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Big Brother 2019

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I was just flipping through and saw that a new version of Big Brother is on the air. I guess it is three or four episodes in already. I took the time to check out the stud and shirtless factors. Seems there are quite a few well built young men who have no difficulty strutting the stuff shirtless. I did not stay around long enoug to put the names to memory, but it does seem it is worth a brief perusal for those of us who like nicely put together twenty somethings.

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Last evening (7/2) was the fourth show of Big Brother 21 broadcast so far. One of the men (a hot-looking man of color!) was eliminated during a competition, but not voted out, the very first night on the first broadcast show on June 25! The first voted eviction will occur tonight.


David Alexander, eliminated the first day in the Big Brother house:



Yes, a few other real hotties:

Jack Matthews, a Jason Momoa lookalike, who unfortunately has made enough racist comments in the house to be reprimanded and counselled by production:



Jackson Michi, a Southern frat type who's in a bromance with Jack and has already had sex multiple times with Kat, the "dumb blonde" in the house, but brags to his 'friends' that Kat means nothing to him! Even now he seems to be trying to seduce another woman (Holly!) in the house:



Then there's Tommy Bracco, a successful, gay Broadway dancer who was co-starring in "Pretty Woman" on Broadway but left the show to go on Big Brother. He's short at 5'4" but so far, in the first two weeks of the game, he seems to be playing the best game in the house:



So, we have two HOT douche bag guys and a really cute and savvy pocket gay, who seems to be playing the best big brother social and physical game so far!


TruHart1 :cool:

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Guest LeonTrotsky
I'm a pretty stubborn BB watcher, but I don't think I can do it this cycle. The casual racism and toxic-bro stuff is just wearisome.


Perhaps as a replacement, I am experimenting with this show on MTV.

i agree


the only guy i find attractive is Jackson... the "Southern frat guy", but he is kind of a jerk and I am afraid that no one has the charm or personality quirks to get me through an entire season of this show (which even at its best can be tedious)


i like your MYV idea!!!

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I'm a pretty stubborn BB watcher, but I don't think I can do it this cycle. The casual racism and toxic-bro stuff is just wearisome...


I will certainly be watching Big Brother this week, as racist Jack self-destructs in his HOH-itis!


I'm sure he'll end up becoming even more disliked over the next 8 days and after the Camp Comeback twist is over in a few weeks he'll be on the block or backdoored!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


TruHart1 :cool:

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I just so happened to catch the BB show the other night (the one where the contest was to catch things like strawberries, meatballs while sliding down a table) and I have to say, it was pretty vapid. If it weren't for the eye candy, esp the southern boy (who kept quoting his mama) and the long-haired hunk, I would never watch. The plot line was confusing (I guess you have to watch from the first episode) and it all seemed like one big back-stab.

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I just so happened to catch the BB show the other night (the one where the contest was to catch things like strawberries, meatballs while sliding down a table) and I have to say, it was pretty vapid. If it weren't for the eye candy, esp the southern boy (who kept quoting his mama) and the long-haired hunk, I would never watch. The plot line was confusing (I guess you have to watch from the first episode) and it all seemed like one big back-stab.

The first weeks in the house are always a mess game wise, because there are so many houseguests and the alliances are still very fluid. I mean right off, we had an alliance of eight people (over half of the house!) which is even now beginning to show cracks!


Later on, the REAL game will actually begin, when the people (like Tommy) who know what Big Brother strategy is all about, begin to actively play!


TruHart1 :cool:

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I love the show. Its my only reality-TV vice. I've seen every episode since season 2 (excluding celebrity versions). But, I confess that I have my own twisted and inappropriate reasons for watching.


Its a fascinating study of human behavior in the 21st century.

  • Just how much BS will people endure to gain attention?
  • Look what social media and anything for attention has done to our norms! The contestants clearly hope to become social media celebrities.
  • I sit and wonder "do these people realize just how exploitive the casting is?"
  • I feel confident that the show is cast based primarily on psycho-social evaluation. I'm convinced houseguests undergo rigorous psych testing. That every year, the casting crew finds high-strung people prone to behavioral outbursts... before they consider looks and lifestyles. There are a couple of morons every year. A couple of egomaniacs. Always some very volatile folk. Always one older guy cast to be pathetic yet paternal. And there must be a litmus test for paranoia-tendencies.

