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It only took 15 seasons, but it seems like we're finally getting a gay male relationship on GREY'S ANATOMY


They introduced a nerdy-cute intern last year named Schmitt. Early in the season he had a one-night stand with a female doctor.



Recently the show introduced a new “Ortho God”, a new doc that’s supposed to be gorgeous. He’s played by Chris Carmack, whom I didn’t find that attractive, especially because he’s a new-age-y character, apparently.





HOWEVER… He had another surgeon with him, Dr. Niko Kim, played by Alex Landi.




ANYHOO… Schmitt & Dr. Kim were working on a case and had their masks over their mouths. Their eyes met, Kim winked at Schmitt, and Schmitt got a little flustered. The flirtation continued later...







So after 14 seasons of having to suffer (and gag) through lesbo

kisses and romance, will we finally get one for our side?

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  • 3 weeks later...





So, today Jake Borelli, who plays Levi Schmitt, came out both in an Instagram post and in an interview as a gay man and talked about how important this storyline was to him personally.

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On Thursday’s episode of the ABC hit, Dr. Nico Kim (Alex Landi) and “Glasses”/Dr. Levi Schmitt (Jake Borelli) shared a kiss — the first kiss between two male doctors on the show. Now Landi, Borelli, and showrunner Krista Vernoff are opening up to EW about how the storyline came to be.


Krista Vernoff: Jake [who joined the Grey’s cast last season] is an incredible actor, and the more we wrote for him, the more we wanted to write for him. So the story didn’t begin with, “Hey, we’ve never done a gay male love story.” It began with, “What are we going to do with Jake this year that’s different?”


I remembered a friend of mine in college who was sort of a clumsy, fumfering type who would trip over his own feet [like Borelli’s character] and would stutter, and then he came out toward the end of our freshman year and emerged as a completely different human being because he was living in his truth. Living in his truth seemed to set something free in him where he was no longer tripping over his own feet. He emerged with strength and power and sex appeal that had not existed in him publicly prior, and when I remembered my friend, I wanted to tell that story with Jake because it felt like a really beautiful way to evolve his character. Then we realized we’d never done it! It was a hugely exciting thing.


We’re always just looking for fresh stories, and to realize that somehow we had never told this story was shocking and exciting. It felt like an avenue unexplored after 15 seasons, and when we began to talk about it in the writers’ room we all got really excited, and then we woke up the next morning to an email from our production assistant Xaiver, who is a gay man and took the brave steps of writing to the whole writing staff saying he couldn’t stop crying reading the writers’ room notes realizing that we were finally going to tell a story that would speak to him in this way. He was just so moved and so excited, and he thought it was going to be moving and exciting to a whole community of people who had not yet felt represented on the show but that were huge fans. I was already excited to do it, but that email made me cry.


I called Jake and talked to him about it, and he was really excited and game and wanted to know how we were going to tell the story. When I talked to him about my friend, that felt perfect to him. That’s when we went searching for a love interest and found Alex Landi.


Alex Landi: I knew from the beginning that the character was openly gay and felt it was a great opportunity and I couldn’t pass on it. They wanted him to be a masculine, strong, bro type, but at the same time he was openly gay, which definitely defies LGBTQ stereotypes, and I think that’s great. And the fact that he’s Asian as well, that just adds to the mix.


Vernoff: I looked at a dozen [audition] tapes, and [Alex] was the only one and I said, “I need to work with him. I want to meet him because this storyline is ultimately going to be a big deal.” He flew in from New York, and in the casting room I said, “So how long are you in town?” And he said, “I only bought a one-way ticket.” And I was like, “That’s my guy.” Just the confidence, it was just great.

Landi made his debut on Grey’s when season 15 premiered Sept. 27. Immediately his character took a liking to Borelli’s Levi, making the intern blush with every smoldering glance.

Vernoff: You know you’ve got two great actors, but you don’t know if they’ve got chemistry, and that’s where we worked out. These guys are just magic together, I think, and it’s been so exciting to watch it evolve.


Landi: I love the flirting between Nico and Levi. I think it’s a push-and-pull type of relationship. Levi being the little, insecure, shy type while Nico is definitely the more dominant, confident character. I think it’s really fun to play with that — its like a tug of war every episode. I know fans have been in pain waiting to see what happens with them.


Borelli: I totally ship Levi and Nico. I think their relationship so far has been super-endearing and super-cute and super-honest.


Borelli: I think Levi’s speech about being a general surgeon and being focused on general surgery and then finally getting a chance to do ortho — and that he’s really excited about being in ortho — is such a great metaphor for his coming out. I think it’s in his own way, it’s how he feels comfortable saying, “I’m gay.” It’s a really important thing to see, as well, that he is so earnest about sharing these feelings and about coming out to Nico, but he just doesn’t have the ability to articulate it yet. So it comes out in this really beautiful metaphor about general surgery versus a more specialized surgery, which is ortho.


I think after this kiss, we see something click in him that all of a sudden this feels right. That he feels empowered by this, that this is something maybe he knew was deep inside of him somewhere, but he didn’t fully understand it. I think he’s changing right before my eyes, and I think he’s changing right before his own eyes. Yes, he slept with Dr. Jo Wilson at the beginning of season 14, and I think he didn’t necessarily know what that meant and didn’t understand. I think at this point in his life, he is coming to terms with his own sexuality. He’s learning about sexuality for the first time. He’s a little bit of a late bloomer. I think it wasn’t until Nico had started to be smitten by him or to start advances by him that he was even consciously aware that this might be something he would be into.


