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What are some ways to gain more regulars?

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What I have noticed with you and your frustrations about your business is that the client is always the problem. I'm wondering what would happen if you tried assuming that you, somehow, were the problem. And I don't pretend to know that this would work, but it might be illuminating to assume that you, ultimately, are the source of your client problems. I'm not saying that's true, but it might be a productive way to look at it.

Well that’s easy to say when you don’t know me, nor have you worked side by side to see the things that I refer to. Don’t be so judgmental. If you don’t like what I have to say, that doesn’t equate to me being the reason for how someone treats their encounters. If so, what would this problem be? What and why am I the reason specifically, for this. You tell me. My guess is: you don’t know. You’re just talking out of your ass. So you can go have a seat on it ?


BUT, since you know it all and have the answers to my “problems”...I just had an example today of exactly what I referred to. 1 client who’ve I met before, we were just chatting yesterday (Saturday) about arranging something. He says he will get back to me Monday. Today (surprise, surprise), he texts me; what’s going on. Then says he’s free for a couple hours, but that might not be enough time. And it wasn’t. I need time to get ready and get to him, there’s no way I could have made that happen. So, the meet didn’t happen, and he says he has to check back on what day he can due to; etc etc.


Now, that’s not picking on him...but that’s the stuff I refer to that starts to set things on the wrong path. It was last minute, then he don’t know when/how etc. I told him, had I known yesterday you were going to be free for a couple hours this afternoon, I would have already been there. I’m not going to get mad at him right now, because I think we can sort it out...But if it becomes a pattern, it will create friction.




I didn't say I had the answers to your problems, I encouraged you to look within to find the source of your problems. And I freely admit that I was speculating. I submit, though, that it was informed speculation, based on your ongoing complaints about your clientele. The fact that you reacted angrily, rather than reading carefully, is just more evidence that you are the source of your own problems.

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I didn't say I had the answers to your problems, I encouraged you to look within to find the source of your problems. And I freely admit that I was speculating. I submit, though, that it was informed speculation, based on your ongoing complaints about your clientele. The fact that you reacted angrily, rather than reading carefully, is just more evidence that you are the source of your own problems.


Fair enough, but I’ll tell you right now...you’re the source of my problem right now, just based on how you’re talking condescendingly towards me. Let’s be clear on that.


When you start using words like complain, frustrate, and problems...words that I never personally used; that gets on my wrong side automatically. Because you’re essentially excusing the situations I mentioned without consideration, and going out of your way to put me as the adversary. (even though you just did admit, that the person I referred to sounded like a time waster. And that person, was a client I’ve met previously and had a good encounter with . So you just confirmed the same things I was describing).


Yes, I did say certain things do irritate me. It does irritate me when someone seems intent on an appointment, but then tells me that they need to cancel because of something they knew damn well would prevent them from meeting. It does irritate me when a client contacts the day of, with no sort of “heads up” expecting me to be ready at the drop of a dime, but can’t be bothered to plan for a mutually convenient time in advance. Or even, “I can be there at 3”, and they say, “that’s too late for me”. Well...how is it too late when they didn’t bother to see me as a person who “MIGHT” have a normal life of responsibilities (just like them!) and not just doing nothing with it. How the F you figure, that’s something that I am the reason for? Sounds like you’re projecting.


But don’t be so dismissive. Just because you don’t like me calling something out, doesn’t mean I’m somehow responsible. Now in your defense, there have been some times where I could have done things a bit better with a particular client, but it’s hardly a pattern. Besides, if regulars were as plentiful as we all wanted, most of us wouldn’t be paying for advertising every month. We’d just have our revolving door of clients coming and going, without ever having to advertise.

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Second side of the coin, top 10 reasons I won't repeat:


10) A one hour massage lasts 40 minutes at best.

9) Whenever any escort announces I have 5 minutes left or a timer goes off.

8) A stone wall forms around the escort after climax.

7) They won't do the things they list as likes in their profile.

6) They are 10 years older than their pictures.

5) When I show up, they don't remember a single thing we discussed ahead of time.

4) Escorts that request up-front payment.

3) Escorts that show up stoned.

2) Their room, or their person is filthy.

1) The escort cannot even sort of pretend to be glad you are there.


