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How can I remain discreet & allow provider enough info at the same time?

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On the flip side, a client canceled today because I refused to provide him with information he says his other hires readily give. I responded, "That's good, it means you have many other options and will be fine. So do I and so will I." He thanked me for being direct and wished me a nice day. It's all good!


You seem quite high tolerance. Can you allude to what info did he request that wasn't provided, that would have him cancel the session?


But see, that's why I've decided to go the deposit route. I don't have time or patience for client's hissy fits where they don't hear exactly the answer they want (e.g. something like a room number before actually arriving to hotel).


I hope he sent you a cancellation fee. To me, it can go either way: either the client can back out and leave me empty handed because of something they don't like. Or I can ask for reimbursement of my expected earning because of something they didn't like.


I also don't particularly like when people "wish me" a good day after they've given me the kiss off and stood me up. It's passive aggressive and rubs me wrong. I've had to correct a couple of clients over time: you know you don't mean it, so don't fucking say it. If you really want me to enjoy my weekend or enjoy "the city", give me $500. But just sending me a cheap 1 cent text message wishing me success, is certainly going to come off ingenuine.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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To me, it can go either way: either the client can back out and leave me empty handed because of something they don't like. Or I can ask for reimbursement of my expected earning because of something they didn't like.

I’m confused about the second point. Are you saying that if you don’t deliver as the client would like, you’d like reimbursement for that?

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I’m confused about the second point. Are you saying that if you don’t deliver as the client would like, you’d like reimbursement for that?


Curious – how exactly do you exact a cancellation fee?


1. I was more referring to the context that Aaron was referring to. He was saying the client cancelled because he didn't get info that other escorts would give him. Again I don't know what info he was looking for, but yes... I woulda wanted to be reimbursed for time spent planning the appointment.


2. The book ? says:



And that’s not being funny or kidding or using scriptures to justify anything. But in actuality, most clients don’t think twice about it in the long run unless we do ask.

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1. I was more referring to the context that Aaron was referring to. He was saying the client cancelled because he didn't get info that other escorts would give him. Again I don't know what info he was looking for, but yes... I woulda wanted to be reimbursed for time spent planning the appointment.

Dream on. Scheduling and canceling are part of doing business. Do you pay the client if you cancel?

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I hope he sent you a cancellation fee. To me, it can go either way: either the client can back out and leave me empty-handed because of something they don't like. Or I can ask for reimbursement of my expected earning because of something they didn't like.



Have you ever considered the possibility that a client might cancel because of your outlook, your insistence on a deposit, or your insistence on a cancellation fee if the client cannot keep an appointment?


When a client contacts an escort for the first time and the escort comes off insisting on advance deposits or more, many clients simply move on to another provider.

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When RentBoy and MassageM4M doubled down on really sticking it to the escorts, charging as much as monthly $300 and $200 respectively, I would often run a search to see how many of my new clients recntly arrived from either site, and if it was a low number, I'd let my membership lapse for a few months.


Rentmasseur and RentMen are much more respectful in their billing than RentBoy and MassageM4M ever imagined being, so even now When I'm not seeing clients, it makes sense to support them and support myself by continuing to list. Seriously, fuck you RentBoy and Massagem4m.


True, but this is still an example of what President Dubya famously called "the soft bigotry of low expectations" in his 2006 NAACP speech. Reminds me of an interview I saw with Justice* Gorsuch earlier this year, in which his response to citizen complaints about America was "Well, where else would you rather live?" I was disturbed a Supreme Court justice would promote such lame, basic reasoning. First, yes, I'd much rather live in Australia or Western Europe and would have relocated years ago if I weren't the youngest child of aging American parents with whom I have a close relationship. Second, I don't believe being better than low standards is good enough.


Rentmen being better than other garbage websites is nothing to brag about. Rentmen's monopoly is still a) dangerous for the health of the industry and b) likely the reason for Rentmen's arrogantly poor customer service.


I really hope Friendboy, Hunqz, and Mintboys pickup market share. Or, better, that an escort-driven site emerges.

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You seem quite high tolerance. Can you allude to what info did he request that wasn't provided, that would have him cancel the session?


I am very high tolerance. If I allowed passive aggressive, rude, or otherwise irritating people to bother me, I'd spend all day being upset and I don't have room in my life or psyche for negativity. Too many real problems in the world for me to let an irritating text message exchange ruin my day, this is ultimately small stuff.


