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? Get your Flu Shot ! ?

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There is a LOT more that goes into health than just getting a flu shot, or not.

You should research chiropractic care, natural medicine – tumeric, etc. – to stay healthy.

Fair but none of those replace science-backed professional advice from a DOCTOR which is taking your Flu shot every year. Suggesting or recommending otherwise is plainly irresponsible, even more, during the health crisis the world is going through right now.

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Board Certified Family Physician here. PLEASE read on:


I have not had a flu shot for at least 15 years.


I have not had a cold or a flu for at least 12 years.


So maybe you don’t need the flu shot,


Ok, , let's unpack this. Using his same (non)logic: since I haven't had a car accident in over 20 yrs, I dont need a car with good brakes? Or with good air-bags? Or that I have no need for a seat belt? Surely the reader sees the nonsense in the above posters logic. If so, please get your flu vaccine soon.


The flu shot is not a panacea for good health during the winter months, many people who have a flu shot will still die from a bad influenca.


WHERE does this fool get his information?

But where he has nonsense, scientists have DATA & EVIDENCE. Dont believe me? Below is a quote from a great scientific article with a copied sentence from its findings. I have posted the link so you can read it yourself.


"We infer that our VE (vaccine effectiveness) estimate amounts to a 47% reduction in the number of flu-attributable deaths that would have occurred had none of the elderly been vaccinated."




47% REDUCTION in flu-attributable deaths!!! 47%!!


Yes, my friends, above is the strong scientific support of the BENEFIT of the flu vaccine. And the medical literature is FULL of other scientific evidence from journals supporting flu vaccination.


Dont listen to these Whack-Jobs who use the internet as a platform to spout out their BS opinions & conspiracy theories.

Get. Your. Flu. Vaccine. ASAP.

20,000 to 30,000 Americans DIE every year from the flu.

Why NOT considerably reduce your risk?


This is NOT the year to get influenza AND Covid-19 at the same time.

Be safe my brothers.

Wear a mask.

Use a condom.

And get your flu vaccine.

Hugs to all.


Private message to westernsyd:

Yes I do have moments when I feel that I have picked up a virus, and as long as I hit it with some good supplements, specific for Fighting off bugs, I get rid of it.


Wait, "good supplements" can cure influenza? Is the name of the medication "Fighting off bugs" ? What are the "bad" supplements I should be aware of? When you report you "hit it", do I punch myself till I draw blood?


I'm stunned/pissed/depressed that in 4 yrs of undergrad, 2 yrs of pre-med, 4 years of medical school, and 4 yrs of residency and a fellowship and TENS OF THOUSANDS of student loans later I have NEVER heard of this. Wait, neither has ANY other legitimate physician .... in the world.


Admin Warning: No personal attacks.

Edited by Cooper
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Fair but none of those replace science-backed professional advice from a DOCTOR which is taking your Flu shot every year. Suggesting or recommending otherwise is plainly irresponsible, even more, during the health crisis the world is going through right now.

Cry me a river.

Also, "According to a recent Johns Hopkins study, there are between 250,000 and 400,000 medical malpractice deaths per year."


So, tell me again why I should absolutely, definitely put something foreign into MY body just to survive something I may or may not get? And you call me irresponsible, STFU!

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Cry me a river.

Also, "According to a recent Johns Hopkins study, there are between 250,000 and 400,000 medical malpractice deaths per year."https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/22/medical-errors-third-leading-cause-of-death-in-america.html#:~:text=A recent Johns Hopkins study,be as high as 440,000.


So, tell me again why I should absolutely, definitely put something foreign into MY body just to survive something I may or may not get? And you call me irresponsible, STFU!

I dont get your point. How many of these deaths cited relate to vaccines?


Based on the data and years of research by professionals dedicated to the wellness of humanity, we know vaccines are safe and saves lives.


You cited CNBC. Allow me to do the same. If you don’t want anything foreign in your body, you should stop eating, drinking and breathing immediately. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/23/researchers-detect-microplastics-in-human-waste.html

Edited by FrankR
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In Australia 350 000 people die every year from either a side effect of a prescribed medication, or the accumulation of prescribed medication (taken as prescribed) yet we have 0 yes ZERO deaths from people taking vitamins, minerals in supplements!!