The show is my outlet for all things incorrect. My annual indulgence, where I can sit in judgment, pronouncing everyone on screen to be manipulated fools and idiots.


Last year, someone became so illogically outraged, and started screaming in such an animated outburst, blood poured from her mouth.


A few seasons back, the houseguests voted Josh the winner. He was clearly immature and unintelligent. Clearly undeserving of the win based on any reasonable criteria. His most frequent contribution to the show was to behave like an annoying 6-year old, marching around the house screaming unintelligible sounds while banging pots and pans. He irritated me no-end. I thought he was a horrible player. I cheered when he was voted winner. It was an obvious "fuck you, other finalists" vote by fellow houseguests.


I dont watch Survivor. Never seen Real Housewives of Wherever. Saw one episode of Idol years ago. No Bachelor/ette for me. Tried Dancing with Stars during Mario Lopez's season and gave up. Big Brother is my vice: 180 minutes per week during each summer, where I allow myself to sit in judgment; In an age when the PC-cops would never permit freak shows, its my annual stroll down the circus sideshow midway.


The rest of the year I watch Masterpiece Theater. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Th other night it was Tommy laying his head on Jack's stomach while they were laying on a bed talking with other cast members. In the first episode he showed an attraction to Jack. Who Wouldn't? Tommy was in the original Broadway cast of Newsies and was probably the most popular Newsie. I wonder if he knows his current show, Pretty Woman, will be closing in August. Yeah, Tommy is looking pretty good.

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Th other night it was Tommy laying his head on Jack's stomach while they were laying on a bed talking with other cast members. In the first episode he showed an attraction to Jack. Who Wouldn't? Tommy was in the original Broadway cast of Newsies and was probably the most popular Newsie. I wonder if he knows his current show, Pretty Woman, will be closing in August. Yeah, Tommy is looking pretty good.


He's adorable, but a little shady snake, planning and plottin…. Last night after Jack was put up for eviction he "cried" and then Jack embraced him and they hugged like 2 lovers who have decided to part..... Its the standard str8/gay Bromance for this season... We've seen it before with Frankie.....

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Seriously? Jack? One of my three, eye-candy guys? I guess I don't pay that close attention sometimes. Sad. Racism has been rearing it's disgusting head too often these days. And no one called him out on it, though it is thought that the Big Brother people said something to him about it. Ignorance is no excuse, however some people have no clue when it comes to racist statements. I think the post you directed me to said Jack was heard telling another cast member that what he said was misconstrued. And that could be. As a white man, who has his own share of ignorance, I'm sure I've probably said some questionable things without knowing. When I was teaching there were times I'd have to sit students down and explain why something he/she said that was thought to be innocent could be considered racist. To tell you the truth, when I found out what Jack said I had to think a few seconds before I connected "rice" and "Asian". What can I say? I'm slow. As for the Big Brother contestants, how can they forget they're being filmed 24/7?

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Asians are considered easy soft targets because the perception is that we are not really targeted by white supremacism. The truth is otherwise.

Seriously? Jack? One of my three, eye-candy guys? I guess I don't pay that close attention sometimes. Sad. Racism has been rearing it's disgusting head too often these days. And no one called him out on it, though it is thought that the Big Brother people said something to him about it. Ignorance is no excuse, however some people have no clue when it comes to racist statements. I think the post you directed me to said Jack was heard telling another cast member that what he said was misconstrued. And that could be. As a white man, who has his own share of ignorance, I'm sure I've probably said some questionable things without knowing. When I was teaching there were times I'd have to sit students down and explain why something he/she said that was thought to be innocent could be considered racist. To tell you the truth, when I found out what Jack said I had to think a few seconds before I connected "rice" and "Asian". What can I say? I'm slow. As for the Big Brother contestants, how can they forget they're being filmed 24/7?

This Big Brother cast seems especially clueless when it comes to knowing that the cameras record EVERYTHING! Last week, when someone told Holly that her sexual escapades with Jackson Michi (both in the HOH shower and out!) were streaming on the live feeds, whether the lights were on or off, she nearly broke up with him. When he got upset and agreed with her and said they should go back to just being friends, she freaked out, though! They are back to f**king now, though in more discreet ways, if that's possible!??