He wanted my full address including apartment number before even confirming an appointment (or providing any details about who he was and what he wanted) and I refused, for my safety. He said other providers willingly give him this info, and I wished him a good time with those other providers. Simply means he and I are not a match because our respective expectations are not compatible.


I've endured real and serious life setbacks; this 5 minutes out of my day was not one of them.

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I really hope Friendboy, Hunqz, and Mintboys pickup market share. Or, better, that an escort-driven site emerges.



Friendboy and Mintboys are fringe type sites and often use the ads that appear on rentmen.


Hunqz is an offshoot of plantetromeo, a site that has been around for many years.


Hunqz is generally used by escorts in Europe and certain other foreign countries. Occasionally it is possible to see an advertisement of a U.S. escort.

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But why are they fringe? Are they fringe just because people aren't using them?


I recall that Rentmen was pretty fringe until Rentboy crashed and burned.


the issue with those sites is that they lift ads from actual “paid” sites, and use it as their own. I used to get annoyed when people said they seen me in friendlyboy.pro. I’m like, I don’t have an ad on friendly pro, wtf you talking about? But then I’d go to the site and see it ?


Rentmen started off by giving free memberships and had a killer $19.99 for Gold placement (or maybe it was $29.99). I used to hate getting emails from the site in its early days, they would often be flakes and cancels. But times have changed, and RentMen is the Orca ?

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I am very high tolerance. If I allowed passive aggressive, rude, or otherwise irritating people to bother me, I'd spend all day being upset and I don't have room in my life or psyche for negativity. Too many real problems in the world for me to let an irritating text message exchange ruin my day, this is ultimately small stuff.


He wanted my full address including apartment number before even confirming an appointment (or providing any details about who he was and what he wanted) and I refused, for my safety. He said other providers willingly give him this info, and I wished him a good time with those other providers. Simply means he and I are not a match because our respective expectations are not compatible.


I've endured real and serious life setbacks; this 5 minutes out of my day was not one of them.


I was talking with a client buddy of mine today about that. How some providers aren’t bothered by some client’s nerve grating behaviors.


In my case, I’m just quite non-tolerant lol. Idk if it’s just early signs of burnout or what. I never have any issues with clients in person, even if we are different. But the passive aggressive and irritating texts just gets me. I been finding myself more often just making clients feel real dumb over the phone lol. Like one guy the other day, calls me despite saying I don’t answer phone calls until client is verified by text first. Then he says he was just calling to find out if I’m ever in his city, which is the exact city I was getting ready to leave, and been living on/off for the past year and a half. Then he says he shoulda called me earlier. Basically just being a total mind fuck.


I said, “You didn’t read my ad? Oh you did read my ad, but you thought you’d do the opposite of what I posted, just to annoy me? So basically you intentionally wasting my time then?” Then they get all flustered and don’t want to book me. Oh well, bye ?? bro


But like you said, after while it does get to be petty and pointless. But that’s also why I’ve 100% reverted to deposits. I don’t have time for all the back and forth and flirty courtship. People have become so far removed from the fact that escorts aren’t Grindr profile. Back in the day of agencies, you never spoke to the escort until he showed up to the door. And they got 1 faceless picture in a newspaper ad, of a guy who wasn’t the one who was showing up. If they did it back then, I can do it now.


Guys now are spoiled with an abundance of info on us, but still find a way to make us feel like it’s not enough. They can choose an escort with 40 pics, nude, reviews, and videos and interviews and STILL, find a way to extract time out of our day, without pay. That’s not right. The appointment starts, when the conversation starts.

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Guys now are spoiled with an abundance of info on us, but still, find a way to make us feel like it’s not enough. They can choose an escort with 40 pics, nude, reviews, and videos, and interviews and STILL, find a way to extract time out of our day, without pay. That’s not right. The appointment starts, when the conversation starts.



Not a good way to do business, especially in this terrible pandemic time.


If a prospective client who asks you questions is "wasting your time" how else do you think a client can determine if there is compatibility with you?

Edited by coriolis888
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the issue with those sites is that they lift ads from actual “paid” sites, and use it as their own. I used to get annoyed when people said they seen me in friendlyboy.pro. I’m like, I don’t have an ad on friendly pro, wtf you talking about? But then I’d go to the site and see it ?


