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What are some ways to gain more regulars?

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I've been more and more disappointed that scheduling an appointment should be not when I desire. I just ask, I'm available on Friday-Sunday's at such and such a time and have booked appointments. Only to be told, after the time has arrived and gone, well I usually don't do afternoon's or mornings. But that's what we agreed to. I make a commitment at my end on my time and my resources. Sorry I expect the same


Well it sounds like you’re doing the right thing by booking in advance. And it sounds like you have some flexibility. If someone isn’t keeping their word on showing up for the appointment, that’s obviously being flaky. But the situations I discuss, many aren’t even giving that amount of notice. It’s more like “hey you free now”, and then when I say yes, I can be there at X time, then it’s no compromise.


It won’t work if only 1 person requests a time, without trying to coordinate with the other. Obviously that has to also be prior to the session, not after...or moments prior either.

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(...) I prefer to be more transparent. With so many celebrities and porn stars on Twitter speaking their minds (and sometimes getting backlash), I feel the adult thing to do is just be 100% real about how I feel.


I’ve felt I’ve usually earned more business being genuine, than trying to hide behind an alias. If someone wouldn’t ever hire me for a post here, they’d likely never get booked in real life by me either ??‍♂️

When I hire an escort, I’m hiring a “fantasy”. I don’t want to peek behind the curtain... But that’s just me, and maybe all the others that like this comment.

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@Jarrod_Uncut – Why do you write asking for input, and when you get it you offer up counter points and explanations? If you don’t actually want input, don’t ask.


You should consider what the lowest common denominator in all your escorting problems is. You would find it’s your favorite thing of all...



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@Jarrod_Uncut - please know that what I am about to lay out here, I am laying out with no ill-intent. I, by no means, am an experienced client or a connoisseur of providers, but I have had a share of regular providers and masseurs and hope there is something in what the forum members here have offered and what I am about to objectively lay out below that you can take away to gain more regular clients:


Strategic / Personal

  • While it is admirable to have and to follow-through on your non-negotiable requirement of an advanced deposit (% of fee), and as you said, this is how you operate, please recognize that you might not expect the same pool of new or returning clients compared to someone who do not require one. Logic would dictate to have an increased regular clientele, you have to increase or expand your client pool, so you may have to acknowledge that how you decide to operate (which is well within your prerogative), might compromise your want to expand your clientele. If you want to change that, revisit whether your operational requirements are indeed non-negotiable.
  • Be careful and diligent with your online and social media presence - a lot of times it is not what we say but how we say things that can turn people off, this forum included. You acknowledged that there is not enough regulars because you have been in a town that you believe has a condescending vibe towards sex workers. You also acknowledge the concentrated market in high-volume cities. Therefore, while there may be some regulars in certain cities that you visit, you would want to attract a fresh client pool from where you can gain more regulars. How you present yourself, not just in the advertisements, but in online interactions, can inadvertently create a brand that may work for or against you. There are already a few forum members that were turned off by the responses not just in this thread but in other threads within this forum. I understand the sentiment that you have to address posts that appear (or are) judgmental or lies (or have a skewed impression of you), but there is an art to a response (and non-response) that one has to develop. I may speak out of turn here, but as much as this forum welcomes clients and providers alike, this is still a predominantly client-based forum, and it would be a missed opportunity to abruptly cut those possible connections - and their first, second, and third-level connections - through the same escorting vehicles to which you are subscribed if we do not introspect before we publish our reactions. I believe there is a way to still be 100% real with how you feel without possibly alienating potential new client pools.