Those are all valid reasonings. I try to avoid all except #4, as I do tend to ask for deposits...but that's pretty similar to what my wedding ? friends do for their venues.


However it may be different to the upfront payment you refer to. Mine is just a small portion, and simply covers my initial expenses to host or travel. Senór citizens in the game such as myself, tend to prefer having arrangements confirmed, which in turn also encourage us to stick with appointments also.

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Those are all valid reasonings. I try to avoid all except #4, as I do tend to ask for deposits...but that's pretty similar to what my wedding ? friends do for their venues.


However it may be different to the upfront payment you refer to. Mine is just a small portion, and simply covers my initial expenses to host or travel. Senór citizens in the game such as myself, tend to prefer having arrangements confirmed, which in turn also encourage us to stick with appointments also.


Based on this one thing alone, I would never hire you even once (forget about recurring). Flip the script and think about this from a client perspective.


- There are multiple people I can hire

- Most don't require a deposit of any kind

- If I pay anything up front, there is a good chance that I'll be ghosted (happens all the time)


Based on this information, I'm clearly going to pick someone who does not require a deposit. Unless you live in some weird market where everyone requires a deposit (virtually nobody requires a deposit here), you have put up a boundary that will restrict your business and cash flow. In business, I sometimes have no choice but to match the norms established by my competition. You, my friend are not in the wedding business, you are in the escort business, so you have to match the norms of that business.


Even if 80% of people are OK with a deposit (I doubt this very much), this automatically means you reduce your business by 20%. Escorting is special, but it is still just a business at the end of the day and the old laws regarding customer service still apply.


Last thing for you to ponder... If others in your area are scoring regulars and you are not, then you are doing something different that is preventing you from gaining the repeat business. If you have contact with any former clients, I'd frankly just ask for the feedback. The fact that others have regulars dictates that it is possible with the existing client base. If you really want some regulars, you'll have to make some changes to meet or beat the competition.

Edited by jtwalker
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Totally agree with jeezifonly.... as client who's being more careful during this time, I miss the little stuff -- the closeness, the hug, DEFINITELY the kiss.... I posted the other day asking about any genuinely good guys who would be interested in establishing connection through virtual sessions, which I'll pay for. Not a "show" like I imagine is on OnlyFans, but a beginning of a client relationship. I'll do some stuff now, like see some masseurs for sessions (masked), but just not smart to do much.

And on the "thank you" note topic -- man, all it takes is a truly nice text the next day -- tell the client you honestly enjoyed the time together and would love to see him again. Makes a big difference.

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And for what it's worth, I agree with jtwalker -- I will never hire someone who displays so little trust in me that he requires money up front. Invest time in an upfront conversation, my friend, and then if he sounds honest and true, you have to trust. I'm sure it's not unusual in this arena to have cancellations, but if you make me feel like you don't trust me up front, I'm for sure going to find someone else.

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I’m a client that lives a super busy life. Almost all of my initial hires are last minute. I was in Orlando with a limited three hour window last month. I initiated contact with 7 escorts. They all got the same message about my earliest start time, the hard stop, what I wanted and how I paid. 4 of the 7 responded. The one I hired said “I can be on the road in 15 minutes. I’ll need a few minutes to prepare in the bathroom alone when I arrive, is that ok?”

For me, hiring is REALLY spontaneous. I wish I could hire with advanced notice but my sex drive doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t mean I don’t value the escort’s time. Also, I’d never pay a deposit. No is my second favorite answer. If I can’t make it work with an escort, I’m ok with that. Over my years of hiring I’ve made many positive connections.

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I'll toss in my two cents. For background, I was a relatively successful escort in the late 90s while in college (averaging 6.2 meetings per week at a minimum of $200 per, which was high back then) and now have my own business, where I am the fellow that often brings in the new business.


If the problem is not enough inquiries to begin with, you need to change up the way you are marketing yourself. I did not look at your adverts, but things like new pictures or a different approach to your verbiage might be in order. A lot of clients do some research, so try to cross pollinate your approach...you should try to have a social media presence on twitter that makes you seem interesting and hints at your personality. Theres also the dynamic of bringing to the market something fresh or unique....if your market is lacking in some arena put on the persona that will fill it. Universally, presenting an up-beat attitude about how much you love what you do and how much goodness you bring to the table will get people interested.


