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Adonis Anniversary Party 10/31

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How did everyone enjoy it??? I had a really good time. A really really really good time.


Amazing! Lots of "big" surprises ? to handle (and fondle) and had a blast ? with my "happy" beginning and end ? ? ?

And really, it was amazing to get to know you, @Coolwave35, @Hello, and @sam.fitzpatrick - will definitely keep in touch.

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What a night! Here’s a review for those of you that enjoy these things. It feels self indulgent but enough people have expressed an interest in hearing about how things proceed, so here goes.


4 of us from the board met for a nice dinner at our hotel restaurant. They were unable to add grilled chicken to a salad. Seemed like a reasonable request but grilled chicken isn’t available here.


We got to the nude party between 7:30 and 8. Tim was wearing a Where’s Waldo costume that out of sheer coincidence the bartender was the model for on the package. I can’t tell who wore it better, they were both hot. There was a real woman, very attractive working the door, no penis. Definitely no penis.


We got a tour of the place, which seems to have been built for this exact kind of event. It was super clean, nothing was sticky, there was enough privacy if you want it, or plenty to see and voyeur if you preferred that.


There were 17 dancers there throughout the night. Some came and went. Some came and came. One came, came and came again, but we’ll get to that.


Masks were required. I was a little surprised it was as enforced as it was, but safety first.


I did dances with 12 of the 17. Highlights were Jimmy, Vengador, and Patrick. For anyone that hasn’t been to one of these, you pay $20 for a dancer to grind all over you while a song plays. You can opt to do multiple in a row. There appears to be an unspoken rule that the more songs you chain together, the more you get out of the dance. For example.


1 song they grind all over you and you touch their body. 2nd song they’ll take your hand and guide it across their bodies, and onto their ass or hardening dick. 3rd song their mouth will make contact with your neck or ears. 4th song their hands will work very hard to activate the clients dick. 5th song.... well, you get the idea. This wasn’t clear to me until the 3rd time it happened. I appreciate a good process so I was happy to experience it.


Two dancers approached me and asked if I wanted to join them for a 3some in the champagne room. It was an easy yes.


About 90 minutes later, one of those boys, 2 others dancers, some customers and I were standing in a circle in the main room. He asked if I wanted to see him shoot another load. I said yes, but only if it was in the main room, on this new dancer’s ass, right where we were all standing. Some negotiating ensued, he did a jerk off show in front of the bar onto a beautiful bubble butt. For a darkened room full of grown ups trying to avoid eye contact with each other, EVERYONE noticed what was going on and they seemed to enjoy it.


Highlights from the event:


@sam.fitzpatrick telling me I’d fit in fine at the Palm Springs event and not to be nervous or self conscious about attending.


It was super clean and although the Covid precautions were annoying at first, they’re necessary, it was the right thing to do and I get it.


Two dancers tried to give me change after my dances not realizing the extra 20’s were tips. That was charming.


Bryce is hysterical. Absolutely hysterical.


A dancer that agreed to come back to my hotel asked for my number. As he was typing it in, me over his shoulder checking for accuracy, I was already saved as “guy with lots of cash from Long Island.” I guess in their eyes, that about sums me up lol. I was flattered and grateful it wasn’t a worse combination of adjectives and descriptors.


Through out the night, while I was getting dances I’d stuff cash in between the couch cushions. When I was done, I’d go tell other dancers about it. They’d rush off to go look for it no matter what was happening on that couch. Customers thought they were getting a buy one get one free dance. Perceptive dancers had a Halloween Easter egg hunt and made some bonuses.


low lights:


One dancer started checking Instagram mid way through the first song of our lap dance. It was strangely off putting.


A customer walked in on me peeing and wouldn’t leave. I rolled with it but it was unexpected


It took cycling through 4 Uber Eats bicycle delivery drivers nearly an hour to find one brave enough to deliver 8 pizzas by bicycle. The pizza arrived mostly intact, and fairly warm.


I’ll do another post about all that went on AFTER the event back at my hotel room if there’s any interest.

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And really, it was amazing to get to know you, @Coolwave35, @Hello, and @sam.fitzpatrick - will definitely keep in touch.


Agreed. It was nice to meet y'all. It is always interesting to meet others from the Forum.


There were 17 dancers there throughout the night.


I was impressed by the diversity of the dancers for the evening. There should have been a little of something for everyone.


I did dances with 12 of the 17.


And I thought I had done well getting dances with seven....


About 90 minutes later, one of those boys, 2 others dancers, some customers and I were standing in a circle in the main room. He asked if I wanted to see him shoot another load. I said yes, but only if it was in the main room, on this new dancer’s ass, right where we were all standing. Some negotiating ensued, he did a jerk off show in front of the bar onto a beautiful bubble butt.