  • Heed the advice of @haring222, he has plenty of good ones. The next bullets expound on the ones that resonate with me.
  • From @haring222: Change up the way you are marketing yourself. Different approach to your verbiage might be in order. Notably,
    • Might want to keep the data across the platforms consistent (e.g., weight on RentMen and RentMasseur do not match). It might seem so nuanced, but diligent clients do a lot of research and sometimes get turned off by inconsistent data, which then potentially reduces your possible new client pool.
    • Might want to keep the data within the platform consistent. For example, within RentMen, consider these nuances that a client might consider inconsistent: (a) profile title description saying 'Jock' and 'Top' rated when position and style say, 'Versatile/Top,' 'Guy Next Door,' respectively; (b) plenty of references to preferred notice (2+ hours, 24 hours notice, a day or two notice, at least 1 hour notice), which from the rest of the profile drives across the point that you do not want time wasters, but the different timelines and overemphasis on this could detract possible new clients from moving forward.
    • Solicit feedback on the ABCs portion of your profile. Some forum members have already expressed their opinion. I understand the intent for the advanced notice (A), being serious about your time (B), and consideration with references to reimbursement for cancellation ©, all of which still drive home and quite loudly that you do not want time wasters. I think you may have succeeded in weeding out some time wasters, but having an expounded and for some, seemingly belittling (ABCs) demonstration of these requirements, might have weeded out potential new clients.
    • Might want to be consistent on how you want clients to see you - a Jock who tends to be assertive, a Guy Next Door, a charming boyfriend and what that looks like. The profile does tend to read very transactional (do not waste my time, 30+ 5-star reviews, specialties, do not waste my time) and could come across as someone who is not very approachable or client-centric. In addition, some clients also glean a lot from interview responses on RentMen, please consider revisiting your responses to the questions and sanity check how that comes across from a perspective of a client and whether, based on reading those responses, would elicit new clientele to want to reach out.
    • On RentMasseur, consider revisiting the phrase, 'professionally trained in sports/erotic touch,' as how it is worded could confuse potential new clients if the session would actually include any therapeutic portions should one choose sensual or erotic. I do like the "milk chocolate you have creamed for and that jungle juice you need to," quite spicy!
    • On A4A, consider revisiting the following: (a) full profile with pic preferred+ as potential new clients who would prefer to be anonymous might be inclined not to pursue you with this requirement; (b) for some less-technologically savvy clientele, might be good to write out what C/P/V stand for.

    [*]From @haring222; Keep copious notes before booking and more intense notes after the session. I know you mentioned that you remember just about every client and what they are into. I do not think that is sustainable, and you may be surprised on what things you might not remember if you do not jot down the things that clients tell you. It does not have to be the sexual things they are into. For me personally, I find providers that are able to recall and bring up to subsequent appointments conversations that I did not think would be picked up (e.g., favorite fruit, what I did the day before or the morning of meeting the provider, what I was planning to do on the closest holiday around the time I met with the provider) are the ones I have tended to keep as regulars. It shows me that they pay attention and have invested the time and energy to want to keep me as a regular client.

Hope you take these points as constructive and helpful feedback for you to gain more regular clients. Best wishes!

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You just can’t help yourself to keep up the condescending tone, can you?


Those excuses, excuses, excuses, are likely you trying to project onto me, the EXCUSES you have with your body image and your “excuses” to not exercise. Because from what another member pointed out to me in private, you seem to be a bit overweight and have a body type that can’t fit into a harness correctly. ?


How about you focus on losing weight and working on your body image problems while you can, instead of trying to come on here and figure out my problems and persistently go out of your way to insult me.

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When I hire an escort, I’m hiring a “fantasy”. I don’t want to peek behind the curtain... But that’s just me, and maybe all the others that like this comment.


You’re not obligated to peek behind the curtain. But if the realization that escorts aren’t “perfect”, and that we all have things we work thru or contend with is too “real” for you, you may be operating in a superficial, fantasy mentality.


There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a fantasy. But when you refer to the person as a mere fantasy, you may be disappointed when the real comes out.


I agree. Sadly, I find that the way Jarrod posts, and the way he responds to people offering assistance is off putting and comes across as aggressive or defensive. I wouldn’t hire based on that.


Well I’m appreciative that judgmental, patronizing opinions (notice I said opinions, not assistance) doesn’t have much clout in the big scheme of things.


And for the record, I don’t have a problem with people giving assistance. I can appreciate someone offering their tips where it counts, but when it denigrates into calling me the root of my problems, that offensive. And I won’t tolerate it.


