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Montreal update please.

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Just returned from my first trip to Montreal. Got to say it was a lot of fun. We went to Campus on Thurdsay evening. Not busy maybe 20 customers but the guys are handsome. There were two Tommy, a dark haired college type, and Jeff, a kind of young Bradley Cooperish guy, who were my favorites. The bars not fancy but how many gay bars are anymore. They do put on a good show. I was surprised it is cash only for drinks and the guys don't accept tips when they walk around. Stock Bar definately has the beefier guys and a more polished atmosphere. The dancers are also more agressive and will over charge you (Two songs equals three to the dancer. I didn't protest but I clearly counted two songs.) The dancers seem to want to put on a good stage show. Overall, well worth the trip and the visit. The men of Montreal are very handsome and friendly everywhere we went from the Uber driver to the dancers.

Edited by jakeharo
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I was in Montreal from Thursday - Sunday at the OMNI Mont-Royal. It was unusually chilly for mid-May! This was my 17th visit since I began visiting Le Village in 2005 (once by train, once driving 12-hours each way, and the other 15 times by flight).


Anyways, there are now danseurs at SKY. There is even a new sign on the building which says DANSEURS.


As far as CAMPUS, I went Thursday afternoon to use the restroom and was immediately 'glued on' by the bartender/manager and dancer. I was literally the ONLY customer there at 4pm. The first word from the dancer "do you want a dance?". I left as he was not my type - body builder.


Taboo had about 6 dancers each night; however, none did it for me. There were about twice as many customers, which wasn't a lot for Friday and Saturday night. Also, no luck on the hustlers from Ste. Catherine street, as the weather was likely way too cold.


I've never seen so much construction in Montreal since I began visiting 14-years ago. From Eaton Center, to the freeway to the airport, to skyscrapers and so many various roads. The entire city seems "under construction." The Village was very dirty with urine all over sidewalks and having to side-step barf.


I highly recommend a 24-hour poutine place called "Banquise" on Rachel street. Best meal ever!! I ordered the smoked meat poutine with mushrooms and sour cream with mozzarella instead of cheese curds. It was the very last item listed on the menu. Lots of college hotties (straight). Amazing poutine and the place is packed after 2am.


On the "bright side", this was my first time being sent to "secondary inspection" at YUL after my 17 trips to Montreal. I basically visit once or twice a year. The Canadian airport customs guy claimed I appeared "nervous" and that I didnt want to tell them who I was really visiting in Montreal. HaHa.


I had to literally go through 5 different security peoples and the "Inspection office". After they let me go I thought I was in the clear; however, when I got my luggage and was leaving they sent me again to "secondary inspection" with my luggage.


Coming back to the USA was a breeze. I just told the USA Customs officer that I was in Montreal for the strip clubs and restaurants and he laughed and said "that's what this place is for" as he waived me through!!...and there were NO FURTHER QUESTIONS! LOL


I did lose my credit card at the YUL airport bathroom right before boarding my plane. Luckily nobody used it and I was able to cancel it. I will never keep my credit card in shirt pocket again.


Many streets under construction in Old Montreal as well, and even the Beaudry metro between Papineau and Berri is closed and under construction. If you like twinks , Montreal has suffered a breathtaking decline since I started visiting in 2005. If you're into the "jocks" and roided body-builders at Stock then you will likely find it worth your while.


Restaurants I recommend are: Joe Beef restaurant, Le Garde Manger, Keg Steakhouse in Vieux Montreal, les trois brasseurs on Ste Catherine and Mcgill, and Joe's Paninis 24hour. And of course Banquise 24-hour poutine.


Plus, Grindr had some interesting options as well.

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It depends on what your definition of a "twink" is.


When I first started visiting Montreal back in 2005, Taboo was a world-renowned Twink destination for barely-legal, skinny, blonde-and-blue eyed white boyish teenage twinks.


Nowadays, there are college-aged twenty-somethings that pass as the "twinks" of yesterday.


I would say SKY and Unity on Friday and Saturday nights are the best bet if you want to find real twinks in Le Village.

Edited by twinkboylover28
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It depends on what your definition of a "twink" is.


When I first started visiting Montreal back in 2005, Taboo was a world-renowned Twink destination for barely-legal, skinny, blonde-and-blue eyed white boyish teenage twinks.


Nowadays, there are college-aged twenty-somethings that pass as the "twinks" of yesterday.


I would say SKY and Unity on Friday and Saturday nights are the best bet if you want to find real twinks in Le Village.

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I just telephoned a staff member at Sky Complex. He has no knowledge of the sign you refer to. As I said, I saw no such sign myself. Their facebook page does not display any such feature for recent and upcoming nights. They neither had, have, nor will have dancers/strippers.

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Well I'm not insane. I saw the sign. I'll bet my life on it. I don't have Alzheimer's. I'm only 45.


This was my 17th visit to Montreal since 2005.


Also, while I was sitting on a bench on Ste. Catherine street, across Sky around 2am on Saturday night, a dancer came out of the club and started talking to me and to his friends. They made a big deal how he was a "dancer."


Perhaps it's a weekend thing. And yes it was outside SKY.

