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Slow Down in Booking?

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My regular came down from Montana. Met him this weekend and he said I was the only client in Denver. However, he was going to head east this time through Omaha, Des Moines and the Twin Cities and he said he got a lot of interest on his ads in there so maybe he'll have some more success on that road trip.


He's considering doing camming/OnlyFans though because it's been a challenging summer financially. However, he apparently doesn't really enjoy that as much so he's hoping the rest of the trip will be more successful.


Lol, I know exactly who you're referring to. Him and I have "shared" clients more than once, but we've never met. He's close to a client friend of mine I've had for years in Montana. I propositioned him to do a Rentmen video to boost our ratings while he was visiting Kansas city, but he wasn't open to it. And we both know the same clients.


I have reached out to him on more than one occasion, he doesn't seem in tune with other providers or trying to network. That's not a put down, but I suggested collaborating together and he always just goes silent. I've asked him about Denver and said there a lot of flakes there, he didn't respond.


I wish more ethnic escorts would do like R&B and hip hop artists do: collaborate. Idk why there's this competitive fear of working together like one guy is going to take from the other. I even addressed this on the forum before. We can make more money working together, than trying to hog it all to oneself.


Fortunately, a bartender in Denver I've known for years just started escorting...and him and I plan to make a JFF video together. And because he's so popular, this'll be an instant hit overnight. Can't wait lol.



It's looking like it will be a bad winter. Cases by me are shooting up big time, especially hospitalizations, after we have had 2 or 3 months with really low cases. I am no longer interested in hiring anyone until after we get a vaccine next year. Just got in a fun trip to NYC so that will be it for awhile again.


That’s tragic. But may I ask: will you stop hiring right now due to fear or catching it, or from the way it may affect you financially?


A vaccine is still no sure fire way that you won’t end up getting effects of the virus. Also have you been tested to see if perhaps you’ve already been exposed?


I also will say: a client friend of mine told me that many people who are on ARV’s aka HIV meds, have not made up the majority dying from it.


Think about it: are we seeing a slew of gay men, or gay HIV positive men being disproportionately affected by this? Not from what I’ve heard. Something with this virus is similar to HIV (from what I’ve read, I’m not a scientist??‍?lol), and many gay men are either on HIV meds or are on Prep. And every week, I keep seeing the same queens online from 2 years ago. So the 200,000+ who have died, doesn’t add up to all 200,000 being sexually active or gay men like in the AIDS epidemic. Granted there’s the indirect risks, but I feel a decision between 2 consenting adults doesn’t bear responsibility for the health of multitudes. Unless of course, those 2 consenting adults are Adam and Eve lol.


Point is: hire as usual. The industry needs clients to hire. Otherwise, it may not be the same when you return.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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That’s tragic. But may I ask: will you stop hiring right now due to fear or catching it, or from the way it may affect you financially?


A vaccine is still no sure fire way that you won’t end up getting effects of the virus. Also have you been tested to see if perhaps you’ve already been exposed?


Luckily for me my job is covid proof. Business has been up since the pandemic started. I'm 34 and in good shape so I am not afraid of catching it more afraid of passing it on to my elderly parents or pregnant sister or my sister-in-law who's a school teacher. And actually I did wanna do an antibody test but even if it said I had been exposed and recovered I still wanna be totally safe. And I wouldn't be hiring the day after I get a vaccine but we got to wait on that for the data on how effective it is in their pool of trial candidates. I think it has to be around 70% effective to be approved so if it's on the low end you still are really doing a coin flip on getting the virus even with a vaccination. But if it's on the high end around say 90% effective then I probably wouldn't be too hesitant to hire again.

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Luckily for me my job is covid proof. Business has been up since the pandemic started. I'm 34 and in good shape so I am not afraid of catching it more afraid of passing it on to my elderly parents or pregnant sister or my sister-in-law who's a school teacher. And actually I did wanna do an antibody test but even if it said I had been exposed and recovered I still wanna be totally safe. And I wouldn't be hiring the day after I get a vaccine but we got to wait on that for the data on how effective it is in their pool of trial candidates. I think it has to be around 70% effective to be approved so if it's on the low end you still are really doing a coin flip on getting the virus even with a vaccination. But if it's on the high end around say 90% effective then I probably wouldn't be too hesitant to hire again.


