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Best Cities for Escorts?

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Would be interesting to get a reply regarding this, but I know years ago I went out to Seattle. It wasn’t exactly brimming with biz at the time, but I’ve posted there and seem to get hits. I was considering to go last month, but I favored a warmer destination instead.


That said, it wouldn’t surprise me. One of my Seattle clients did tell me at the time, that people can be a bit uptight. He said Vancouver is a bit more liberal. I know in my experience riding thru Washington state, it’s gets a bit conservative there too once you get outside of the metropolitan. Though I have been curious to check out Spokane in Washington.


Then again, it seems a lot of cities could be like that. I know Chicago and Atlanta feels like a “regulars only” town. Like you just have to be there all the time, to make it happen. And if you’re traveling thru, you’re just one of the many traveling thru. But I personally wouldn’t feel compelled to move to a city that I can’t do good visiting

in, because who knows how long it could take to build a regular base.





I think you summed it up very well: there is no best city. Just have to find the one that works best for what you’re offering. That should be good news, considering it could mean that one doesn’t have to spend a bunch of money trying to compete in major markets, they can likely make something happen near or where they are.


I know in my case, I’ve pretty much just resolved to traveling. It’s my fantasy that I could own a private plane and just fly all over. Some cities (especially small to medium sized) end up drying up after a period of time, and unless you have an alternate gig in town tiding you over...a trip is a must.


I go back and forth to 1 city currently. My phone will be blowing up when I post in advance, but after about a week or 2 of being there it starts to mellow out. After about 3 weeks, I usually ready to move on again because it’ll be bone dry.


I totally agree about small and mid-sized cities. If I'm in a market like that, it's generally for other reasons, but I use it as an opportunity to see clients. And you're right, if you're in one of those mid-sized cities, demand will dry up after a few weeks. It'll be interesting to see what happens next once we get to 'herd vaccination' for COVID (no such thing as herd immunity with COVID).

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I have heard rumors that Seattle clients tend to be really loyal to their local escorts. And that traveling escorts can build regulars there, but that it's really challenging for most people who just try to visit without building a solid relationship with the city. Not sure if it's true, but it's something I've heard from some Seattle folks before.


I've been told mixed messages about Seattle. Huge gay population and plenty of money but usually are high tech job with young guys who don't hire much but might do it later when they're older.


It's a hit or miss city! Good trips and others where if escorts break even they're happy. I would suggest doing SF, Portland, and from there take the train to Seattle. @Bootybuilder You can also include Vancouver (CA) by train too.

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I never tour a city for multiple weeks so maybe that's why I don't experience this "drying up" effect as much. Hotels are expensive so I am generally trying to maximize the bang for my buck, which usually means staying 5 days or less. Sometimes 10 days max in a place like NYC where I have a lot of history/friends and regulars who will book me twice in one visit. I agree that there's a limited number of clients who will book you in any given place in one month. So I personally try to get most of those clients to book me during a 2-5 day visit period. Then I make a mailing or text list for everyone who wanted to see me but couldn't work it out schedule-wise. Schedule follow-up visit for 6-8 weeks from now to see most of the guys I saw the 1st visit a 2nd time and add on a few more of the guys who couldn't make it work on my first visit. Keep adding to my contact list and schedule another visit for 6-8 weeks after that. Rinse and repeat. Usually leads to more business over time for me, not less.

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Would be interesting to get a reply regarding this, but I know years ago I went out to Seattle. It wasn’t exactly brimming with biz at the time, but I’ve posted there and seem to get hits. I was considering to go last month, but I favored a warmer destination instead.


That said, it wouldn’t surprise me. One of my Seattle clients did tell me at the time, that people can be a bit uptight. He said Vancouver is a bit more liberal. I know in my experience riding thru Washington state, it’s gets a bit conservative there too once you get outside of the metropolitan. Though I have been curious to check out Spokane in Washington.


Then again, it seems a lot of cities could be like that. I know Chicago and Atlanta feels like a “regulars only” town. Like you just have to be there all the time, to make it happen. And if you’re traveling thru, you’re just one of the many traveling thru. But I personally wouldn’t feel compelled to move to a city that I can’t do good visiting

in, because who knows how long it could take to build a regular base.





I think you summed it up very well: there is no best city. Just have to find the one that works best for what you’re offering. That should be good news, considering it could mean that one doesn’t have to spend a bunch of money trying to compete in major markets, they can likely make something happen near or where they are.


I know in my case, I’ve pretty much just resolved to traveling. It’s my fantasy that I could own a private plane and just fly all over. Some cities (especially small to medium sized) end up drying up after a period of time, and unless you have an alternate gig in town tiding you over...a trip is a must.


I go back and forth to 1 city currently. My phone will be blowing up when I post in advance, but after about a week or 2 of being there it starts to mellow out. After about 3 weeks, I usually ready to move on again because it’ll be bone dry.

