70s at the baths (pre-plague!). He was a blast in the sack, and we remained fuck buddies a couple times a year for probably 15 years. Our ages never came up once in all that time. We were to busy making out as we played with each other’s prostates. 


Prostates are "removable"  ???   🤔

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I came out at a very young age, so in the early years all my sexual activity--and gay social activity--was with men older than I was. One of my first regulars was in his 50s. My boyfriends and domestic partners were always older than I was. My close friends, gay and straight, have almost always been older than I was (Lucky is a rare exception). It wasn't until I started hiring escorts in my late 30s that my sex partners were likely to be younger than I, and even then I preferred to hire men closer to my own age, or older than I; the oldest escort I ever hired was 60.

Like the OP, when I was in my teens, I thought that one's sex life probably stopped at 40, and mine certainly slowed down after that age. By the time I was in my late 60s, I could no longer fool myself into believing that the younger men I was attracted to found me sexually attractive as well, and that mutuality was important to my satisfaction with the sex, so I hired an escort for the last time ten years ago. Now I am happy enough to admire from a distance.

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I'm 74 now and have been attracted to men between 25 and 45 almost as long as I can remember. Probably the over 40's since I was that age.

Today I hire in that range. I try not to think the 25 yo's are young enough to be my grandsons.  But then I never had any kids and I look at straights that marry people like that.

So I just carry on.


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Just now, Luv2play said:

I'm 74 now and have been attracted to men between 25 and 45 almost as long as I can remember. Probably the over 40's since I was that age.

Today I hire in that range. I try not to think the 25 yo's are young enough to be my grandsons.  But then I never had any kids and I look at straights that marry people like that.

So I just carry on.


Oh, Happy Independence Day to all you Americans 💖

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3 hours ago, Luv2play said:

Oh, Happy Independence Day to all you Americans 💖

I hope you had a Happy Canada Day. The oldest man I ever hired was 53 at the time. I'm in my late 50s. My current beau is just about to turn 28. I'm hoping this could turn out to be a permanent thing! 

Let's not cancel Canada Day: canada

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23 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

I hope you had a Happy Canada Day. The oldest man I ever hired was 53 at the time. I'm in my late 50s. My current beau is just about to turn 28. I'm hoping this could turn out to be a permanent thing! 

Let's not cancel Canada Day: canada

Well thanks. It was pretty low key. The government wanted it that way. Either becuz of Covid or the current mania about unmarked graves, I can't say.

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I have always hired escorts younger than I.  However, they are not young by escort standards.  The youngest escort I ever hired was 30 at the time I hired him.  Right now I mainly am  hiring men in their late 40s and early 50s.   They are fit, fun and experienced and though I am only two of those three, a good time is had by all.  

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Too old for …what, exactly?

Too old to make another man feel erotically desirable? (Courtesan 101, which I studied under Marie duPlessis in Paris)

Too old to open a wallet? (Cash no longer essential for engagement of personal entertainment.)

Too old to have the ingenuity to remove ones dentures to play “who’s a hungry Hoover?”

Too old to laugh at the folly of mankind, deeply enough to milk another load out of the closeted Mormon “floating” inside your ass?

Beauty fades, creativity is eternal.





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Thus far my age (80) has not keep me from doing the things I wish to do.  Now that this fucking pandemic seems to be receding I will start traveling again.  I also hire escorts on a regular basis.  In fact I have a three-way set up for the 13th of this month and I have arranged to have an escort accompany me to Puerto Vallarta on my next trip there in November.  Life is STILL good and I intend to make good use of it. 

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9 hours ago, Epigonos said:

Thus far my age (80) has not keep me from doing the things I wish to do.  Now that this fucking pandemic seems to be residing I will start traveling again.  I also hire escorts on a regular basis.  In fact I have a three-way set up for the 13th of this month and I have arranged to have an escort accompany me to Puerto Vallarta on my next trip there in November.  Life is STILL good and I intend to make good use of it. 

Regarding your 3some later this month, reminds me of the joke that 20 goes into 80 a helluva lot more than 80 into 20.

Imagine multiplying that by 2. Whew!

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15 minutes ago, liubit said:

I have always liked young guys, in the 18-25 age bracket. I am now in my early 60s  and, with the exception of my husband, with whom I have lived for almost 20 years and who is 10 years younger than me, I have never had sex with a guy older than 35. 

The only thing guys from 18 to 25 lack is experience. Sure they may be talented and charming but you only acquire experience with time doing many different things.

And that allows you to learn from your mistakes if you are smart enough and develop your skills with much practice.

But this is only my opinion. Your preferences are equally valid.😉

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I have always preferred guys 30+.  Most of these guys have had many life experiences outside of escorting which for me, at least, makes them more interesting.  They are also less likely to be attempting to earn money to feed a drug habit.  I will grant you guys in their 20's can and frequently do have beautiful natural bodies.  However, to have a great worked out muscle body a guy needs to be 30 plus. 

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Lots of good insights. The thought of staying sexually active remains a good incentive for taking care of oneself. 

Ironically, after years of never having sex with guys much older than me I now have an aversion to particularly young guys. When hiring, I'd rather have another go with some of the best known providers here, whose abilities are well known, as opposed to the newest flavor of the month. 

A couple of years ago I had one of the best times ever at Steamworks in Chicago playing with guys my age and older. I watched other guys my age repeatedly try to move in on groups that weren't welcoming them. I vowed never to put myself in that position.

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Well, I would have been considered ancient or too old by most of your standards when you all were young and, now a bit younger than most folks on this board. At 41, and some salt and pepper hair and beard, I suppose I am firmly in the "daddy" category! Man, I'm glad "daddies" are en vogue! 😜🤣

Another note about age, as much as aging can be troublesome, and I sometimes wince when I see those wrinkles and that gray hair shining through, I feel strongly that one should own their age and make the most of it. I get escorts lie about age and shave off years for obvious reasons, but that makes me sad honestly. I like guys (and gals, don't shoot me) of all ages. As for the hair, it can turn gray or turn loose...at this point, I'm grateful that it's still hanging on! 🤣🤣🤣

Edited by HotWhiteThirties
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