There’s some sad people on this forum who like to tear down someone’s self esteem and sense of worth, for whatever reason. It’s not helpful. There’s nothing helpful in saying someone is the reason why they are not being treated by others, in a way they want to be treated. Or that they themselves are why they can’t get more regulars. Without even understanding the whole picture. It’s not advice. It’s antagonizing.


That, I won’t stand for and I will absolutely refute it as anything other than belittling criticism. And if a particular person doesn’t like my response, they can keep it moving. Thanks but no thanks.

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@Jarrod_Uncut - please know that what I am about to lay out here, I am laying out with no ill-intent. I, by no means, am an experienced client or a connoisseur of providers, but I have had a share of regular providers and masseurs and hope there is something in what the forum members here have offered and what I am about to objectively lay out below that you can take away to gain more regular clients:


Thankyou 1,000 times over for your perspective! I had completely not noticed that my RentMasseur has a different weight than my Rentmen. Idk how that happened or how I hadn’t noticed that. I know lately, my phones have been behaving quirky to where when I press one part of the screen, I end up pressing something different. So that might of been something by when editing ads.


I’ve also taken into consideration the other things you’ve mentioned. Some of the things you said, I’m not willing to change. Mainly the deposit part. I’ve gone back and forth between doing them, and not doing them, but at this point I feel it’s where it’s at for me now.


I also can’t bring myself to write notes about clients. I know there’s ways to do it discretely, but I don’t wish to have a written journal or diary about clients. Even on phone. And I will say, I do remember a lot of things clients tell me. I’ve had clients say, “oh wow, you remembered THAT?” That’s just how I am. Atleast the things that matter. I really don’t feel the need to recall every tidbit about their life. At the end of the day, they’re hiring a sex worker and oftentimes may even be married. It’s a lot of thought process to maintain, for a situation that may likely only be a 1 or 2 time thing in most cases (that’s not being pessimistic, but like I said: if every guy had as many regulars as they needed, everybody wouldn’t be needing to advertise on RentMen every month). And like I say, there’s been lots of attempted 2nd bookings that didn’t happen, simply because the timing didn’t mesh.


As for forum personality, I can’t help myself lol. I don’t like bitchy people who give bitchy replies. However, at the end of the day, obviously certain people are going to talk and feel how they feel. And I acknowledge the forum environment is toxic in some ways, and that’s why many providers don’t frequent this ecosystem. Even reading the thread about, “porn stars I would never hire” was toxic just reading it. It’s tragic that people actually sit around and circle jerk about not liking particular sex workers. But yet, don’t we DARE come up with a client review section for THEM. ??‍♂️


Yes, it’s a client forum, but if there’s so much hypocrisy and criticism going around, all it’s going to do is discourage new providers from joining. And that’s bad for the site because, we should all know that escorts DO PAY for advertising, and will pay for advertising. And even though this should be good free marketing, it’s too many toxic vile opinions going around...and I can imagine the average, well to do male sex worker would be turned off about the thought of trying to walk on eggshells not saying anything to offend a potential client or perhaps, another escort.


That said, I still appreciate the input. I think it’s hard, much harder than I recognize even after 12 years in the game...because we don’t always know what may be wrong with us at any given time. Clients tend to often not speak their mind in person. I often find myself having to ask clients and apologize about certain things boldly, just to make sure they know...that I know, they may have been put off by something. Rentmen doesn’t help us write ads. We have to formulate our own style and writing, and convey our boundaries without turning off the genuine clients, while still keeping true to ourselves.


That’s why I love having my business card, is very simple with hardly any words. Rentmen ad you feel compelled to say a lot, but you can just as easily say nothing at all. However, the online environment requires you to be inclusive, simply because people know nothing of you at first glance.


At the end of the day, I know what I’m dealing with now is mostly due to needing a change in market. Like I said, sometimes it doesn’t matter what an escort does, if there’s no market to market to...one can only go so far. If you look across any Grindr, Adam4Adam or Rentmen, people write lots of stuff in ads that are off-putting, but they’re still getting laid. But atleast I know what things I can change, before I make that change.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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You just can’t help yourself to keep up the condescending tone, can you?