Not to come across as a judgement, it would be better if your communications on here really made you seem sincere and nice and were not at all polarizing. Right now they are going a little bit, well, not friendly and expressing whatever you feel to other members won't help you to snag new clients when they go poking around on here.


If the problem is client retention, I had a method that worked beautifully and took just a bit of extra work. I kept copious notes about the interactions I had with potential clients before they booked me and made even more intense notes about the experience directly after the session. If they mentioned they were in town for a gasket convention, I'd put a note in my day-planner (this was the 90s) to follow up with the fellow about a month before the convention the following year. You'd be shocked at how well that worked and how regularly many people travel. Same with pilots...this was before texting, but I had 7 or 8 pilots that knew they could send me a day and a flight number and I'd keep an eye on the airline timetable and be discretely waiting int he hotel lobby when they got there....they did not even have to think about it. Every client got their own unique number so they would get linked back into my notes....and every single detail about what we talked about / did sexually / any personal info went into it along with the anything I could glean about them. How much they paid, if they tipped, preferred lube...I wrote it all down. If I wanted to pursue them, I'd try to find a way to weave my way back into their lives. This was also back in the days of the aol chatrooms, so it was relatively easy to see them online and send a DM about whatever...ie, 'it was so awesome to meet you last month. I can't stop thinking about using the purple dildo on you while you sang the national anthem; that was so incredibly hot'. If it was actually someone that I enjoyed meeting or within easy proximity I'd also give them a 10 or 20% discount, banking that the'd likely tip me and it would all even out.


Over the 4 years I had maybe 1200 different clients and the notes I kept about them filled 6 moleskin notebooks and a couple of excel spreadsheets to be able to cross reference people. Even to this day I can flip into them and instantly know who almost all of these guys were, which is sort of fun. If my reaching out to them led to another session (or they reached back out to me at a later date) I could totally know exactly what they were looking for and it made the likelihood of them flaking drop to nearly zero....as they would be impressed that I could 'remember' all of these details and must have had such a personal connection.


One of my best clients was this mildly creepy older fellow who I could tell was sad. I went to his single family house in a posh city neighborhood and managed to see a funeral card sitting out on his nightstand from (what I assumed was) his wife dying 10 months prior. I did my thing sexually but also rubbed his back and chatted a bit about how great his old stone house was....and noticed he had a bag of those nasty werthers originals on his hall table when I left. I sent him a follow up email the next day (you should always do that, and always mention something nice that you connected with (even if you have to make it up...and it can never ever seem like a form note) which did not get returned....I had a feeling that whatever we did was probably fun for the moment, but may have made him even more sad after. Five or six weeks later I dropped a bag of those candies into his mail slot with a totally non incriminating PG note from me that said I had taken one without asking and wanted to replenish his stockpile and reiterated how much I enjoyed our conversation and also sent a email letting him know there was a little something that I left, allowing my contact info to be fresh in his inbox.. I knew that that would probably hit him at a vulnerable time and it would get me a repeat visit, which it totally did.


We never did talk about really anything at all in his personal life but he turned into an awesome 4 year client and it only ended when he finally decided to move away...and the last time I saw him he gave me this hand-knotted rug that I had complimented early on in knowing him, so he was obviously paying attention. I still keep it in my dressing room and think of him each time I go in there.


I think I identified 7 or 8 people during my time that I wanted as long term people and managed to turn 4 of them into real money makers.


I was also never a clock watcher, within reason, once you got me there you had me. My thought was that the actual time spent was a lot smaller than the time I spent in dealing with inquiries and travel time....so what's another 30 or 60 minutes if it leads to consistent work. I'd always sort of read the room, let the guy know that the sessions started when clothes came off, hang out and chat or whatever until they were comfy and really ready to go. And the post fucking cuddle time is super important to some folks, so just hanging out in bed after its all done can be a really pleasing memory for the fellow to have of you. I did have one fellow who I saw weekly that wanted to and was able to bottom for over an hour and seemed to have limitless stamina. It was impressive, as my penis is on the larger side. So I learned that at about the 50 minute mark I'd totally fake an orgasm (the entire pulsing dick / pretending that I just couldn't hold it back) and I'd sort of keep myself in him and pant for a minute....and follow up with 'Man, I can't believe you ass took me over the edge like that, lets get you off before my dick goes down' and he would happily beat himself off with no help from me. He never did seem to realize this was an act and told me on many occasions that I was the only guy who had ever satisfied him.