Why do I not remember this? Perhaps I was otherwise occupied at the time..... ;)

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Recap part 2. Back at the hotel.


The guy that runs the tech for the virtual events and I have become friends. He got us adjoining rooms at a Marriott in midtown very close to the venue. They had set up an after party to film content with some of the boys that are going to be part of the Adonis only fans. I got an early access preview of the preloaded content, and oh my god, are subscribers in for a trove of hot content. I digress.


There were two boys I was really into at the nude party and told them I wanted to take them back with me afterwards. I asked if they’d give me an opportunity to beat whatever other offers they got. Both said that wasn’t necessary and they were prepared to commit to the overnight with me and they’d turn down any other offers. Take note men, that was super hot and much appreciated on my end. It meant I could enjoy the night not worrying if the guys I lusted after would be scooped up. It also allowed me to sample the other guys knowing that I had a bird in the hand...


At 12:50 we all headed for the hotel.


I had a sealed zipper pouch on the back seat of my car. I told one boy that inside the pouch was a fetish I had that I wanted to do with one of them.


They were allowed to touch the pouch, and could ask 3 yes or no questions about its contents.


Question 1) does it go up my butt? No

Question 2) if I ingest it, will my mind be altered? No

Question 3) is it something I’d put on my body? Yes


When we got into the room, they each wrote down an amount of money, beyond the negotiated fee, to engage in the fetish sight unseen. One bid $300. One asked for $500. After a lot of deer in headlight looks and negotiations, they both agreed to engage, one at a time for $300 each.


One boy and the Adonis tech guy went into the neighboring room to film for only fans; the other boy stayed with me. I undressed his beautiful, ripped body. We moved into the gorgeous, spacious, glass shower. I opened the pouch. He smiled a very relieved smile and we got down to it.


We moved to the bed and had another wonderful connection. He asked if he could look at a photo of a large breasted woman while we played. This got him even harder and was fascinating that that photo had that affect on his sex drive. He finished after about an hour of play. It was now a little after 2am before clock roll back. As we were saying our good byes and he changed my name in his phone to something a little more personal than “guy from Long Island with lots of cash”, I asked if he would psych out the other dancer by immediately confessing his regret about the pouch challenge. I said look freaked out, sound freaked out, act freaked out. We couldn’t have planned it better if we tried. As we were leaving our room, tech guy and other dancer were walking out of their room for a smoke break. My dancer rode down with them and turned in a great performance. I joined the only fans room that had 7 people in a space designed for 3. When tech guy and other dancer came back, they immediately wanted to know about the pouch.


After 15 minutes of hearing about the only fans content I just missed, we talked about the night and our different experiences.


Tech guy was overstimulated and asked if he could crash on my couch while I had my session with other dancer. I’m a gentleman so of course I said yes.


We go into my room and immediately I hear about how freaked out the other dancer was. How much he regretted the pouch etc. Tech guy and dancer were so moved by this performance that, much to my delight, they considered following him home as they were worried about his mental state and ability to get to his hotel. Hilarious!


I come clean, share the text messages from dancer one beaming with pride about how well he sold it. I show both of my guests the pouch contents. His fear turns to enthusiasm and we get started. Tech guy passes the fuck out on my couch, with his head facing away, out of sheer exhaustion and stimulus. He’s a newbie amateur, but there’s a clear smile on his face from our adventure. 2nd dancer and I have a blast until 3:20. I feel bad he’s got a journey to get back to his place. What can only be described as a mutual, palpable reluctance to part ways on both of our parts, we say good bye. It’s clear to me that the after party in the next room is over but I hear the shower running.


One of the only fans models stayed behind to “watch our stuff” and “make sure we remembered to take a room key with us so we could get back into the room.” He was 1 of the 5 dancers I didn’t connect with at the nude party. His consideration and willingness to stay at 3:15 with no promise of financial gain turned me on and we played. Boy did we play. I got an education on viagra, and an unfiltered perspective of the night from the perspective of the experienced talent. It was fascinating and his dick was huge. We worked out a situation that resulted in tech guy having no clean towels for his morning shower. He’ll forgive me.


At 4am I wandered back to my room. I don’t indulge in alcohol or substance. I’m still wide awake and reeling from the night with clarity. I try to wake tech guy and convince him that his room is empty and he’s got a super comfortable bed 20 feet away. I make note that he doesn’t have to sleep on the foot rest. I also offered my bed In case there was some signal the newbie was giving me. He was not giving a signal, he was exhausted. Lol fortunately, he has no recollection of this. Whew!


I climb in my bed and realize that with everything going on, I forgot to cum. It’s now 4:30. Out of sheer curiosity, I log into grindr and am immediately hit up by a 24 year old gorgeous green eyed sub pig that is 539 feet away. This doesn’t happen where I’m from in suburbia.


