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Double trouble for Minneapolis providers?

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In the wake of the recent events of the pandemic AND the now resurfaced race relations unrest...I can only imagine providers in Minneapolis must be really feeling the pinch.


I recall Minneapolis used to be one of my favorite cities to visit, up until about 2014. I’m not sure how things are there now, but I’ve tried to make some trips up there recently...since I’m usually only 4 to 7 hours away. However, it just didn’t seem to really be convincing enough of a visit. Not to mention, I’ve had some 612 numbers over the last year, who turned out to be absolute wasters.


I’m also aware that states like Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin are “caution” areas, because I do feel they target minorities. I think it is due to the generally multi-cultural cities are home to a mostly homogenous state (e.g. not much diversity in the suburbs, but generally complete opposite in the cities). I wouldn’t mind making another visit up there, but with all going on...guess it’ll have to be down the line, some other time ??‍♂️

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Hello Jarrod. I live in Minnesota, although not in the Minneapolis area.

These are very sad days for people of good conscience here. The killing of George Floyd is an ache that will not heal for a very long time – if ever. I am so sorry and ashamed for how everything is unfolding. Please know that we are all not like this and that I, for one, hope you will comfortable and welcome again visiting us here in my state.

Take care, OK?

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Thanks for your assessment. I definitely understand that doesn’t speak for all of Minnesotans. Similar to Wisconsin, I know they can be pretty “blind” to race (for lack of better metaphor lol). In fact, most those areas readily welcome ethnic providers...as I know it’s not much diversity especially outside of the city. I always wanted to go to Fargo and Duluth/International falls in the summer.


Clearly it is an American/police state-race issue, which seems to occur in just about every state at any given time. It just sucks when it happens to occur in whatever city someone happens to live in.


I’m getting ready to move to Saint Louis, which was home to its own unrest a few years ago. I’ve been leery about it ever since, but for that reason I’m doing a “test run” move, one that won’t require a lease, in the event I need to re-negotiate.


Likewise with DC/Baltimore between Freddy Gray and the Trump inauguararion. As a matter of fact, I’ve noticed DC never seemed to have recovered. I feel like each time these events happen, it takes everything 50 years backwards. I know for me, DC still isn’t the same for me now as it was when I 1st used to go. The hiring demographic seemed to change.

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I always wanted to go to Fargo and Duluth/International falls in the summer.


Duluth and the north shore of Lake Superior can be gorgeous in the fall. If you want autumn colors, that's the place to be!


I went to college in a city to the east of Fargo. The geography is sooo flat up there that you can see Portland. Well, just about.


DC still isn’t the same for me now as it was when I 1st used to go.


Things do not always change for the better, do they. Take good care of yourself, OK? All the best.

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Jarrod, good luck in St. Louis. Glad you're not signing a lease, as the place redefines "dull".


Yikes...hope I’m not making a mistake lol. If anything, it’ll just be a starting point for now. All the places I would want to move (SF, DC, Arizona) are just not accessible at this point in time. I’m going to STL because I’ll have a place to host and it’s within a day drive. The neighborhood seems right, and I know a couple of clients who can lend a hand.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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In the wake of the recent events of the pandemic AND the now resurfaced race relations unrest...I can only imagine providers in Minneapolis must be really feeling the pinch.


I recall Minneapolis used to be one of my favorite cities to visit, up until about 2014. I’m not sure how things are there now, but I’ve tried to make some trips up there recently...since I’m usually only 4 to 7 hours away. However, it just didn’t seem to really be convincing enough of a visit. Not to mention, I’ve had some 612 numbers over the last year, who turned out to be absolute wasters.


I’m also aware that states like Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin are “caution” areas, because I do feel they target minorities. I think it is due to the generally multi-cultural cities are home to a mostly homogenous state (e.g. not much diversity in the suburbs, but generally complete opposite in the cities). I wouldn’t mind making another visit up there, but with all going on...guess it’ll have to be down the line, some other time ??‍♂️


You should go back specially in the winter when for obvious reasons less escorts are likely to visit and you'll also get cheaper hotel rates.

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You should go back specially in the winter when for obvious reasons less escorts are likely to visit and you'll also get cheaper hotel rates.


I’ve been there before in the winter, not the best time. Can get quite blustery and grey. And when it’s in the -0 for days on end, I can’t imagine anyone being serious about wanting to get out.


Summer is definitely best. But at this rate, there may not even be a Minneapolis to go back to. Probably look something like this:



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Summer is definitely best. But at this rate, there may not even be a Minneapolis to go back to. Probably look something like this:


I was born & raised in Minneapolis now live in a suburb just north of it. Growing up black here, I know first hand that law enforcement here can be brutal though. Minneapolis will be back. I work for the company of one of the grocery stores that was destroyed & they have vowed to reopen in the same spot, as well as many other businesses that were destroyed. I was at the protests a couple nights & I can definitely say that the people causing the destruction wasn't from the area & even some locals tried to intervene to prevent it. Not only that but we suspect some of the burnings were done for an insurance scam by property owners. Would go into more detail about it, but I don't think this is the appropriate thread for that.


Providers or anyone don't be discouraged from coming to Minneapolis. The Twin Cities has is it issues to work out, but there's a lot of love here too & is a beautiful place. Most of my family has moved out of state & has been begging me to move with them as well, but I love living in here, can't imagine being any where else.

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I lived there for two years in my early 20’s. I enjoyed it but at the time Minneapolis had an anti-gay mayor and the police would sweep through Loring Park looking for people like me “disturbing the peace”. Gay Nineties was always fun when the police weren’t harassing. Spent a nice weekend with a provider there in conjunction with a business trip in July 2017. Was really impressed with the restaurant scene and Uptown. That area appears to be close to the trouble spots.

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