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Miami and Ft Lauderdale

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FTL might have a large gay community, but a lot of those guys are on a fixed-income.


Visitors are the goldmine there, as well as proximity to Miami, the Keys and the Caribbean.


Bottom line, it's cheaper than Manhattan and quality of life can be very good.


I think the toughest thing will be the transition from NYC to FL. Whole different energy, speed, etc.

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FTL might have a large gay community, but a lot of those guys are on a fixed-income.


Visitors are the goldmine there, as well as proximity to Miami, the Keys and the Caribbean.


Bottom line, it's cheaper than Manhattan and quality of life can be very good.


I think the toughest thing will be the transition from NYC to FL. Whole different energy, speed, etc.


Cheaper, but not cheap by any means. Even if one can avoid renting and own, homeowner's insurance is still going to be sky high, due to the hurricanes and everything else that makes Florida in the top list of high risk insurance states.


But otherwise, yeah I believe visitors likely make up a large part of the clientele there, particularly November thru May. But May thru October, goes into "off season". I recall that's something a buddy contended with when he moved there from New York



Hey man I was in NY area Feb 2020 - August 2020 and Miami Oct 2020 - Mid March 2021. South Florida is absolutely terrible. I would not recommend going there. People are cheaper and much fewer clients. You will have to travel to miami frequently for clients. I could further elaborate if you want to message me.


I beg NOT to differ. Your experience is pretty spot on, and predictable for that area. As a Florida native, and someone who has "done" the Miami/Lauderdale/Palm Beach market exhaustively, I can definitely attest there's really not much to gain trying to be a sex worker down there. That is, unless you're doing it in addition to other things.


The issue is, both of those areas have been done to death. There's always escorts on demand, there's always sexy guys everywhere. There's no room to standout and be different. Wilton Manors is like Palm Springs, but the rest of Broward and Fort Lauderdale is either too sketch, or too conservative for this line of work.


Miami can be where it's at, but again most of the gay activity has been moving up north. Miami too is also either too conservative or too sketch as well. And they're really not paying much either. However, it may also depend on who you are, and where you're at, and what year it is. Cities are changing year after year. Especially post-pandemic. What was good before, might not be now. What was not good before, may be busier than ever.


I think anyone looking to settle in Florida should consider the other satellite cities which are smaller. I spent a lot of time in Orlando, Miami and Tampa...and would end up disappointed. But places like Sarasota, Venice, Naples, Key Largo, Melbourne, Saint Augustine offer different perspectives of Florida beyond the same old places everyone has been flocking too. It's also an older, more laidback, down to earth scene than the superficial and uptight areas of Miami and Lauderdale.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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An escort friend and I were talking just this afternoon on this very subject. It's a real eye-opener to realize that, tho you were top dog in Poughkeepsie or Sioux Falls, when you relocate to South Florida, the place is just full of hotness. Its a challenge to have steady profitable work, between off-season dead time, and high-season competition. To make it pan out, you need a legit job with flexibility, which he has, to make things work out.

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There are plenty of hot escorts in South Florida that are locals. If a client wants to establish an ongoing relationship, doesn't it make sense to hire a local rather than a visiting escort?

Depends on your comfort level with potentially running into your hire when not hiring them. Most people know how to deal with that situation, but not everyone wants the angst of worrying about it.

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Depends on your comfort level with potentially running into your hire when not hiring them. Most people know how to deal with that situation, but not everyone wants the angst of worrying about it.

You might be right. A few weeks ago my next door neighbor came over to tell me he's a masseur and to show me his hard-on. It was kinda awkward.

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Some many choice retorts to make. So little time.....


I think everyone is in agreement so not sure what you’d have to say to the contrary.


Not to interrupt the addressee, but I can say: yes in some ways there are people who probably feel south Florida is the best place in America, and would disagree with you. And for a long time, I thought that way too. At one point, I didn’t want to live anywhere else except for Miami. However, I also wasn’t very well traveled at the time, either. When I first moved to Miami back in 2007, I had only spent time in 4 states, including Florida. Now, I’ve been to all except 3 in the continental, and Hawaii and Alaska lol.


South Florida (specially speaking, Miami/FTL because S. Florida is both the Gulf and Atlantic sides: and both of quite different places) works for certain people; especially older types who want to retire with money, or people in the realty and service industry who want to go into high end restaurant/retail businesses. There’s also a big medical and “federal” type demand as well.


Many of the “locals” usually end up “stuck there”: I have family there, and half never lived anywhere else. It’s almost not much need to: no snow, everything you could want in a city, easy flight and cruise access. It’s not a bad place, if you don’t mind the higher insurance rates, transitional culture, and always having access to crowds.


But like I say, it’s not a place for a gay sex worker (that’s the other thing, most of the ones really making figures in Miami, are women and transsexuals). So even though I agree South Florida is terrible from that perspective, if I had the opportunity to move down some day for a whole different lifestyle, I would enjoy the other stuff there is to offer. But I also grew bored of no winter and all flat land, and the dating scene IS terrible (as in most American cities anyway). So it’s certainly not in the cards to move back there at any point in this lifetime lol.

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I think everyone is in agreement so not sure what you’d have to say to the contrary.


"Everyone" is rarely in agreement about anything 'round these parts. I was trying to be clever for those who have learned to appreciate my understated wit and wisdom (lol). I try not to offend nor get involved in the great controversies. But I am a bit snarky at times. My pet peve is blanket accusations: For Example I would be offended if some insinuated, "All Florida clients are all the same, cheap and fat."


In summery "EVERYONE" is NEVER in agreement about anything. What I might say to the contrary is the give and take of what is called a "discussion." Cancel culture is too quick to attack if something is said that has the most remote possibility of offending. (And lordy are we offended by EVERYTHING it seems these days.