I guess the medical profession is not just helping the pharmaceutical industry but the funeral industry too.

I find it interesting that you are willing to accuse others, a medical doctor even, of being beholden to big pharma or worse...when you come across so supportive of the supplement and vitamin industry. An industry notorious for its lack of standards and transparency.




Please do your homework - every year hundreds of people end up in hospital, some even die from liver and kidney failure due to protein and other dietary supplement use. I am sure this happens in Australia as well. Please do some research before you claim zero deaths.

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I dont get your point. How many of these deaths cited relate to vaccines?


Based on the data and years of research by professionals dedicated to the wellness of humanity, we know vaccines are safe and saves lives.


You cited CNBC. Allow me to do the same. If you don’t want anything foreign in your body, you should stop eating, drinking and breathing immediately. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/23/researchers-detect-microplastics-in-human-waste.html

GREAT comeback - "Hey. You who disagrees with me. STOP EATING AND DRINK"


FUC* OFF!! My body, my choice - or does that only work when you want to kill a baby inside you?

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The purpose of this thread is to provide SCIENCE-BACKED information (not personal opinions) and encourage people to get the Flu shot because of the great risk people take at not getting vaccinated while the world is going through the COVID Pandemic. If we didn't have the Pandemic the situation would be different. IRRESPONSIBLE unvaccinated people infected with the Flu and COVID at the same time could increase the transmissibility of COVID and possibly become hosts of unknown interactions between the 2 viruses while the spread continues around the world.


If you are not getting the Flu shot ok it's your decision but STOP making controversial comments trying to influence people not to get their Flu shots here as this thread is NOT A DEBATE. Keep your harmful POVs to yourself as you are not getting sympathy from the majority of people in this thread who already got the Flu shot, agree with it because they understand the facts, and are conscientious about the danger.

Edited by orville
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The purpose of this thread is to provide SCIENCE-BACKED information (not personal opinions) and encourage people to get the Flu shot because of the great risk people take at not getting vaccinated while the world is going through the COVID Pandemic. If we didn't have the Pandemic the situation would be different. IRRESPONSIBLE unvaccinated people infected with the Flu and COVID at the same time could increase the transmissibility of COVID and possibly become hosts of unknown interaction between the 2 viruses while the spread continues around the world.


If you are not getting the Flu shot ok it's your decision but STOP making controversial comments trying to influence people not to get their Flu shots here as this thread is NOT A DEBATE. Keep your harmful POVs to yourself as you are not getting sympathy from the majority of people in this thread who already got the Flu shot, agree with it because they understand the facts, and are conscientious about the danger.

Oh, when did the M4M message board become a scientific website?


There's many people who don't agree with all medical advice. And I am sorry, I will not STOP telling people there are many other alternatives to keep yourself well besides sticking a virus into your system.

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The purpose of this thread is to provide SCIENCE-BACKED information (not personal opinions) and encourage people to get the Flu shot because of the great risk people take at not getting vaccinated while the world is going through the COVID Pandemic. If we didn't have the Pandemic the situation would be different. IRRESPONSIBLE unvaccinated people infected with the Flu and COVID at the same time could increase the transmissibility of COVID and possibly become hosts of unknown interaction between the 2 viruses while the spread continues around the world.


If you are not getting the Flu shot ok it's your decision but STOP making controversial comments trying to influence people not to get their Flu shots here as this thread is NOT A DEBATE. Keep your harmful POVs to yourself as you are not getting sympathy from the majority of people in this thread who already got the Flu shot, agree with it because they understand the facts, and are conscientious about the danger.

FLU cases are down this year...hmmm, wonder why?


Oh yeah, because EVERY THING IS NOW COVID!

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Driving a car is dangerous to others.

Smoking a cigarette is dangerous to others.

CRYYYYY me a river.

If you are SCARED to live, stay in your house. That's the ONLY way to be truly protected.