Makes sense, good analysis. But like I say, I don’t recall feeling so bleak about the biz since the 2008-2010 recession. But at that time, I was young and thought escorting was an easy alternative. Just like how I’m seeing guys popping on the biz, probably thinking: “Hey, I can just be an escort while my hours are cut.” More like a ticket on flight 11 on 9/11 ? Because the way things are, I haven’t felt so much sap and uncertainty since the recession and 9/11 combined.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's looking like it will be a bad winter. Cases by me are shooting up big time, especially hospitalizations, after we have had 2 or 3 months with really low cases. I am no longer interested in hiring anyone until after we get a vaccine next year. Just got in a fun trip to NYC so that will be it for awhile again.

in your fun trip to nyc, did you hire anyone? :)

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My impression is that some escorts are still getting all the biz they want or can handle. I stay in touch with some of my regulars and as recently as yesterday one told me he is continuing his circuit around certain states in the US and doing well. Another left for the US from Canada a month ago and I expect he will be back shortly. He doesn’t advertise on RM any longer and just sees regular clients.


While the Canada US border is closed at the land crossings, escorts and others can fly back and forth. On their return, they are supposed to quarantine in Canada for 14 days. I don’t think this is being strictly enforced though, but just by random phone calls.

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Some providers are advertising that they've tested positive for antibodies... does that influence anyone's decision to hire?


Is being positive for antibodies conclusive it can't be passed, or contracted? I don't know, so for me, no influence. Just going to continue my hiatus.


Although, on a positive note, my fun fund envelope, where I stash extra cash, is expanding, about as fast as my waistline.

Edited by bashful
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Some providers are advertising that they've tested positive for antibodies... does that influence anyone's decision to hire?


I’ve seen that, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a great idea. It’s our right to have privacy for medical records. Obviously it’s different than disclosing HIV status, but I don’t think it should be used as a selling point.


How much of a hit are you guys going to be taking this holiday season? The virus is so bad right now and relatively speaking nobody is traveling. Is it normally a really busy time for bookings?


People are still traveling. I’m hoping to not take any hit, but just gotta chug as usual. Holidays can be hit or miss. My plan is to catch what I can the days leading up to each holiday, but I think I may be turning my phone off from thanksgiving eve thru the Sunday after. Last year in Denver wasn’t great even without a pandemic.


And it bears repeating: some cities are going to be more lacking than others. I know for me: Saint Louis and Kansas City have pretty much fell off. Lately it’s just been regulars and the occasional guy from outside of the city. I plan to get thru the holidays by traveling as much as possible, because staying local doesn’t seem productive.


Just on the day of the holiday, plan on staying with a friend or relative.

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My impression is that some escorts are still getting all the biz they want or can handle. I stay in touch with some of my regulars and as recently as yesterday one told me he is continuing his circuit around certain states in the US and doing well. Another left for the US from Canada a month ago and I expect he will be back shortly. He doesn’t advertise on RM any longer and just sees regular clients.


While the Canada US border is closed at the land crossings, escorts and others can fly back and forth. On their return, they are supposed to quarantine in Canada for 14 days. I don’t think this is being strictly enforced though, but just by random phone calls.


I've quarantined in Toronto in June and it was random phone calls. My brother however, had no questions when he came back with his family to quarantine and did not have any phone calls. At least in Canada, they require your information for contact tracing. When I returned to new york city last month, there were no questions or anyone asking for contact info at the airports.

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Is being positive for antibodies conclusive it can't be passed, or contracted? I don't know, so for me, no influence. Just going to continue my hiatus.

The only consistent thing about this virus is that nothing is conclusive. The antibodies do offer protection for some. I'm sticking to my hiatus too. I was curious if it made a difference to some.

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How does one know if it is true they've tested positive for antibodies?


Some escorts write lots of things in their ads that are not accurate.


True or not true...I don’t think it belongs in an ad. HIV status has its part and reasons for being a staple in many advertising venues, but not when it comes to COVID.


Not to mention, if HIV antibodies=HIV positive and transmittable, that hypothetically could put COVID antibodies in the same category.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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