Yall are crazy lol. Seattle is one of the most liberal cities in america and so is the state. I think Biden and Hillary got the most votes as % than any other state. Its as liberal as it gets.

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I never tour a city for multiple weeks so maybe that's why I don't experience this "drying up" effect as much. Hotels are expensive so I am generally trying to maximize the bang for my buck, which usually means staying 5 days or less. Sometimes 10 days max in a place like NYC where I have a lot of history/friends and regulars who will book me twice in one visit. I agree that there's a limited number of clients who will book you in any given place in one month. So I personally try to get most of those clients to book me during a 2-5 day visit period. Then I make a mailing or text list for everyone who wanted to see me but couldn't work it out schedule-wise. Schedule follow-up visit for 6-8 weeks from now to see most of the guys I saw the 1st visit a 2nd time and add on a few more of the guys who couldn't make it work on my first visit. Keep adding to my contact list and schedule another visit for 6-8 weeks after that. Rinse and repeat. Usually leads to more business over time for me, not less.


That’s a good strategy! Thanks for sharing. Especially considering missed clients can be open to book on a future visit.


When I mentioned the drying up effect, I was more referring to cities being visited over an extended period of time: 3-4, even 5 years. And that may not even be due to anything within my control, but just the dynamics that change cities sometimes. Like I mentioned: Salt Lake City used to be a hit maker for me back in the day, but I’ve noticed more and more escorts going out there, and it’s also taken on a more “vagrant” vibe in the downtown areas. On my most recent trip out, I only had 1 client show up. The rest flaked. I was disappointed, but not exactly surprised. I had been going there for years previously and was noticing the steady trend. Guys like @VictorPowers might have better insight.


But of course it just varies. I think had I stayed for a few more days or even a week, I’d of picked up more. But I was already annoyed, frustrated, and booked a client in another state... so that opportunity wasn’t in the cards.

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Yall are crazy lol. Seattle is one of the most liberal cities in america and so is the state. I think Biden and Hillary got the most votes as % than any other state. Its as liberal as it gets.


Well just to be clear: I was just quoting what a client there told me back around 2011. And I was referring to the surrounding Washington area East of the range. I know Seattle and Portland are considered major liberal players in politics.


However, liberal doesn’t mean much in the big scheme of things when it comes down to it. People say downtown Kansas City is “liberal”, people say Denver is liberal, people say Austin Texas is liberal. But liberal may only go so far as a person not attending church every Sunday. And many “liberal” cities are often nestled in conservative states. I mean, haven’t we learned much from Minneapolis? Minnesota is 1 of the whitest White states there are, yet Minneapolis is more of a diverse nature, that can’t seem to avoid being in the headlines for how “liberal” they actually are ??‍♂️


In all these so called liberal cities, there’s pockets of intolerance. Case in point:



**Pardon me in advance if this borders on “political” discussion.

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Well just to be clear: I was just quoting what a client there told me back around 2011. And I was referring to the surrounding Washington area East of the range. I know Seattle and Portland are considered major liberal players in politics.


However, liberal doesn’t mean much in the big scheme of things when it comes down to it. People say downtown Kansas City is “liberal”, people say Denver is liberal, people say Austin Texas is liberal. But liberal may only go so far as a person not attending church every Sunday. And many “liberal” cities are often nestled in conservative states. I mean, haven’t we learned much from Minneapolis? Minnesota is 1 of the whitest White states there are, yet Minneapolis is more of a diverse nature, that can’t seem to avoid being in the headlines for how “liberal” they actually are ??‍♂️


In all these so called liberal cities, there’s pockets of intolerance. Case in point:



**Pardon me in advance if this borders on “political” discussion.

What your map is not showing if that red bit is basically 30% of the population. The vast majority of Washingtonians live west of the Cascade mountains and they tend to be very liberal.

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What your map is not showing if that red bit is basically 30% of the population. The vast majority of Washingtonians live west of the Cascade mountains and they tend to be very liberal.


Well I know but...all it takes is 1 bad apple (*coughs” cop) from east of the Cascades, to come into the city and mess everything up. (thankyou, I could not remember the name of the range yesterday! Sierras was stuck in my head).


And even though it is 30% of the population, it’s more than half of the state. But I won’t rag on Washington too much, I really don’t know the state too well. I only had a 2 day experience there years ago, when I was stuck in Yakima unintentionally. And a very rude Greyhound driver in Seattle on my way to Boise ?


Btw what’s wrong with Spokane?? It does seem like it’s a little “too” popular on episodes of cops and livePD.

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Well I know but...all it takes is 1 bad apple (*coughs” cop) from east of the Cascades, to come into the city and mess everything up. (thankyou, I could not remember the name of the range yesterday! Sierras was stuck in my head).