The other key is marketing 101....one callback is great, but if you can get someone to see you for a third time, you're part of their 'routine' and it's almost a sure bet they will keep calling you....and the more that you can personalize your services the more likely it is it will lead to good things. That said, emotionally for an escort repeat clients can have their own issues. I had several that I just did not like and having sex with them was a completely not enjoyable experience.


I keep thinking I should write some sort of escort advice blog or something. I really did approach is as a career when I did it. I was not by any means the hottest guy around or the best in bed, but my attention to detail and working out a good method to it all really helped me to find success.

Edited by haring222
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Biggest issues for not considering a provider as a regular are: cutting sessions early (like 25-30 min for an hour session) and performance issues. The latter is not truly within any guy's control, but at the same time I would expect a partial refund or discount on the next session, anything really. Viagra is pretty cheap nowadays and not having too many clients or partying too much is the provider's responsibility.


I could see a deposit for something like long distance travel or an overnight or something but for a 1-2 hour session, no. I only had one guy ask for one and I got burned so that would be an instant decline for me.

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I'll toss in my two cents. For background, I was a relatively successful escort in the late 90s while in college (averaging 6.2 meetings per week at a minimum of $200 per, which was high back then) and now have my own business, where I am the fellow that often brings in the new business.




Excellent input! I always wondered how the late 90s escorting were. I mean, I echo everything you’re saying, and in fact how you did things is similar to how I operate. But I am not a big note taker (and out of discretion). However, I am like an elephant and remember just about every client and what they are into. You also had some good techniques I hadn’t thought of, and I could see how that could help win over more regulars.


I wouldn’t feed too much into how I chat on here. People tend to be bitchy in ways that they wouldn’t normally do in a conversation. And on the forum, I play along with people’s bitchiness not because I am that way as a provider, but I’m not going to kiss ass endlessly to appease someone’s skewed impression of me. We can agree to disagree, but when someone makes baseless statements without much to back it up (e.g. I’m the problem, and everyone else is not), I’m going to address it.



I could see a deposit for something like long distance travel or an overnight or something but for a 1-2 hour session, no. I only had one guy ask for one and I got burned so that would be an instant decline for me.


That’s totally understandable. And I’ve touched on this topic a couple of weeks ago. My thing is: I don’t have a problem receiving deposits from clients. I know there’s some who don’t wish to, but I have specific reasons why I ask for deposits...and it’s nothing to do with trust.


I feel if Uber drivers, Pizza Hut, eBay packages, Amazon, etc etc can be paid for and paid for shipping in advance, I as a escort should be given something in advance as well. That’s just how I operate.


In my case, I ask for deposits even if it’s an hour session, mainly when hosting...because I have many times over the years: paid for hotels or traveled to cities expecting clients to show up, and got burned. It’s a personal preference for me. If a client sees it as a threat to their integrity, I can’t be responsible for that. To me, a deposit is about how I want to operate and for my peace of mind as a sex worker. If someone isn’t okay with that, I’m okay with that. ??


It’s been too many times in my career that I’ve done stuff on edge, going by a client’s word...and most times it worked it, other times it didn’t. So when someone says they got burned, I say...yeah, I been burned 100 times more, so I understand. I hope you can understand too.

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If the problem is not enough inquiries to begin with, you need to change up the way you are marketing yourself. I did not look at your adverts, but things like new pictures or a different approach to your verbiage might be in order.


I hear what you’re saying, but I think there needs to be some acknowledgement that, sometimes no matter what a escort does; it may not help. Sometimes the problem is: there’s no market to market to lol.


I been in a relatively segregated, classist, conservative, relatively frugal mentality area of the U.S. for the past 2 years. It’s like a town that I believe has a condescending vibe towards sex workers, but see us ONLY because they “NEED” to. Hence why there’s not enough regulars. Some have gone out of their way to make things difficult. They’ll text about an appointment, and then not respond when I return their message. They’ll book last minute, even when I’ve suggested needing advance notice. There’s also not as much coming from my own demographic.