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In summery "EVERYONE" is NEVER in agreement about anything. What I might say to the contrary is the give and take of what is called a "discussion." Cancel culture is too quick to attack if something is said that has the most remote possibility of offending. (And lordy are we offended by EVERYTHING it seems these days.


True, but this seems a bit different than what you were insinuating. You said you had many choice retorts to make. Which essentially dismissed the person’s experiences and observations about the particular market in which the initial answer was posted. So who’s canceling whom?


That said, S. Florida isn’t the only market that plays that way. I just returned back to a “southern” Midwest city where I bunk in between travels, and I initially came with the desire to put all my ads on freeze until I’m ready to travel again, because I know how these fuckers operate. After a few days, I got bored and horny and decided to repost again. And now I’m about to put it back on freeze.


So predictable: on day 2 (today), I got about 4-5 texts this morning. I was supposed to have had 2 appointments so far: one this afternoon for an outcall at a specified downtown hotel, and another at 7:30. Did either one of them bother to confirm the time? No. The other 2 were contacting from out of town, and 1 just ghosted mid-messaging.


So if you asked me if this particular place was terrible, I absolutely would say yes. South Florida (actually most of the state of Florida for that matter except for a select few enclaves) is similar observation. That said, there’s a lot of people (potential clients) who just bullshit and waste our time with nonsense. I’ve found that in just about every city. But worse in some than others.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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Yes exactly. Totally agree with you Jarrod. He didn’t retort a single thing in relation to south Florida. Thanks for the intelligent perspective on Florida. Good luck with your business.



True, but this seems a bit different than what you were insinuating. You said you had many choice retorts to make. Which essentially dismissed the person’s experiences and observations about the particular market in which the initial answer was posted. So who’s canceling whom?


That said, S. Florida isn’t the only market that plays that way. I just returned back to a “southern” Midwest city where I bunk in between travels, and I initially came with the desire to put all my ads on freeze until I’m ready to travel again, because I know how these fuckers operate. After a few days, I got bored and horny and decided to repost again. And now I’m about to put it back on freeze.


So predictable: on day 2 (today), I got about 4-5 texts this morning. I was supposed to have had 2 appointments so far: one this afternoon for an outcall at a specified downtown hotel, and another at 7:30. Did either one of them bother to confirm the time? No. The other 2 were contacting from out of town, and 1 just ghosted mid-messaging.


So if you asked me if this particular place was terrible, I absolutely would say yes. South Florida (actually most of the state of Florida for that matter except for a select few enclaves) is similar observation. That said, there’s a lot of people (potential clients) who just bullshit and waste our time with nonsense. I’ve found that in just about every city. But worse in some than others.

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You guys might be right. And you make some good points. But I assure you bashing a community because you didn't have a successful residency there is not going to help you and your business prospects in the future. The escorts who make it remain positive and upbeat whenever possible. I assure you they get unhappy and frustrated as well. But you never hear the really successful escorts complaining much about anything online. Short term it might ease some frustration. And that's fine, if you're only committed to this profession for a few months just to pay for grad school or whatever. Good luck guys. I want to see everyone do well.

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You guys might be right. And you make some good points. But I assure you bashing a community because you didn't have a successful residency there is not going to help you and your business prospects in the future. The escorts who make it remain positive and upbeat whenever possible. I assure you they get unhappy and frustrated as well. But you never hear the really successful escorts complaining much about anything online. Short term it might ease some frustration. And that's fine, if you're only committed to this profession for a few months just to pay for grad school or whatever. Good luck guys. I want to see everyone do well.


I don't see any bashing happening, I just feel @Bootybuilder gave a relevant response to the question presented: how the market is different than New York. That's just simply the reality of the circumstance. And he said it quite simply: you have 2 counties that border one another, but each of those cities can be over 80 miles apart depending what neighborhood you're in. I used to do it: drive from Miami to fort Lauderdale and even Boca Raton, for clients...and was getting paid less than I would have gotten driving 2 miles in SF or Washington D.C. that's not a complaint, but just a comparison.


That said, clients reading this board have to decipher and use intuitive perception. I talk to my local clients fairly regularly that I don't like the Kansas city market because it's annoying and usually a pain in the ass to work in... there's always requests for appointments, but majority rarely ever follow except 1 or 2 regulars. So because of that, I limit my time here. So if they want to book an appointment, they'll know they can't wait forever, because I may be gone by the following weekend.


Many clients are curious about if I've been busy whenever I visit a city. If a market sucks, I will tell them it sucks, and won't be coming back anytime soon, but that I'm glad they kept their visit. If it's good, I'll tell them it's been great and I'll be back.


I believe honesty helps. I've had clients in Florida ask about me, and if/when I'm coming back. I have to tell them: I have no plans to return unless there's a friend's trip or an overnight arrangement planned.

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There are guys in Naples, Florida making a decent living doing massage. The regular "stable" of guys is found on MF.com and Rentmen.


Yah I went down to Naples last year and scouted for the first time. I was content with what I got. I never tried it before, as it always seemed to be the cow poke town on the way to Miami before getting on alligator alley. But the town seems to have grown, and it has more of the older, less rowdy crowd of its Atlantic cousin, Fort Lauderdale.


However I found Naples to be surprisingly expensive. Idk if due to the time of year I went or what. And it's not that big of a city. The gay life is also a bit "sparse" (ditto with fort Myers), which can be a plus or minus.


I still feel like Florida is a hard market to start in. If you go with money for a place for a year, have a side biz, and a name to boost...you might be good. But regardless of who's making it there, I've found it to be very difficult.


I've gone to cities in the Midwest and west and made instant "fame". Florida, you've really got to be doing backflips and handstands to get where you want to be. The sheer number of guys coming and going, just creates a snake pit of things to contend with.

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