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14 hours ago, guru68 said:

And by the bag, not the packet, I imagine. :)

Who knows, some rich guy might give him everything he wants.

I doubt it. I don't find him remotely appealing. He's average looking, zero charisma, seems like an entitled Gen Z XXX

Moderator's note:  attacks against others are not permitted.

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5 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

Hooked up with him off Grindr.

Nice looking / all American boy.

Nice body -( he's a stripper with a traveling group).

Wouldn't repeat. Session was just ok.



Interesting - makes we wonder about the rest of the group.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have met him IRL when he lived in ATL.  He’s a decent looking guy. He had a sugar daddy here who I guess set the bar.  He’s a stereotypical 20 something kid who thinks the world is here to serve him. Wish him well.  

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15 minutes ago, FunTimes said:

I have met him IRL when he lived in ATL.  He’s a decent looking guy. He had a sugar daddy here who I guess set the bar.  He’s a stereotypical 20 something kid who thinks the world is here to serve him. Wish him well.  

If he finds a guy who's willing and able to give him what he wants, more power to him.

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He’s not without looks - I know a number of gents IRL that his looks would be right up their alley. With what others have posted about their interactions -or lack thereof- with him, he probably wouldn’t be a match for me. Tho given geography, that’s a moot point. 

I do admit being curious about how interactive his is in his porn. 

Since he’s had a sugar daddy in the past as remarked upthread, I wonder if this whole “findom” thing is a reaction to how he was treated, how it ended 🤷🏼‍♂️

I agree that SA might be a better option, without the whole findom thing, for him if he’s looking for an LTR with a sugar daddy. 

On his RM ad interview, in his “what do you do in your free time” answer, I liked his reply in general, and specifically his line about “getting caught going down rabbit holes on Wikipedia”. 

Remember, there’s a pot for every lid, gents. He may be serving a niche market, but it is a genuine market with gents looking for guys like him. If he can get gents that subscribe to the whole findom thing, more power to him. 


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  • 5 months later...

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