And even though it is 30% of the population, it’s more than half of the state. But I won’t rag on Washington too much, I really don’t know the state too well. I only had a 2 day experience there years ago, when I was stuck in Yakima unintentionally. And a very rude Greyhound driver in Seattle on my way to Boise ?


Btw what’s wrong with Spokane?? It does seem like it’s a little “too” popular on episodes of cops and livePD.

HAHAHAHAH Well Spokane is honestly a shit hole of right wing rednecks. I been there a couple of times,. Its actually very beautiful when you drive outside of the city but Spokane itself is basically Trump country. And yeah Yakima is no better lol. Probably in the top 3 of worst cities to visit in Washington. Seattle is great though. Love it.

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  • 9 months later...

From my experience

Top tier / most choices  New York, London, Paris, Dubai, Miami, LA 

[ Serious disclaimer : While you may have top tier choices in these places expect to pay top tier rates for often mediocre experience ] . With a bottomless bank account, you could have a different guy every day for weeks or multiple guys and never be bored, in any of these top tier cities.

We all know just because you pay more doesn't mean you get more….

My most memorable experiences for me personally : Sao Paolo, Rio De Janeiro, Moscow, and believe it or not San Francisco ( pre covid) . Excluding San Francisco, language is challenge but I found that everyone understands love and affection universally . I'll throw in Montreal as well in this "memorable list" of cities.

I heard cities in Colombia can be hot, but I have no experience. I tend to gravitate towards hot Latins and pale blond caucasians, though not exclusively - I also love middle eastern / arab men as well. It all depends….   My preferences probably influence the list….


And for those that are familiar with the bay area, San Francisco circa 2018-2019 IS NOT the same place as San Francisco today in 2022. New York and LA sort of bounced back and evolved into something new.




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6 hours ago, jetlow said:

From my experience

Top tier / most choices  New York, London, Paris, Dubai, Miami, LA 

[ Serious disclaimer : While you may have top tier choices in these places expect to pay top tier rates for often mediocre experience ] . With a bottomless bank account, you could have a different guy every day for weeks or multiple guys and never be bored, in any of these top tier cities.

We all know just because you pay more doesn't mean you get more….

My most memorable experiences for me personally : Sao Paolo, Rio De Janeiro, Moscow, and believe it or not San Francisco ( pre covid) . Excluding San Francisco, language is challenge but I found that everyone understands love and affection universally . I'll throw in Montreal as well in this "memorable list" of cities.

I heard cities in Colombia can be hot, but I have no experience. I tend to gravitate towards hot Latins and pale blond caucasians, though not exclusively - I also love middle eastern / arab men as well. It all depends….   My preferences probably influence the list….


And for those that are familiar with the bay area, San Francisco circa 2018-2019 IS NOT the same place as San Francisco today in 2022. New York and LA sort of bounced back and evolved into something new.




That's all good info, but I must interject and say it sounds like you're referring to what cities make best for "clients choices", versus what would be the best for escorts. I guess technically that "could" be a 1 in the same list, but I'd consider it a "results may vary" simply because being in a city with tons of hot escorts like Miami, doesn't guarantee an escort will actually make any profit by going there. 

But very good point on the San Francisco market. Can you elaborate? A friend of a friend is relocating there and we talked about making a visit out there. I haven't been since 2016 (when people were running up the hills protesting the Trump winning). 

I ask because I'm debating between going west coast or east coast next month. I feel even though there's more cities on the east, the west might be the better opportunity for what I'm looking for in terms of art and model gigs and client opportunities. It seems like the only cities in the east that are tolerable to me (so far) are Washington DC and Indianapolis. The rest just seem either too congested or too conservative for what I'm going for. 


On 4/22/2021 at 8:45 PM, Larsnewpaul said:

HAHAHAHAH Well Spokane is honestly a shit hole of right wing rednecks. I been there a couple of times,. Its actually very beautiful when you drive outside of the city but Spokane itself is basically Trump country. And yeah Yakima is no better lol. Probably in the top 3 of worst cities to visit in Washington. Seattle is great though. Love it.

I lost track of this post and never seen the rest of the response until now. Well I guess, thanks? For the heads up...I guess it's no wonder I went into Seattle without much enthusiasm, spending 2 days in an area like you mentioned lol. 

It's disappointing that so many cities in the country are like that. Cities like Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, and I suppose Seattle are surrounded by some not so liberal areas. And since I do majority of my tours not flying into cities and going straight downtown (I find that stressful and uninspiring), I see a lot of it 1st hand. Even the capitol of DC is surrounded by some pretty iffy towns.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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I'm just wondering:

A) The best cities for twinks?

B) The best cities for bottoms? LOL!

Here in Toronto, I'm seeing a lot of muscular/fit guys; a lot which are tops. I'm getting back into the gig, after pausing because of COVID. 

I'm looking to travel hopefully across border this coming summer.

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  • 10 months later...

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