He shares what he wants, which is so far from anything that has ever been requested of or from me that I’m convinced someone is punking me.


After the night I’ve had though, I’m game. We agree to meet on the corner and come back to my hotel room. Oh wait! I’m not alone. FUCK!


I text Matt, the more grown up of the Adonis owners on the west coast and ask if he thinks it’s ok that I hook up with a stranger while the uber responsible tech guy is sleeping within arms reach. No response. I say fuck it, I’ll do what Tim would do. I lovingly, and with the utmost of care drape a mostly clean pillow case over his face. I tell my grindr date of the situation and he says that will make it even hotter. We figure worst case scenario is that he wakes up during the thing, isn’t amused, and leaves.


We meet at 4:25, are in my room at 4:30 and I’m getting into the kinkiest thing I’ve ever done while my new friend is asleep beside us. Its clear to me that I’m delivering and doing it right because this dude is hard as a rock, leaking precum like a faucet and moaning in ecstasy. I’m also shockingly ok with what’s going on, though I won’t indulge again.


At 5:30 we finish up, he goes on his merry way and I’m laying down in post coital bliss on a pillow without a case. At 5:50 I’m startled as I’m dozing to the noise of tech guy falling into his room. I get up, forgetting I’m naked to check on him.


He’s fine. Yup, definitely didn’t misinterpret a signal. He waves me good night and closes the door.


I wake up at 8:30 happy as a pig in the mud. I doze back to sleep and am awoken at 10am from a text from my incredible husband. “Are you dead?” Again I forgot to check in with him and let him know all was well. “I’m alive and well, the bed is cozy.” “Did you have fun.” “Meh, it would have been better if you joined me.” “That’s not my thing you know that. On your way home, please grab my prescription from walgreens.”




18 hours after it all begin, back to reality.


I hope someone enjoyed some part of this. Have a nice rest of your weekend!

Edited by Coolwave35
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Recap part 2. Back at the hotel.


The guy that runs the tech for the virtual events and I have become friends. He got us adjoining rooms at a Marriott in midtown very close to the venue. They had set up an after party to film content with some of the boys that are going to be part of the Adonis only fans. I got an early access preview of the preloaded content, and oh my god, are subscribers in for a trove of hot content. I digress.


There were two boys I was really into at the nude party and told them I wanted to take them back with me afterwards. I asked if they’d give me an opportunity to beat whatever other offers they got. Both said that wasn’t necessary and they were prepared to commit to the overnight with me and they’d turn down any other offers. Take note men, that was super hot and much appreciated on my end. It meant I could enjoy the night not worrying if the guys I lusted after would be scooped up. It also allowed me to sample the other guys knowing that I had a bird in the hand...


At 12:50 we all headed for the hotel.


I had a sealed zipper pouch on the back seat of my car. I told one boy that inside the pouch was a fetish I had that I wanted to do with one of them.


They were allowed to touch the pouch, and could ask 3 yes or no questions about its contents.


Question 1) does it go up my butt? No

Question 2) if I ingest it, will my mind be altered? No

Question 3) is it something I’d put on my body? Yes


When we got into the room, they each wrote down an amount of money, beyond the negotiated fee, to engage in the fetish sight unseen. One bid $300. One asked for $500. After a lot of deer in headlight looks and negotiations, they both agreed to engage, one at a time for $300 each.


One boy and the Adonis tech guy went into the neighboring room to film for only fans; the other boy stayed with me. I undressed his beautiful, ripped body. We moved into the gorgeous, spacious, glass shower. I opened the pouch. He smiled a very relieved smile and we got down to it.


We moved to the bed and had another wonderful connection. He asked if he could look at a photo of a large breasted woman while we played. This got him even harder and was fascinating that that photo had that affect on his sex drive. He finished after about an hour of play. It was now a little after 2am before clock roll back. As we were saying our good byes and he changed my name in his phone to something a little more personal than “guy from Long Island with lots of cash”, I asked if he would psych out the other dancer by immediately confessing his regret about the pouch challenge. I said look freaked out, sound freaked out, act freaked out. We couldn’t have planned it better if we tried. As we were leaving our room, tech guy and other dancer were walking out of their room for a smoke break. My dancer rode down with them and turned in a great performance. I joined the only fans room that had 7 people in a space designed for 3. When tech guy and other dancer came back, they immediately wanted to know about the pouch.


After 15 minutes of hearing about the only fans content I just missed, we talked about the night and our different experiences.


Tech guy was overstimulated and asked if he could crash on my couch while I had my session with other dancer. I’m a gentleman so of course I said yes.