So, if you are catching on that dynamics in cities can trickle right down into the sex work realm, you’re absolutely right. The problem is multifaceted, and I don’t expect someone who doesn’t know other’s situation, to understand. So I’m not mad at all.


It’s much better not having to stay in one place too long and deal with the things I’ve contended with staying in one market. Especially if that market doesn’t support the local trade.

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Jarrod- I looked at your Rentman ad. I found it to be a little off-putting. Some advice- try to inject a little more warmth into the text and make yourself a bit more inviting...like you would be happy to see me. There was nothing in it that seemed particularly unique or different.


Are you the best heavy massager in town? The softest or hardest pounder? The funniest joke teller? The most amazing kisser?


I would also advise you to ditch the A B C rules thing. I wouldn’t have the energy to want to follow a bunch of rules to make you happy. Instead, concentrate on telling me what you want to do to make ME happy.

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I’m a client that lives a super busy life. Almost all of my initial hires are last minute. I was in Orlando with a limited three hour window last month. I initiated contact with 7 escorts. They all got the same message about my earliest start time, the hard stop, what I wanted and how I paid. 4 of the 7 responded. The one I hired said “I can be on the road in 15 minutes. I’ll need a few minutes to prepare in the bathroom alone when I arrive, is that ok?”

For me, hiring is REALLY spontaneous. I wish I could hire with advanced notice but my sex drive doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t mean I don’t value the escort’s time. Also, I’d never pay a deposit. No is my second favorite answer. If I can’t make it work with an escort, I’m ok with that. Over my years of hiring I’ve made many positive connections.


This make a ridiculous amount of sense. I booked someone well in advance for the first time, and I don't care for it at all. I also prefer the spontaneity.

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Jarrod- I looked at your Rentman ad. I found it to be a little off-putting. Some advice- try to inject a little more warmth into the text and make yourself a bit more inviting...like you would be happy to see me. There was nothing in it that seemed particularly unique or different.


Are you the best heavy massager in town? The softest or hardest pounder? The funniest joke teller? The most amazing kisser?


I would also advise you to ditch the A B C rules thing. I wouldn’t have the energy to want to follow a bunch of rules to make you happy. Instead, concentrate on telling me what you want to do to make ME happy.


The ABC part is also just redundant with the first two paragraphs of the ad- you already talked about having advance notice before appointments. When you combine them, talking about advance notice procedures is 2/3 of your ad space. It's fine to mention it, but it probably shouldn't be the focus.

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If I were you, I'd create an alias to post these type of comments.

As a customer, it is a turn off to read these type of posts from an escort.

I believe they do not help you to get more business.


There's a lot of valuable advice in this thread. Hope you find it useful :)

Edited by 7829V
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If I were you, I'd create an alias to post these type of posts. As a customer, it is a turn off to read these type of posts from an escort. It does not help to get more business, in my opinion.


There's a lot of valuable advice in this thread. Hope it helps you :)


I agree. Sadly, I find that the way Jarrod posts, and the way he responds to people offering assistance is off putting and comes across as aggressive or defensive. I wouldn’t hire based on that.

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Just reflecting on my current market, and I’m dismayed by the fact that I have few, if any... regulars in this area (though I was also informed by another provider that he had similar experience in Kansas City).


It’s funny because I’ve had a handful of attempted regulars: that is, someone I’ll meet the 1st time fine; but then on their 2nd offer to meet, something will happen with schedule or communication, and then never end up meeting again. Like, they’ll want to meet at a time that’s not convenient for me, but when I try to reserve a day to do so, they either don’t respond, or respond hours or days later, saying they can’t make it. Or they’ll be a regular a couple times or so, but then do things to irritate me here and there over the phone, and it sours the relationship.


