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I saw him 2 weeks ago & have been weighing whether or not to post about him... but it's such a hard "avoid" that I figured if I were searching the board for feedback, I'd want to know that someone had this negative experience so I could avoid it.  Without being a review, but to relay some events that happened as a warning to others:

I think he lives out of his car: he might've fallen on hard times. He arrived and said "just so you know I have my dog with me, but it's fine if I leave him in the car." (it was like 85 degrees outside: absolutely not). Cute golden doodle. I said "bring him in, it's fine."  Dog ended up sitting quietly in the room during the session, but hasn't been bathed in a really long time so the smell was pretty strong. 

HIs main picture kinda looks like him but I think it's old. His other pics on Masseurfinder are either not him at all, or are REALLY old. Basically the guy in the ad is not the guy who turned up for my massage. If you held up any of those photos to the man who was here that night, you wouldn't be able to match them up.

I booked 90 minutes; the massage ended at 70 minutes. I casually said "we're 20 minutes short of the $180 we agreed on for 90 minutes, so what's your rate for 70 minutes" and he wanted the same rate. Again, politely, I said "well we're closer to whatever your 60-minute rate is" and he said, "Well honestly, I want the $180 because ever since I walked in here I felt like I was being recorded. I think you recorded me. Are you recording me?"    (spoiler: no I wasn't - we were in my bedroom in a pretty standard apartment and I don't record things)   I had to explain to him that I wasn't recording him, not sure why I would or why he thought I would, and that's when he started saying that he's a very VERY well-known actor, which is why he won't tell me his last name,  and he has extremely high-profile - VERY VERY VERY high-profile - clients around town, and so he knows that people record him.   (in my head I'm thinking "be calm, be polite, empathize with him, just get him out of the apartment").  He got pissed that I called him on the time shorting.  I gave him the full rate just to end it. In retrospect I should've just told him to leave when he got here and given him $20 for gas and the wasted time.  He's got some mental health issues, I think.

And I feel partly bad for posting this cuz I think he is actually homeless - but less bad because he's yet another masseurfinder MT who shorts you on time and has something really weird or wrong with them.  And with this most recent experience, I'm officially done with Masseurfinder - never again. For every hit there's like 10 misses.


Avoid SO HARD. Seriously, don't do it. Just don't do it.


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