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Whatever happened to MuscleCompanion/Ben Kieren in Boston?


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On 10/12/2022 at 6:54 PM, Guest Looking4MuscleInSD said:

He was also a model on Vin Marco’s ManifestMen site under another name:


I remember him on this site; that’s how I became aware of him. He did go by Ben Kieren on there, but they seemed to have changed his name on there recently for whatever reason. It’s sad to see how much healthier he looked 10-ish years ago compared to now.

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So it seems like Ben has been going through brief phases of being active on OF and Twitter before vanishing for some time, and isn’t based out of Boston anymore. I asked him on OF how he has been and if he still provides the same services he did in Boston. He left me on read. 

He also seems to have been supporting/reposting questionable posts from anti-LGBT and right-wing personalities like Jordan Peterson on Twitter. I don’t want to support someone who endorses that kind of stuff. Bummer to discover all this.

Edited by lesgo09
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14 minutes ago, lesgo09 said:

He also seems to have been supporting/reposting questionable posts from anti-LGBT and right-wing personalities like Jordan Peterson on Twitter. I don’t want to support someone who endorses that kind of stuff. Bummer to discover all this.

Can we please, for the love of GOD, keep politics out of talk about ESCORTS!? I mean, really? COME ON!

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2 minutes ago, Todd Jenkins said:

Can we please, for the love of GOD, keep politics out of talk about ESCORTS!? I mean, really? COME ON!

I disagree. I have no interest in giving my money to anyone or any organization that works against my own rights and liberty. So it’s good for me to know that someone is that motivated to be outspoken in such a way that jeopardizes their professional life. That means they’re invested in it and motivated against me. The death row inmate doesn’t willingly sharpen the executioner’s blade…

Unrelated to politics, I can’t be the only one who’s immediately turned off when I hear a provider has done straight porn, can I? I sometimes even hesitate with guys who are bi. Perhaps that’s discriminatory against bi guys, but I really prefer gay guys.

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I actually keep in touch with him, and we have texted briefly in the past and earlier this year.

He's been through rough personal times that started with the pandemic and have lingered through to the present. He's not really in a great space personally or professionally. He knows his looks and this industry could be a money maker for him, but he doesn't have the "spirit" these days and he is just kind of lost. He's really struggling with some personal demons. 

Just wish him the best that's all we can do at this point. He's a good guy. 

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12 hours ago, Jaroslav said:

I disagree. I have no interest in giving my money to anyone or any organization that works against my own rights and liberty. So it’s good for me to know that someone is that motivated to be outspoken in such a way that jeopardizes their professional life. That means they’re invested in it and motivated against me. The death row inmate doesn’t willingly sharpen the executioner’s blade…


And this is your opinion - and it's misinformed, at best. 

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