It’s bugging me because at a time like now (it’s been dead and I have urgent things to handle), I look back on the appointments I’ve had over the past year in my local area, and only 2 have been a regular so far. But now I’m down to 1. Granted I travel often so I have regulars in other cities. But I’ve reached out to several to see about reschedule, they may say yes... but then don’t follow back up. Then I hear about another escort coming to town saying he’s got a couple regulars he’s seen last time he was here...and that just makes me feel like, I can imagine these guys are still in the hiring circuit, but for whatever reason, they aren’t reliable to the local guys. And I can tell because the listings in Kansas City drop significantly on a regular basis. It’s evident the local guys can’t make it here.


I try to do things like follow up, leave cards, send links to reviews and JFF which help. I know there’s been suggestions of frequent sucker/fucker programs. I’m just not big on discounting sessions, because if a person is the only client I have that day/week, a discount is only going to leave me with less money or more overhead. Or, if the regular only comes around every 4-6 months, that’s not really “regular” enough to start offering bargains.

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Just reflecting on my current market, and I’m dismayed by the fact that I have few, if any... regulars in this area (though I was also informed by another provider that he had similar experience in Kansas City).


It’s funny because I’ve had a handful of attempted regulars: that is, someone I’ll meet the 1st time fine; but then on their 2nd offer to meet, something will happen with schedule or communication, and then never end up meeting again. Like, they’ll want to meet at a time that’s not convenient for me, but when I try to reserve a day to do so, they either don’t respond, or respond hours or days later, saying they can’t make it. Or they’ll be a regular a couple times or so, but then do things to irritate me here and there over the phone, and it sours the relationship.


It’s bugging me because at a time like now (it’s been dead and I have urgent things to handle), I look back on the appointments I’ve had over the past year in my local area, and only 2 have been a regular so far. But now I’m down to 1. Granted I travel often so I have regulars in other cities. But I’ve reached out to several to see about reschedule, they may say yes... but then don’t follow back up. Then I hear about another escort coming to town saying he’s got a couple regulars he’s seen last time he was here...and that just makes me feel like, I can imagine these guys are still in the hiring circuit, but for whatever reason, they aren’t reliable to the local guys. And I can tell because the listings in Kansas City drop significantly on a regular basis. It’s evident the local guys can’t make it here.


I try to do things like follow up, leave cards, send links to reviews and JFF which help. I know there’s been suggestions of frequent sucker/fucker programs. I’m just not big on discounting sessions, because if a person is the only client I have that day/week, a discount is only going to leave me with less money or more overhead. Or, if the regular only comes around every 4-6 months, that’s not really “regular” enough to start offering bargains.

I've been more and more disappointed that scheduling an appointment should be not when I desire. I just ask, I'm available on Friday-Sunday's at such and such a time and have booked appointments. Only to be told, after the time has arrived and gone, well I usually don't do afternoon's or mornings. But that's what we agreed to. I make a commitment at my end on my time and my resources. Sorry I expect the same

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Having read your posts over the years I have no idea why you have so many issues with clients. Hmmmm I wonder.


Well you can either keep wondering, or listen to what I’m saying to perhaps make a difference


If I were you, I'd create an alias to post these type of comments.

As a customer, it is a turn off to read these type of posts from an escort.

I believe they do not help you to get more business.


There's a lot of valuable advice in this thread. Hope you find it useful :)


I can understand the reason for it, but I prefer to be more transparent. With so many celebrities and porn stars on Twitter speaking their minds (and sometimes getting backlash), I feel the adult thing to do is just be 100% real about how I feel.


I’ve felt I’ve usually earned more business being genuine, than trying to hide behind an alias. If someone wouldn’t ever hire me for a post here, they’d likely never get booked in real life by me either ??‍♂️



The ABC part is also just redundant with the first two paragraphs of the ad- you already talked about having advance notice before appointments. When you combine them, talking about advance notice procedures is 2/3 of your ad space. It's fine to mention it, but it probably shouldn't be the focus.


Ive been working on my ad a bit recently, and still fine tuning what I want and don’t want in it. I have wondered if that seemed a bit redundant, and I may switch it up. However, I also like when a client says: I’ve read your ad...and points to it. It just lets me know they have an understanding of how I prefer to operate.


Part of reason I’ve gotten so repetitive in ads over the months, is because I was too nice and polite. I didn’t say anything that alluded to boundaries, and I would get lots of texts about bookings, but lots of people who weren’t following anything I was saying in the ads.

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