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Claudio_XXL NYC Rentmen - WOOF!


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says he's 120 lbs - I assume a typo. ; )

Yeah his dick looks 20 - 30 lbs just by itself! ;) That leaves only about 80 lbs. for the rest of him!

No wait it also says he's 5'7. I didn't see that before. Maybe its not a typo, which if true means he's that rarest of species - the POCKET GAY! :):):):) Spotting a pocket gay is for us man watchers like a bird watcher seeing a yellow bellied sap-sucker!

I gotta get with this guy if he's real. I need the crack investigatory staff here at the forum to do me a big favor and use reverse image searches and whatever other tools you have at your disposal to find out about this guy and get back to us. I'll take one for the team and report back to everyone if I can be reasonably sure his ad is not a fake (or God forbid a sting operation). Thanks in advance.

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Yeah his dick looks 20 - 30 lbs just by itself! ;) That leaves only about 80 lbs. for the rest of him!

No wait it also says he's 5'7. I didn't see that before. Maybe its not a typo, which if true means he's that rarest of species - the POCKET GAY! :):):):) Spotting a pocket gay is for us man watchers like a bird watcher seeing a yellow bellied sap-sucker!

I gotta get with this guy if he's real. I need the crack investigatory staff here at the forum to do me a big favor and use reverse image searches and whatever other tools you have at your disposal to find out about this guy and get back to us. I'll take one for the team and report back to everyone if I can be reasonably sure his ad is not a fake (or God forbid a sting operation). Thanks in advance.

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I tried to hire him.

His English skills were nearly non-existent. In fact, clear communication was impossible.

In the end, I just gave up and hired someone else.

Thanks. When you got in touch with him did you call or text? Texting would at least give him the opportunity to use google translate or some such.

Paradoxically, though, the fact that his English is poor actually makes me feel a little better; less likelihood of a sting. I may still try getting with him next week but I'm still hoping some other kind hearted forum member can provide a little more info before I take the plunge. Thanks to all.

P.S. I remember going against your advice a few months back and hiring Ben Bateman and not having a good experience. I hope lightning doesn't strike twice! ;)

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When you got in touch with him did you call or text?


We were texting.


As you noted, that makes his inability to understand and communicate clearly even

more confusing. I figured he could at least try and use google translate to understand

and respond.


Since he obviously didn't, I just assumed he was either drunk, high, stupid or lazy.


None of which I find attractive.

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Thanks. When you got in touch with him did you call or text? Texting would at least give him the opportunity to use google translate or some such.

Paradoxically, though, the fact that his English is poor actually makes me feel a little better; less likelihood of a sting. I may still try getting with him next week but I'm still hoping some other kind hearted forum member can provide a little more info before I take the plunge. Thanks to all.

P.S. I remember going against your advice a few months back and hiring Ben Bateman and not having a good experience. I hope lightning doesn't strike twice! ;)


Were you able to set a date?

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