Rentmen started off by giving free memberships and had a killer $19.99 for Gold placement (or maybe it was $29.99). I used to hate getting emails from the site in its early days, they would often be flakes and cancels. But times have changed, and RentMen is the Orca ?


This has been exactly my experience. People reach out to me and they say they saw my ad from a site I've never even heard of.


I really wonder what drives these sites to do this. They can't possibly know my business volume or whether I'm a "good" provider. Why would they just steal random people's ads and host them?

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Not a good way to do business, especially in this terrible pandemic time.


If a prospective client who asks you questions is "wasting your time" how else do you think a client can determine if there is compatibility with you?


Actually, it’s a great way to do business, especially in this terrible pandemic/social unrest/presidential jitters time.


At this point I’ve already had 3 confirmed with deposits over the past couple days. There was also a previous client who didn’t bother to reply back, which saved me time in the long run. It let me know he’s not worth taking seriously to book an appointment...because even previous clients can and will stand us up.


It’s not just about them “asking questions”. It’s more involved than that. My decision is based on cumulative things that have occurred. As I said in another thread.


When I look at my phone and see a DOZEN texts in a week, and only have 1 or 2 appointments to show for it...sometimes 0, that equates to minute after minute after minute, which adds up to hours out of my day to day life: that I could be doing other things with. So, the only way to fix it is to make sure they have payment from the start. Not, 100 text messages later. Or, 14 days after their initial text when they asked if I was available, then stopped responding, only to ask me again like it never happened.


With everything that’s going on, people are using us as time killers. As for questions, that’s what my auto texts are for. That’s what I spend $79.99 a month for. Why am I spending $79.99 a month for an ad that has pics, videos and stats; only to need to ask MORE QUESTIONS???? Plus more combining the other ads. It comes complete with everything they need to know.


Once they pay me the initial deposit for the session, then we can carry on more questions. So far the only time it’s not worked for me, is when I’ve forgotten to ask for it, or let it slide like I did earlier this week: and went on an outcall to someone who’s been contacting me since JANUARY, only to get there and be stood up.


So, yeah I’m just not playing these games with people no more. I’ve been burnt over, and over, and over. And now I’ve written in all my ads across the board, that they must make a deposit to book me. So nobody can fake like they didn’t know. If someone says they don’t want to do it, oh well. I’m choosing to operate how I wish to operate. I don’t want to take every appointment request I get, and try to coddle them into booking...or just randomly get crumbs and pieces of “interest” here and there from people who never want to commit and book. I also told people don’t call me, I won’t answer. Because I’ve wasted too much time with phone chat too.


I had a discussion with a client today. He told me how he got stood up on a call out before. I sympathized, but I told him: the difference between a client getting stood up and the provider: we’re doing this everyday. Imagine the “chance” of getting stood up multiple times a week, over a period of years. Eventually, a person is going to come to their senses and maybe...? make sure they aren’t JUST getting deposits, but making sure people don’t bullshit them into thinking they’re even going to get an appointment.

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I had an incident where I text on provider at his number on RM, he texted me back from an entirely different number that exposed his real name and business. We met a few times and one time he explained he is weird about people know any information about him due to the nature not his work. We still see each and I refer to him by his RM name, but always wondered if I should tell him he accidentally expose this information.

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I had an incident where I text on provider at his number on RM, he texted me back from an entirely different number that exposed his real name and business. We met a few times and one time he explained he is weird about people know any information about him due to the nature not his work. We still see each and I refer to him by his RM name, but always wondered if I should tell him he accidentally expose this information.

It will probably make him uncomfortable, so no, I would not raise that in a discussion. Be a gentleman: smile, nod and enjoy the companionship!



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A few years ago I met this much younger guy in the apps, asked me if I am generous, we hooked up a few times, then lost track of each other. Fast forward, a few months ago I get in fb after years that I have not logged in and I see him in the people you may know... big brother at its best... ? So I message him, at his real life profile from my real life profile. I see all about him, he sees all about me. I invite him home and give him the same amount as previously. No discretion hang ups. Thats one of the many reasons I like the young generation. We still see each other periodically. Thinking of it, I will invite him for an aperitivo this week.:p

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