Those excuses, excuses, excuses, are likely you trying to project onto me, the EXCUSES you have with your body image and your “excuses” to not exercise. Because from what another member pointed out to me in private, you seem to be a bit overweight and have a body type that can’t fit into a harness correctly. ?


How about you focus on losing weight and working on your body image problems while you can, instead of trying to come on here and figure out my problems and persistently go out of your way to insult me.


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If I were you, I'd create an alias to post these type of comments.

As a customer, it is a turn off to read these type of posts from an escort.

I believe they do not help you to get more business.


There's a lot of valuable advice in this thread. Hope you find it useful :)



Right!! I was thinking the same thing - after reading his posts and getting a glimpse of what he's like, I don't think most forum members would want to hire him. He's a terrific-looking man tho.

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Lol as a client and from a client perspective I wouldn't book you based on what's your profile . It's way too serious and based on what I read I get a vibe that we not gonna get along at all and also saying something negative about someone weight when yours not even good is rude and very off putting ?‍♂️ and ur not even attractive so ?

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I think most of us agree that OP is not really open or receptive to the advice given to him.

All the advice given here would cost thousands of dollars if given by a business consultant.

I will take some of the knowledge / info given here to apply it to my own business (not escort related). :)



True that - great advice for anybody in a service business.

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Lol as a client and from a client perspective I wouldn't book you based on what's your profile . It's way too serious and based on what I read I get a vibe that we not gonna get along at all and also saying something negative about someone weight when yours not even good is rude and very off putting ?‍♂️ and ur not even attractive so ?


Boy, BYE! Don't talk to me when you're too cheap to get a hotel and you can't spell. You 28 years old trying to find cheap places to meet escorts. At-least I have the confidence to show myself online. Where's your pictures? https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/cheap-places-to-be-with-provider.161778/


And no I don't judge anyone's weight, but if someone wants to be judgemental towards me...they are going to get judgmental handed back to them.

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Boy, BYE! Don't talk to me when you're too cheap to get a hotel and you can't spell. You 28 years old trying to find cheap places to meet escorts. At-least I have the confidence to show myself online. Where's your pictures? https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/cheap-places-to-be-with-provider.161778/


And no I don't judge anyone's weight, but if someone wants to be judgemental towards me...they are going to get judgmental handed back to them.

I'm not cheap just won't spend bunch of money on a place I'm gonna spend max 2hours in . Lol u look hurt . If you trying to offend me not gonna work ?‍♂️ won't even argue with you u not worth it a penny of offensive words so ? . With love , Maximilian

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I'm not cheap just won't spend bunch of money on a place I'm gonna spend max 2hours in . Lol u look hurt . If you trying to offend me not gonna work ?‍♂️ won't even argue with you u not worth it a penny of offensive words so ? . With love , Maximilian


yeah and you so “attractive”, the escort doesn’t even want you to show face around his place...you really that gullible? An escorts has his own place, but is going to make you pay for a room for a couple hours. How you figure?


I don’t ask local clients to get a hotel for a couple of hours, even if they are the only one booked because 1 appointment still offsets it. When I can’t host from home, clients pay me deposit and I get an apartment sized hotel that doesn’t do hourly bookings, and probably for less price than it would cost for 4 hours in NYC. Because I’m a Diamond member with 3 hotel chains. Better check my background ☝?


Keep your love, luv. It’s laced with hatred and I can taste it...

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As a client, I think the answer to this question is pretty simple: provide an continuously exceptional experience. Obviously there are lots of other variables, some clients like regulars, others (like me) are always looking for the next shiny object. You will/won't have chemistry with some ppl. But, the few ppl I have seem multiple times (1) provide an exceptional experience (2) are focused on their clients needs VS their own (3) are good communicators and especially listeners (4) keep it fresh, i.e. mix it up a little each visit. If you fall into a "rote" routine it's over. Not to say you can't have an off day, if you build trust with someone they'll allow you that. Good luck

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