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I think I have the answer.


I checked Fugues magazine April edition online and saw a typed event listing for May 18th ... "Party District", an opening summer sorta circuit party on the strip with international DJs and 'beaux danseurs sexy'.


I could find no banner ad on it, though.


I believe it was formerly "Hot & Dry" on the Saturday of our Victoria Day weekend.


I do not think it was strictly affiliated with Sky but likely similar to the Gay Pride parties in August, with loosening of venue boundaries in the interests of Village fest.

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I’m currently in Montreal. Just for kicks, I walked by the Sky Complexe today. I saw no individual sign/poster indicating dancers/danseurs. However, the main establishment neon sign which says COMPLEXE SKY at the top also has in smaller letters underneath the words “cabaret” and “dancers” amongst other things. I’m pretty sure the sign is really old. Maybe they had dancers at some point years ago. I seem to remember that briefly being the case many years ago. Anyway, the explanation previously given about a party earlier in the month that may have included dancers makes sense too.


I’ll give a full report on the MTL scene when I leave tomorrow.

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Yes, Sky did have dancers many years ago. Maybe 15 years ago. I remember getting a lap dance from a very cute Latino twink back them. Something happened and I don't remember the details. I vaguely remember something about the roof leaking and they closed the top floor which is where the dancers were. Never found out why the dancers didn't return.


@EZEtoGRU would love to hear you report on Montreal.

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The area for danseurs was on the second floor at the west end, up one flight from that door on Ste Catherine. The stage was kind of like a boxing arena, with seats all around; lap dances were in a room to the side, with huge hanging curtains; the ceiling was very high. There were sometimes some cute dancers. There was a fire which destroyed/damaged the space, and it was never restored. There were rumors of arson, but nothing definite. The crowds were never large, but it was a nice fifth stripper bar in Montreal for a while. Name, I think,was "Nirvana."

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Just wrapping up a nice four-day visit to Montreal. I arrived on Saturday morning and am at the airport now to head home. I went to Stock on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday nights....and to Campus only on Monday since Stock is closed on Mondays.


Being Memorial Day weekend, Stock was packed on Saturday. Lots of tourists from the US visiting. Anyway, a great selection of dancers available for fun at Stock: Body builder Franco. Sexy new body builder dancer Zack. Huge-cocked Tyler. Smaller Asian body builder Kid has returned as has daytime construction worker Dave. Honduran cutie Enrique is back as well. Clearly he has been spending lots of time at the gym during his time away from

Stock. Lot's of fun all three nights. Good to see Stock particularly well-attended by customers on Saturday and to somewhat lesser of an extent on Sunday. Stock has re-opened the back-bar by the shower-show area. It was closed for about 4 months during the slower winter period.


Campus was surprisingly busy with customers on Monday night. It was not packed but it had a steady stream of customers coming and going during my 3-hour stay. Only four dancers working on Monday night which is probably to be expected for a Monday. Three of the dancers were totally forgettable...at least for me. Other customers were taking them back for lap-dances but I wasn't the least bit interested in them. Thankfully, the forth dancer was a gorgeous, masculine muscle stud. He seemed totally out of place at Campus compared to the other dancers. He is JC and I have never seen him before. A real body-builder who competed in a competition on Saturday (as did several other Stock current or former dancers). JC says he has two daytime jobs so he dances inconsistently due to his work schedule. Anyway, we did some lap dances. It was well worth it. I hope others get a chance to see him sometime. I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually moves to Stock. I think he would be a better fit there. For me, Campus has a somewhat seedy vibe which JC doesn't really fit into with his stellar looks. What body. Those calves! Those glutes! That chest! Those arms! and a handsome face to match. He is a local but speaks excellent English.


Even though it was rather cool for part of the weekend in Montreal, the village is coming alive for the summer period. Nice to see.

Anyway, I only ate at one Village restaurant during my stay. I went to Mozza Pates et Passions on Tuesday night. I've been several times before and it is my favorite in the village. It has Italian food with a bit of a French flair. Mostly pastas as main courses. All meals come with a small Caesar salad to start followed by an appetizer. You can choose between the minestrone soup, the appetizer of the day, or the escargot of the day. I always go for the escargot….which is delicious. The place is always crowded with locals even when other village restaurants have few patrons. A little bit pricey but worth the extra cost. It's BYOB so be sure to bring your own wine if you want to imbide.


The entire city seems to be under construction starting with the road in from the airport. During my Saturday taxi from the airport to downtown, part of the freeway is actually completely closed so there had to be a lengthy detour to get into town. Also, all over downtown there is road and building construction.

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City-wide road infrastructure, construction, and repair involves about 5,000 kilometres, expected to continue another 8 years. This will not necessarily be evident for that length of time coming in from Dorval or in all sections of the downtown core. But it is long and painful, especially for cross-city commuters.


I am back to the 747 Express bus rather than Über. $10 CDN, reliable, and often only 30 minutes. But I also live very close to one of the route stops that is easier to walk to-and-from ... a car takes much longer to traverse those same city blocks due to construction.

