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? Get your Flu Shot ! ?

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Hi westernsyd

Your supplement "Immune Health" from the company Modere has listed several ingredients: echinacea, thyme, and Hawthorne berry.


Let's review these 3 components.


1) Echinacea

has been debunked as a successful remedy to the common cold. See the following scientific research:

Barrett BP et al. Treatment of the common cold with unrefined echinacea: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Ann Intern Med 2002 Dec 17; 137:939-46.


From Medscape, a robust physician textbook, that is excellent in producing up to date medical information found:

"It seems very unlikely that echinacea effectively treats the common cold."



How can echinacea be helpful against viruses? It's already proven not to work against the cold viruses, which there are hundreds/thousands. Where is the scientific evidence it helps against influenza?


2) Thyme - I looked & looked and my apologies but couldn't find one shred of scientific evidence that researched thyme using the scientific method. Please provide some. Or provide just one.


3) Hawthorne Berry.

The FDA is cracking down on herbal companies who promote & sell this compound.


And another one:



And continuing

You reported that the supplement is FDA "approved".

"I know exactly what is in the supplement, it is approved by the FDA made by a reputable company in North America and manufactured with the highest integrity." written by westernsyd


You report utter bullshit.

From the FDAs own website:

FDA is not authorized to review dietary supplement products for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed.





Westernsyd is making what scientists call a Cause and Effect Error.


Many, many thousands of years ago, as we lived in Mother Africa, we heard roosters crowing at EVERY dawn. We therefore thought at that time that the roosters crowing at dawn BROUGHT UP the sun. We now dont think such nonsense as obviously we see now that these bronze age people were making a Cause and Effect Error. Just because one event follows another, doesn't mean the first event caused the second.


Just cuz westernsyd takes this (nonsense) supplement and then feels good doesn't mean the supplement was directly responsible for making him safe from influenza. The events were random. The supplement did not do anything. SO, dont be like him and FOOLISHLY make this error. Use the evidence we HAVE: flu vaccination can save your life. It can save the lives of those you love.


Get vaccinated AS! SOON! AS! POSSIBLE!

This is NO year to get both influenza AND Covid-19.

Love to all.

It appears @westernsyd has deleted all his posts in this thread, so don’t expect a reply.

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Well when I have the starting of a cold or flu (commonly known as a virus) I take a few pills , the cold or flu (commonly known as a virus) goes away - is actually a far closer and logical step that the disruptive attitude you are falsely placing on the chain of events !!!!


Edited by Unicorn
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You know what you need to sound more convincing? More exclamation points!


I do Not need to sound convincing.


You do not agree with an opinion I shared which is what a forum is all about.


Its called Freedom of Speech !!


Your constant snarling at me, is bullying harassment and just unneccessary.


You are so much of a coward that you are hiding behind a hidden profile.


Scroll on or move along - build a bridge.


it is the actions of members like yourself who drive member away - so in the end you will be the only person here agreeing with your posts.


Tedious and boring!!!

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