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Shane Amari in LA


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The name-changing thing is a red flag for me. Why would he keep changing his name? I see some very trusted forum members attest to his wonderfulness back in 2021 and I guess his videos with famous porn stars say something but typically I feel better about the escorts who choose a name and stick with it, solidying their brand and therefore instilling confidence with existing and prospective clients. Frequent name changes, to me, signify running from something. No pointed jabs at this posts, please; this is just my own personal feeling and based on my own personal experiences. Cheers. 

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20 hours ago, Cliff said:

The name-changing thing is a red flag for me. Why would he keep changing his name? I see some very trusted forum members attest to his wonderfulness back in 2021 and I guess his videos with famous porn stars say something but typically I feel better about the escorts who choose a name and stick with it, solidying their brand and therefore instilling confidence with existing and prospective clients. Frequent name changes, to me, signify running from something. No pointed jabs at this posts, please; this is just my own personal feeling and based on my own personal experiences. Cheers. 

I've known Bo for a while and while I understand the name changing as a red flag, in this case, I  really don't think it's the case. If he's running,  he sure does live in plain sight of a lot of us who he knows are on these boards and could "out" him of anything shady  He's always been up front with me (I admit  I've never hired him for a private) and super sexy and sensual. I agree with tonyward - love  kissing his lips and when I play with his muscles, it's always fun on the playground!

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4 hours ago, msclwrsper said:

I've known Bo for a while and while I understand the name changing as a red flag, in this case, I  really don't think it's the case. If he's running,  he sure does live in plain sight of a lot of us who he knows are on these boards and could "out" him of anything shady  He's always been up front with me (I admit  I've never hired him for a private) and super sexy and sensual. I agree with tonyward - love  kissing his lips and when I play with his muscles, it's always fun on the playground!

OK, well, the next time you guys are being upfront with each other, ask him why he keeps changing his name. 

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I would understand the concern over his different RM names if there was negative chatter about him under any/all of them. But there’s not. In fact, other than one poster who made one negative 2 word comment without context that I’m disregarding, all the posts have been universally positive - and from established, respected contributors here. If given all that, you’re still clutching pearls saying “red flags! red flags!”, that’s on you. 

I couldn’t give a tinker’s cuss over why this gent, or any gent, changes his RM name. As long as there’s no negative commentary about the gent under any name, I fail to see why it would even be an issue. 

Just my tuppence.

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