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This has been covered in other threads although I'm too lazy today to look them up. When it's happened to me, I don't acknowledge how we met, and sometimes it's easier just to pretend we've never met. I've seen an escort I hired at a friend's Halloween party, he was there with his boyfriend; I played like we'd never met. In the gym locker room, I ran into a club dancer that I'd taken home a few times; we said hello but he seemed uncomfortable.

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Some providers get panicky to be seen in public with a client on or off the clock. I have had to calm down a couple of guys on different occasions when we ran into their acquaintances while dining out. I say, "relax man, I've got you covered." While with a provider, I have run into friends multiple times, even in cities far from home (it's a small world, eh?); panic has never been my response. I guess I'm comfy with who I am and what I do. :cool:

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I usually take my go to guy to the theater and fine restaurants while he's here in nyc. At times I feel that people recognize him as he is quite high profile. But, I'm always very comfortable with him out in public and he seems to be as well.

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Now that I’m old and basically don’t give AF, I would have no problem stopping to talk, even if I had someone else with me. I meet lots of people of all ages so I could always play it naturally.


There was a time, however, before I started hiring, when I had to keep my private life and public life separate. Once I was with my boss in a limo going to a hotel luncheon affair and we were sitting in lunch time traffic. I was briefing him on the business we were to conduct with a briefing book in my lap.


Suddenly from my left field of vision I saw the cute trick I had picked up the previous evening and taken home. He was about 23, Italian and cute as hell. He also liked to get fisted, which I obliged him, along with topping him even though I am usually the bottom.


Anyway, it was summer, and this free spirit walked in front of our car and glanced through the windshield as he crossed the street. I quickly raised the book in front of my face as if to examine some detail so that he would not see me and wave. What spurred me was his outfit. It was a hot summer day and he had on this tiny tank top stretched over his gorgeous torso, a ring in one ear and nifty cutoffs.


The moment passed quickly and I breathed a sigh of relief. I would have had a hard time explaining him to my boss.

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This has happened to me a few times. Maybe because Denver's gay community isn't huge, but I've definitely seen guys I've hired out and about. I've seen them at gay bars, in the park, just walking around.


For me it always depends on the context. I obviously would never interrupt someone who was engaged with something: A conversation with a friend, at a job, working out, etc. But I have said hello if they were alone and not "in the zone." To me, it doesn't seem like a big deal. It's a nice way to further the networking a bit perhaps. I've become semi-friends with one guy I hired in part because I saw him at a gay bar and just started chatting.

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Although I haven't ran into an escort with another client per se. I guess the closest would be after having a session with Michael Vincenzo, as I left the hotel Arpad Miklos walked quickly by me looking damned fine. He went into the same hotel I just left. I was tempted to say hello but he seemed like he was in a bit of a rush.


Like others have stated, I would just probably nod with acknowledgment and be on my way if I saw an escort I knew, out and about with a client.

Edited by big-n-tall
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I play it by ear. If they look like the want to avoid me, or I see panic in their eyes, I'll pretend I don't know them. I find that most are okay with being recognized, but they probably wouldn't want the details of how we know each other to be public. However, there is a guy I see often who I have encountered out with other clients. He always says hello and has even introduced me to his companion a time or two.

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About 30 years ago I had a regular provider for the better part of a year with whom I was very happy. He was tall, blond, muscular and was a university student, almost finishing his studies. I can’t remember how I met him but we just clicked. I don’t even know how many clients he had but I think he just had mostly regulars like myself. He wasn’t inexpensive, in fact we started at $150 per hour and after several months he dropped it to $100, at his initiative.


Well, after he graduated he met a young doctor, who happened to be my family doctor. He was gay and had a large gay practice. My provider dropped me as a client and I suppose his other clients too but I never knew any of his other clients. Some time later, I went to Gay Pride in Montreal and who should come out of a building on the Main Street in the Gay Village, just as I was walking by, was this couple.


The doctor turned around to say hi to me and his new boyfriend, standing behind him, signalled me with his index finger pressed to his lips. So when the doctor turned around to introduce me to his new beaux, I played along and feigned ignorance of who he was. I remained on friendly terms with both and never revealed my relationship with the escort.

Edited by Luv2play
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On the flip side of this, I once walked into a diner with my boyfriend, and saw a client seated at a table wearing his full religious colar having lunch with three other collegues, also dressed the same. I already knew what he did from googling his phone number, but he didn't know I knew. Now I would never even acknoledge a client out in publc, but he had a look of horror on his face when he saw me such that my boyfreind even noticed it. Sadly, he did not come back again.

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I’ve seen clients out with their wives (or girlfriends I guess but they definitely looked like wives if you know what I mean). On a few occasions they’ve seen me and it’s very clear they don’t want to say hello. I’d never initiate the conversation, I’d probably use the name they booked with me which is most likely not their real name..


One time I was on a train back from meeting a client and a regular client got on with his wife and two kids. He didn’t see me at first because they sat opposite me. I was wearing tight shorts and hadn’t put any underwear on (long story, the client I’d just seen wanted to keep them so...). Anyway, they all sit down, he looks up and sees me smiling. Instant look of terror on his face but he quickly realised I’m not going to say anything and we settle down to making inadvertent eye contact as we try to ignore each other. His wife seems to be on her phone so hasn’t paid any attention to me atall. Most awkward journey I’ve had because I’m thinking of all the times I’ve cum in his arse (which is extremely pert and tight) and I’m getting hard and it’s starting to show in my shorts. I try to cover with my hands but that sort of makes it worse. My rucksack is in the rack overhead so I can’t even get up to reach it. He keeps on glancing at my shorts which only makes me get harder. His wife and kids are oblivious. We’re two stops from my station and there’s no way I can stand now as I’m almost fully hard in the shorts. I’m hung and it’s almost popping out. The vibration of the train makes it worse.

Anyway we’re nearly at my station and now I’m solid and I can’t get up. I realise I’ve a gay magazine I could use to sort of cover it up but the mag is one of those free gay weeklies that has semi naked guys on the front but I think the back is ok so I pull it out from beside me and hold it over the offending area as I stand up on reaching my station. Unfortunately the back of the mag is just as naughty as the front (it has a naked guy advertising Squirt hookup app) and I sort of wave the mag covering my tent in my shorts in his wife’s face as I reach up for my rucksack. Of course it’s open and as I drag it down a plastic bottle of lube falls out and rolls along the floor under my client’s feet. Now I have to bend down in front of him to pick it up. I stuff the lube in the bag and make for the door trying to keep the Squirt advert in front of my shorts...the irony of it not lost. On the platform I can see my client talking to his wife through the window as the train departs. I so wish I knew what he said....never saw him again unfortunately. He had a very fuckable arse.

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