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411 Trevor Laster


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2 hours ago, Emir said:

I have a sad news regarding former gay porn star Trevor Laster. LA based photographer James Franklin just shared this message on Twitter: My dear sweet friend Trevor...


Just saw this, so sad. I was always interested in him, but the no kissing kinda made me not interested. There is a dark force the in the adult industry and its taking too many young souls. Many I believe are looking for purpose and way out. The past 3 years with the pandemic also made things worse.

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Suicide and the mental health conditions that underlie it strike me quite hard.  Even those who seek treatment often struggle.  Imagine finding life so much of a struggle and yourself so miserable that continuing to live is not your perceived better option.  Often, depression, anxiety, and a sense of helplessness are compounded by financial and emotional insecurity. 

I grieve his loss, and for his loved ones.

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I wasn't familiar with his porn so checked it out. An extensive listing over 10 years. Most of the ones I saw were by Boysnextdoor.

A very talented top and versatile too. He matured in his looks over that period but was still very hot and kept his body in great shape. Went bald but sexy that way too.  

What a loss.😞

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