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Paying Hourly Rate for Dinner?

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It really depends on what you're into. I have no interest in paying for someone to have dinner with me, so it would be a no for me. However, maybe someone else likes to have a full date experience and then it might be worth it to them. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer here. It really comes down to personal desires and whatever is negotiated with the escort.

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I have scheduled an appointment with an escort. I’m a Realtor and in our text exchange, I told him that was my career. He said he would like to discuss real estate when we meet. If I invite him to have dinner after our session to discuss his questions, am I expecting to pay his hourly rate while we are having dinner?

It depends on the size of the sizemeat Mary OP!

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It really depends on what you're into. I have no interest in paying for someone to have dinner with me, so it would be a no for me. However, maybe someone else likes to have a full date experience and then it might be worth it to them. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer here. It really comes down to personal desires and whatever is negotiated with the escort.

Same here. I have two guys who I occasionally eat lunch or dinner with after our meet up. In both case the initial suggestion came from them and not me. I also am happy to pay for the meal but would not pay anyone an hourly rate to have dinner with me, which I told them when it was initially suggested (and to be fair, neither of these gents proposed that when they suggested going out for a meal). It has actually added a nice dimension to our relationship because you get to know one another in a deeper way than you would if you are just getting together to have sex.

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Same here. I have two guys who I occasionally eat lunch or dinner with after our meet up. In both case the initial suggestion came from them and not me. I also am happy to pay for the meal but would not pay anyone an hourly rate to have dinner with me, which I told them when it was initially suggested (and to be fair, neither of these gents proposed that when they suggested going out for a meal). It has actually added a nice dimension to our relationship because you get to know one another in a deeper way than you would if you are just getting together to have sex.

Yes same either dinner or take a walk and talk and deepen our provider/ client relationships

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It's my practice that the client picks up the receipt, but the cost of a 'regular' hour is not expected. I could've been eating somewhere else, enjoying my private time, but also, likely, enjoying food of a lesser calibur. The trade-off seems quite straightforward to me. They're getting my time by providing me a service I needed anyways - everyone has to eat.


Though, I'm not trying to talk shop with my clients about whatever it is they do during dinner - just casual conversation. Were I interested in talking specifics, I'd make it clear that there was no expectation for them to pay for my time or my dinner. The value generated from the conversation would be worth the expense.

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My two cents for the OP


I’ve invited many escorts to have dinner with me after a first date. I always specified that tho I was happy to pick up the check, his time would be “off the clock”. Many guys said Yes. I noticed that the men who accepted the invitation readily were often keen to develop an ongoing relationship.


And like the OP, I too met a guy who was fascinated by real estate (at that time I’d developed a couple of projects). He couldn’t stop talking about it and after 10-15 minutes, I reminded him why I was at his place. He continued with further questions and so I smiled, said I’m “happy to answer but let’s re-start the clock” when we finish with real estate. He agreed and we did have a good date where he remembered all I’d said about what I enjoy.


Ongoing relationship as in you becoming their regular client I guess. I'm sure most escorts if they're free are happy to do it but I don't know if that would be the case if they're visiting and have more potential clients scheduled.


It's nice to take someone out to dinner to check chemistry as pointed by the OP.

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My dentist knows that my professional career was in the investment business. Some time ago I was in his chair for a teeth cleaning when he started to ask me questions about equities.


I asked him if this cleaning was going to be free. That stopped the questions.


Why invite the provider to dinner to discuss real estate? If he wants your time, shouldn't he be the one doing the asking? (and the paying?) Value your time as he does his.



A smart real estate agent who wants to make money will discuss real estate with anybody because he knows that any of those people could turn into clients. There are at least a couple providers on here who any real estate agent would be happy to have as a client. Seems petty and short-sighted to to be worrying too much about who picks up the check at dinner time. It the escort wants to talk real estate - he could be one of those who could turn into a client. Also, the OP doesn't say that dinner conversation can't include other topics. And the escort's presence is no less appealing because he is asking questions about real estate.

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My favorite was the escort who I invited to a fancy restaurant after a great session. He actually paid the bill, which amounted to most of the fee he had just earned.

And after you hay you were a regular. Right?

Great ROI for the escort ?

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And after you hay you were a regular. Right?

Great ROI for the escort ?

Actually, no. I was visiting San Francisco, as was he. He is from Chicago. A year or two later I was able to hire him again. He didn't seem to remember me! The sex was not as good either. There was no dinner!

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Well, this should be discussed first. After enjoying the company of an escort, I've often invited them to a nice dinner, with the explanation that the nice dinner is the payment. Some have accepted, others declined. If they accept, I may invite them on a nice trip and discuss the finances of that. When pharmaceutical representatives invited me to dinner as a physician, to discuss their medications, the nice dinner was the payment for my time. I wouldn't think of asking them to pay the fee I would ask a patient to pay in addition to the dinner. If I had other plans, such as a dinner with family, I would politely decline, after thanking them for the invitation.

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ask in advance.


i saw somebody fairly regularly when i would travel to that city. one trip i had a lot of meetings and my friend was aware that the trip was going to be stressful for me and i wasn’t looking to hook up. after i had gotten to town he texted me and asked if i wanted to go to dinner i resisted but he persisted and we met and had a fun dinner. i paid for dinner and he walked me back to my hotel and after i said i was tired and heading up to my room he made a comment like, how about we just go for an hour (dinner had been about 2 with drinks and waiting for a table). i was kind of taken aback and said you invited me to dinner and his response was yes but your paying for my time, i’m actually giving you a discount.


we have not met up since and i still have a bad taste in my mouth about doing anything with a pro besides a hookup. he had essentially talked me into dinner and then expected to be paid for it. so i won’t do at again unless it’s an overnight


my advice ask in advance so you don’t ruin your contractual relationship

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my advice ask in advance so you don’t ruin your contractual relationship

Yes, that needs to be established before-hand. Although most escorts will be happy to accompany you for a nice dinner without further payment, other than the pleasant meals, one cannot simply assume that. Not all are OK with it, even with a wonderful guy such as myself! ?

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