I know having serviced in the United States Amry in Vietnam, and was a passenger in many helicopters.


Not much choose, but it easy to wear a mask, and eventually seek the vaccine for covid19.

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Oh, when did the M4M message board become a scientific website?


There's many people who don't agree with all medical advice. And I am sorry, I will not STOP telling people there are many other alternatives to keep yourself well besides sticking a virus into your system.

@orville is the original poster. It is considered good manners to respect the request of the OP - if he requests that we stick to scientific fact, perhaps you should consider that out of courtesy?



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FLU cases are down this year...hmmm, wonder why?


Oh yeah, because EVERY THING IS NOW COVID!

No, because measures that reduce the transmission of one airborne respiratory virus are likely to have a side effect of reducing the frequency of all airborne respiratory viruses. Lysol doesn't discriminate. This really isn't that hard to grasp, and you are being aggressively ignorant here.

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FLU cases are down this year...hmmm, wonder why?


Oh yeah, because EVERY THING IS NOW COVID!

So you claim to actually give out medical advice when you don't even know the difference between a flu virus and a coronavirus not know that measures to prevent one airborne virus would prevent all other airborne viruses? Whatever dime store college gave you that degree should revoke it.

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I find it facinating that a medical doctor can accuse me of not just being a fool but insane on the basis of one post in a forum??


Even more fascinating is your belief that because he calls himself a dr we should all bow down in front of him and accept everything he says. Have you not ever done due diligence .


I have done my research, there are zero deaths in Australia attributed to natural supplements.

I agree, name calling is not constructive. The site administrator already dealt with that.


I have done my homework sir, if you review my posting history you will find I always provide links when I cite data, statistics or name my source.


A simple google search proves you incorrect - hence my question. Australians have died from protein and dietary supplement use, just like they have in other countries.







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Just because he says he is a doctor does not make it so.

Very true! It is possible that he is my weird uncle Jack with just an opinion. But that is true for every forum member. I took him by his word after reviewing his posting history and the links he included.



He has posted inaccurate information in this thread.

If you would care to outline the information you believe is inaccurate - I am sure we can address it.

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Take a look at this Dr of toxicology and what he has to say.




Very highly regarded University Professor ( and in Australia we call a Professor a PHD holder who heads a University Department not just anyone who teaches in a College) and a great public speaker.

This is him, right?




It says he is a ‘former associate professor’ - he wasn’t the head of the department.


I am not blind to the benefits of holistic or integrative medicine - I quite like Dr Andrew Weil. He’s been a bit of a controversial figure here in the USA. He is also clear: get the flu vaccine!



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Speaking of personal choice, check out the below article:




Notice that the flu vaccine was manufactured by reputable companies, including GC Pharma, SK Bioscience, and Il-Yang Pharmaceutical Co, along with France’s Sanofi and Britain’s GlaxoSmithKline. Distributors include LG Chem and Boryung Biopharma, a unit of Boryung Pharm.


" The inoculation program was suspended for three weeks after it was discovered that some five million doses, which need to be refrigerated, had been exposed to room temperature while being transported to a medical facility."


A refrigeration problem can exist in any facility.


"Officials said 8.3 million people have been inoculated with the free flu vaccine since it resumed on October 13, with about 350 cases of adverse reactions reported. "


Officials have not found any direct link between the vaccinations and the deaths.


If anything, the article reinforces the concept that a person should have a choice whether or not to be vaccinated.

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A refrigeration problem can exist in any facility.


"Officials said 8.3 million people have been inoculated with the free flu vaccine since it resumed on October 13, with about 350 cases of adverse reactions reported. "


Officials have not found any direct link between the vaccinations and the deaths.


If anything, the article reinforces the concept that a person should have a choice whether or not to be vaccinated.

Dude, the case-fatality rate of influenza varies from year to year, but is almost never under 0.1%. The vaccine also protects other people in addition to the vaccinee. With 8.3 million people vaccinated, many thousands of lives were saved. Your thinking is completely bereft of rational thought. Would you mind trying to use at least 5 neurons when you come up with an argument?


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