As for Tommy, who understands completely how the cameras see all, and his protest to production in the diary room that he wasn't trying to change the conversation (in the TMZ clip above) as an attempt to cover Jack's racist "rice pudding" comment by inserting "slop pudding": Tommy developed a super crush on Jack the very first day in the house and Analyse's description of how extremely well Jack is endowed, has only added fuel to Tommy's obsession. Add to that that Jack has no qualms about letting Tommy cuddle with him, and you have a gay man so in lust that he'll ignore all the faults in the douchebag named Jack!!!


TruHart1 :cool:

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This Big Brother cast seems especially clueless when it comes to knowing that the cameras record EVERYTHING! Last week, when someone told Holly that her sexual escapades with Jackson Michi (both in the HOH shower and out!) were streaming on the live feeds, whether the lights were on or off, she nearly broke up with him. When he got upset and agreed with her and said they should go back to just being friends, she freaked out, though! They are back to f**king now, though in more discreet ways, if that's possible!??

As for Tommy, who understands completely how the cameras see all, and his protest to production in the diary room that he wasn't trying to change the conversation (in the TMZ clip above) as an attempt to cover Jack's racist "rice pudding" comment by inserting "slop pudding": Tommy developed a super crush on Jack the very first day in the house and Analyse's description of how extremely well Jack is endowed, has only added fuel to Tommy's obsession. Add to that that Jack has no qualms about letting Tommy cuddle with him, and you have a gay man so in lust that he'll ignore all the faults in the douchebag named Jack!!!


TruHart1 :cool:

Damn you're good! I'd hate to see lust screw up Tommy's game. Of course with Jack, you never know if someone is gay or bi or just so confident in his sexuality that it's no big deal to cuddle with another guy.

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Damn you're good! I'd hate to see lust screw up Tommy's game. Of course with Jack, you never know if someone is gay or bi or just so confident in his sexuality that it's no big deal to cuddle with another guy.

With Jack, there is no way to tell unless he actually gets with Tommy, most likely after they are out of the house! Still, both of the douchebag hotties (Jack AND Jackson!) show an awful lot of affection for and with each other. Whenever Jack wins something, Jackson hops onto him, embracing him with his arms AND legs! Whenever Jackson impresses Jack, Jack invariably gives him a long bear hug! Too bad both of them are f**cking certain women in the house without any real affection and a sense of entitlement to "no strings" relationships, though I think Holly may be in for a big disappointment to find that Jackson only considers her a house fling.

When Jack is voted out, may it be soon, hopefully Tommy will still be there, able to concentrate on making it all the way to the end!


TruHart1 :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest LeonTrotsky
So one of the jacks hit the road and the other is likely next. Julie Chen interviewing about rice pudding was very awkward.


i think the interview went well - he revealed himself to be the total fool that he actually is. isn't that what a good interview should do?


btw.... this year's group wins my award for the most boring, least likeable ever.

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i think the interview went well - he revealed himself to be the total fool that he actually is. isn't that what a good interview should do?


btw.... this year's group wins my award for the most boring, least likeable ever.

I mean awkward for him. I did not see the post show interview, but they did change to format to eliminate on air good byes to allow for further questioning, so CBS definitely wanted him on the hot seat.

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I thought rolling the offending live feed clips for Jack to respond to was really great - holding his feet to the fire!!! I hope that in seasons to come, the clueless recruits they pick up in bars for the show see this interview and realize that they will be on camera virtually 24/7! In past seasons, there have been douches and stupid women who were as bad or worse than Jack, but this is the first time one has actually been shown what they said and how they said it!


Hopefully, being in the Jury House by himself for a week will give Jack plenty of time to contemplate on how and why he came across as such a douche bag on the show! Yesterday's (Sunday's) show had the "America's Vote" field trip and all three of the chosen "winners" realized that they were voted into the competition by America BECAUSE they were disliked by the American public! Seeing Christie on the block as 3rd nominee was simply delicious!


TruHart1 :cool:

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