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Exactly, as I previously mentioned in my earlier report, construction is horrible. As far as the 747 Express bus, normally it is good; however, last time on a Sunday afternoon in beautiful weather I had to wait 25 minutes for the bus to arrive at Peel and Rene Levesque. Then with the construction and bus drivers changing shifts, it look an additional 45 minutes to get to the airport. It was well over a full hour total time. Plus, I was standing the entire time on the bus with some woman's hair rubbing against me because the bus was jam packed. There is no air conditioning on many of the buses as well, so it was a sauna.


$10 is a great price, as you can also use the metro for 24-hours, but sometimes you have to be in the right mindset.


Hopefully metro station Beaudry will open soon?

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Right about the 747 issues.


My last trip, there were people not able to get on at Peel or the next one west due to passenger volume, even though an express run from Lionel-Groulx Metro station to the airport has now been added for travellers taking the Metro to that point.


The trick, I have learned, is to get an early start and board closer to Berri-UQAM and take a seat at the very back where the standing sardine theme is less pronounced. Also guaranteed a spot on the rack. You can slide the side window open. Lucky for me, I reside close to René-Levesque and one of the stops further east not far from the route's starting point.


I usually get to the terminal early and splurge on a relaxing Archibald meal with the cash saved. I cannot eat Economy grub ... revolting.


Beaudry is scheduled to re-open this weekend, but with the work to continue until next March.

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You sound like a fun travel companion. Good news regarding the Beaudry metro.


I usually eat at Houston steaks at YUL; however, Archibald looks so interesting. I don't recall seeing it at my terminal. I will keep an eye open next time. It looks worthwhile arriving early just to eat (and drink) there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just wrapping up a nice four-day visit to Montreal. I arrived on Saturday morning and am at the airport now to head home. I went to Stock on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday nights....and to Campus only on Monday since Stock is closed on Mondays.


Being Memorial Day weekend, Stock was packed on Saturday. Lots of tourists from the US visiting. Anyway, a great selection of dancers available for fun at Stock: Body builder Franco. Sexy new body builder dancer Zack. Huge-cocked Tyler. Smaller Asian body builder Kid has returned as has daytime construction worker Dave. Honduran cutie Enrique is back as well. Clearly he has been spending lots of time at the gym during his time away from

Stock. Lot's of fun all three nights. Good to see Stock particularly well-attended by customers on Saturday and to somewhat lesser of an extent on Sunday. Stock has re-opened the back-bar by the shower-show area. It was closed for about 4 months during the slower winter period.


Campus was surprisingly busy with customers on Monday night. It was not packed but it had a steady stream of customers coming and going during my 3-hour stay. Only four dancers working on Monday night which is probably to be expected for a Monday. Three of the dancers were totally forgettable...at least for me. Other customers were taking them back for lap-dances but I wasn't the least bit interested in them. Thankfully, the forth dancer was a gorgeous, masculine muscle stud. He seemed totally out of place at Campus compared to the other dancers. He is JC and I have never seen him before. A real body-builder who competed in a competition on Saturday (as did several other Stock current or former dancers). JC says he has two daytime jobs so he dances inconsistently due to his work schedule. Anyway, we did some lap dances. It was well worth it. I hope others get a chance to see him sometime. I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually moves to Stock. I think he would be a better fit there. For me, Campus has a somewhat seedy vibe which JC doesn't really fit into with his stellar looks. What body. Those calves! Those glutes! That chest! Those arms! and a handsome face to match. He is a local but speaks excellent English.


Even though it was rather cool for part of the weekend in Montreal, the village is coming alive for the summer period. Nice to see.

Anyway, I only ate at one Village restaurant during my stay. I went to Mozza Pates et Passions on Tuesday night. I've been several times before and it is my favorite in the village. It has Italian food with a bit of a French flair. Mostly pastas as main courses. All meals come with a small Caesar salad to start followed by an appetizer. You can choose between the minestrone soup, the appetizer of the day, or the escargot of the day. I always go for the escargot….which is delicious. The place is always crowded with locals even when other village restaurants have few patrons. A little bit pricey but worth the extra cost. It's BYOB so be sure to bring your own wine if you want to imbide.


The entire city seems to be under construction starting with the road in from the airport. During my Saturday taxi from the airport to downtown, part of the freeway is actually completely closed so there had to be a lengthy detour to get into town. Also, all over downtown there is road and building construction.

Went to both campus and stock this Friday and must agree with @EZEtoGRU that JC is outstanding. His dance and body are both surreal. I didn’t get to have a dance from him since he’s so popular. But man, he’s better than all other dancers from campus and stock IMO.

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Only been to Montreal a few times (maybe a half-dozen) but Campus always had the guys I liked. My issue with Montreal is that although the dancers are great looking and do private dances those are limited and actually getting guys to the hotel for real hard sex was pretty rare.

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Only been to Montreal a few times (maybe a half-dozen) but Campus always had the guys I liked. My issue with Montreal is that although the dancers are great looking and do private dances those are limited and actually getting guys to the hotel for real hard sex was pretty rare.

Probably because they are almost all straight and this is a transitional side job for a couple of months or years, its not a career

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