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What's a fair price for a new non-nude photo plus a few archive photos a month?

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So there is this super-cute 'scort I really want to hook up with later this year or next, and for my mental health and to help him out a little I thought it'd be cool to maintain a bit of connection until that can happen months and months from now.


I suggested he start a page on one of the fans sites, but his level of interest in that was not clear. I told him for fans pages the usual monthly prices seem to be like $5 non-nude / $10 nude / $15 sex acts but I didn't really know what would be fair 1:1 for just like a new non-nude selfie with a pose I suggest plus however many archive photos he feels like including (this month he sent me the original pose and 10 headshots via MMS).


He was being really non-verbose in text messages which I know is just some people's style, but could also be due to legitimate fears I was just a free pic hunter (I've been / dated / friended / hired many 'scorts in the past), so I told him I wanted to send him a little money so he didn't have to worry about me being a total time-waster. He at no point offered any pricing suggestions, so I sent him $25 as a downpayment against whatever we decided, that being the highest amount I wouldn't feel like an idiot for sending if he decided to just ghost me after that point (which he didn't.)


I think he'll do this but to be fair it's not going to be a lot of money esp. if it's just 1:1 so I don't blame him at all for not being chatty, but anyway I thought I'd do some market research for us and get some opinions here on how much should be charged for such a service.


Thanks for any advice,

-D near Boston

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Okay, so the assholes have spoken, anyone else?


Seriously, I've never seen such mean-spirited replies to a client who's just trying to do the right thing.


And for the record, my 'scort friends and BF in NYC not all that many years ago used to call each other 'scorts. I thought it was cute and endearing and so picked it up from them.

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Okay, so the assholes have spoken, anyone else?


Sorry, I don't know anything about those websites, and I am sorry you aren't getting the help you want.


I did want to tell you I LOVE "Okay, so the assholes have spoken, anyone else?"


And I'd like to ask for your permission to put that on a T-shirt? :-)

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It sounds like your guy isn’t into that kind of escorting. He probably doesn’t want to risk offending you which may jeopardise your custom in person, hence his uncommunicative response. I’d just let it drop and wait until you can meet him in person.

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I'm really confused why people seem to think a grown man who I'm sure has had to tell guys twice his weight in real life while naked "no, really, I don't bottom" would be unable to tell a rando he knows only as a name and a phone # "that's a really sweet request, but I don't provide that service" or "I'd be happy to do that, but I'm a professional and only bill in hourly increments." The level of insult to the escort in this thread via condescension and infantilization - some I'm assuming by people who are also escorts - is confounding. I'm just frugal, but apparently he's a eunuch.


I haven't escorted for years, but this would have been my calculation: this will take me less than 5 minutes a month and likely get me a loyal client. As long as I get at or above my pro-rated hourly fee, seems like a no-brainer.


Re: bad communication my experience is just that a whole lot of escorts are just shit at communication. I've had the same kind of txt conversations with escorts who I know really liked me personally (one of whom would often offer to buy me lunch/dinner off-the-clock after a session).


And actually from a game-theoretic point of view he's actually probably playing it right. You never want to be the person to start a bidding process. Maybe the other guy is a fool or just so wealthy he doesn't care about money, and will come up with an insane highball suggestion, to which you can just say "sure".

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I did want to tell you I LOVE "Okay, so the assholes have spoken, anyone else?"


And I'd like to ask for your permission to put that on a T-shirt? :)


Permission granted - and I googled it, to my surprise it actually does seem to be novel.


Here's another vaguely simular line, from Babylon 5: "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."

Edited by endorphinfun
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What is this about? 5,10 or 20 dollars, like a tip to the waiter? I find it an insult to escorts and customers.


And you thought it would be good for your mental health and to help the poor guy, to "maintain a bit of connection" until you meet next year, or the year after next, but certainly before the end of the decade...


One thing I get from your post is that you need to take care of your mental health.

Edited by The_Impeccable_G
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I'm really confused why people seem to think a grown man who I'm sure has had to tell guys twice his weight in real life while naked "no, really, I don't bottom" would be unable to tell a rando he knows only as a name and a phone # "that's a really sweet request, but I don't provide that service" or "I'd be happy to do that, but I'm a professional and only bill in hourly increments."


Again, not really understanding what ONLY FANS is, despite multiple ppl explaining it to me, as one old(er) escort to (what it sounds like) is a retired escort, I will tell you that in the current culture people hear "creepy" and/or "Time Waster" where, in the past, they might have heard "opportunity".

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