We go into my room and immediately I hear about how freaked out the other dancer was. How much he regretted the pouch etc. Tech guy and dancer were so moved by this performance that, much to my delight, they considered following him home as they were worried about his mental state and ability to get to his hotel. Hilarious!


I come clean, share the text messages from dancer one beaming with pride about how well he sold it. I show both of my guests the pouch contents. His fear turns to enthusiasm and we get started. Tech guy passes the fuck out on my couch, with his head facing away, out of sheer exhaustion and stimulus. He’s a newbie amateur, but there’s a clear smile on his face from our adventure. 2nd dancer and I have a blast until 3:20. I feel bad he’s got a journey to get back to his place. What can only be described as a mutual, palpable reluctance to part ways on both of our parts, we say good bye. It’s clear to me that the after party in the next room is over but I hear the shower running.


One of the only fans models stayed behind to “watch our stuff” and “make sure we remembered to take a room key with us so we could get back into the room.” He was 1 of the 5 dancers I didn’t connect with at the nude party. His consideration and willingness to stay at 3:15 with no promise of financial gain turned me on and we played. Boy did we play. I got an education on viagra, and an unfiltered perspective of the night from the perspective of the experienced talent. It was fascinating and his dick was huge. We worked out a situation that resulted in tech guy having no clean towels for his morning shower. He’ll forgive me.


At 4am I wandered back to my room. I don’t indulge in alcohol or substance. I’m still wide awake and reeling from the night with clarity. I try to wake tech guy and convince him that his room is empty and he’s got a super comfortable bed 20 feet away. I make note that he doesn’t have to sleep on the foot rest. I also offered my bed In case there was some signal the newbie was giving me. He was not giving a signal, he was exhausted. Lol fortunately, he has no recollection of this. Whew!


I climb in my bed and realize that with everything going on, I forgot to cum. It’s now 4:30. Out of sheer curiosity, I log into grindr and am immediately hit up by a 24 year old gorgeous green eyed sub pig that is 539 feet away. This doesn’t happen where I’m from in suburbia.


He shares what he wants, which is so far from anything that has ever been requested of or from me that I’m convinced someone is punking me.


After the night I’ve had though, I’m game. We agree to meet on the corner and come back to my hotel room. Oh wait! I’m not alone. FUCK!


I text Matt, the more grown up of the Adonis owners on the west coast and ask if he thinks it’s ok that I hook up with a stranger while the uber responsible tech guy is sleeping within arms reach. No response. I say fuck it, I’ll do what Tim would do. I lovingly, and with the utmost of care drape a mostly clean pillow case over his face. I tell my grindr date of the situation and he says that will make it even hotter. We figure worst case scenario is that he wakes up during the thing, isn’t amused, and leaves.


We meet at 4:25, are in my room at 4:30 and I’m getting into the kinkiest thing I’ve ever done while my new friend is asleep beside us. Its clear to me that I’m delivering and doing it right because this dude is hard as a rock, leaking precum like a faucet and moaning in ecstasy. I’m also shockingly ok with what’s going on, though I won’t indulge again.


At 5:30 we finish up, he goes on his merry way and I’m laying down in post coital bliss on a pillow without a case. At 5:50 I’m startled as I’m dozing to the noise of tech guy falling into his room. I get up, forgetting I’m naked to check on him.


He’s fine. Yup, definitely didn’t misinterpret a signal. He waves me good night and closes the door.


I wake up at 8:30 happy as a pig in the mud. I doze back to sleep and am awoken at 10am from a text from my incredible husband. “Are you dead?” Again I forgot to check in with him and let him know all was well. “I’m alive and well, the bed is cozy.” “Did you have fun.” “Meh, it would have been better if you joined me.” “That’s not my thing you know that. On your way home, please grab my prescription from walgreens.”




18 hours after it all begin, back to reality.


I hope someone enjoyed some part of this. Have a nice rest of your weekend!

OMG.... that poor tech guy!!! ?

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That was such an amazing account of the after-party experience. Mine was a bit more intimate or wild (I don't know, but I loved it). Of the detailed account one phrase stuck out to me, @Coolwave35, and it's this:


He’s a newbie amateur, but there’s a clear smile on his face from our adventure


You sure you were fully awake and you actually saw a "clear" smile? Based on my interaction and his own admission, tech guy's smile is indiscernible. ?


OMG.... that poor tech guy!!! ?


@Hello - do you agree? I think the tech guy had a "blast" with some fantastic "conversations" ? with cool people.


Love you guys, it was a blast.

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does anybody have the Adonis (Tim and Matt) onlyfans link?....there are several "adonis" names at onlyfans.......thanks......or was the onlyfans @Coolwave35 mentioned upthread only about the individual onlyfans sites of one or some of the guys??......


It’s not released yet.I think they said it will be in November.

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