Landi: It’s crazy because the scene goes from “Oh my God, it’s happening!” and all of a sudden it’s, “Oh my God, what the hell is happening?!” It goes from 100 to 0 really quick, as opposed to 0 to 100. I’m sure Levi is ecstatic and confused when it first happens, and then all of a sudden Nico has a realization that Levi has never kissed a guy before and it kind of goes from a moment of euphoria for Levi to him being crushed. It’s definitely an unexpected twist that hopefully the audience will appreciate — but at the same time it builds the storyline, which is great.


Borelli: I hope that [after this kiss, Levi] is able to come into his own more. I hope that he feels empowered by this. I hope that he’s accepted by everybody at the hospital. I just want the best for him. I have so much love for Levi, I really want it to work out for him. I know he doesn’t have the best track record in terms of having things work perfectly for him, and I really hope that this changes with this.


“As a gay guy myself, tonight’s episode was so special to me. This is exactly the kind of story I craved as a young gay kid growing up in Ohio, and it blows my mind that I’m able to bring life to Dr. Levi Schmitt as he begins to grapple with his own sexuality this season on Grey’s Anatomy,” the 27-year-old actor shared on Instagram.


Borelli praised Schmitt’s “vulnerability and courage” and told the “little Levis out there” that they are seen.



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The glasses. We get it he's a dweeb. But the glasses. :rolleyes: Even a dweeb wouldn't wear those. Maybe the game plan is to come out of his dweeb shell, lose them. Hope so.

That was his 'hook' when they introduced 6 new interns last year. (They did a pretty good job of making the new people interesting and/or likable.) The first time Schmitt was in an OR observing, he leaned over the patient and his glasses fell into the open abdominal cavity. His nickname became Glasses, and he is still occasionally called that. He has proven to be a competent doctor, though an awkward person.

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Yes. Chris Comack played the object of everyone's lust in "Entertaining Mr. Slone" off-Broadway about a decade ago.


Two friends and I saw it off-Broadway eons ago just to see Mr. Juliet Mills in his birthday suit. Nice booty, if I recall.


And Carmack isn't the dweeb with the glasses. He's the one pursuing Meredith that she should pass on to get involved with Dr. Andrea (Andrew) DeLuca, who was born in Italy and speaks fluent Italian.



IN the Off Broadway hit ''Entertaining Mr. Sloane,'' Maxwell Caulfield plays a most unusual character. ''Mr. Sloane'' - his first name is never given - is a lower-class young Cockney who lives with a middle-age landlady and her homosexual brother, both desperately lonely souls who viciously compete for Mr. Sloane's affections.


Mr. Sloane, strange person that he is, finds the situation quite congenial. He shrewdly portions out winks and bottom-pats to his hosts in exchange for free meals and a cheap room. He struts about the house in boots and leather pants, and he takes the car for a spin when he pleases. All goes well until he kills someone in the parlor.


On the face of it, then, Mr. Sloane is a manipulative hoodlum who resorts to murder to get his way. And in most productions of ''Sloane,'' this is how the character is played. Yet Mr. Caulfield, in the many laudatory reviews he received, has frequently been praised for giving Mr. Sloane an innocent, almost endearing quality. His eerie warmth tilts the play, usually staged as a straight-out farce, a degree or two toward drama. 'Ideal Spider in the Web'


''Maxwell Caulfield is the ideal spider in the web,'' wrote one critic, say ing he was ''as disarming of himse lf as he is of others - which gives this revival that tragic tinge of great comedy.''


Mr. Caulfield pinpoints the source of likability in his interpretation of Mr. Sloane. ''He is an orphan,'' Mr. Caulfield said the other day on a Hudson River pier near his Upper West Side apartment. ''He wants to love and be loved, by anyone, by the bloody ticket-taker or the greengrocer. He will cuddle up to his landlady like Little Orphan Annie, then turn around and dress in leather for her brother. He'll do anything to be loved.''


And what experience does Mr. Caulfield's draw upon in his portrayal of this unusual young man? ''I've done things to survive,'' he explained, ''things that I don't regret, but which, well ... that my mother wouldn't have liked. Besides, Mr. Sloane and I are alike in many ways. We are both survivors. We are both charmers. And we can both spot an opportunity at a hundred paces.''


These traits - abetted by equal measures of talent, ambition and rugged good looks - have brought Mr. Caulfield remarkable success for a 21-year-old actor. He won a Theater World Award for his Off Broadway debut in ''Class Enemy'' and is now playing the lead role in only his second Off Broadway show, a box-office hit. Agents and producers have been visiting the Cherry Lane Theater regularly. Now the William Morris agency has signed him on and he is in the running for two major film roles. Drive to Become a Star


How does Mr. Caulfield explain his rapid rise? ''Since the age of 15, the motivating force in my life has been to become a star,'' Mr. Caulfield said coolly. ''I've always been in a rush to make it, and I'm quite convinced I will.''


The rush began on a single day, Mr. Caulfield recalled vividly, when he was studying for a major examination in London, where he grew up. ''I was reading a biography of Marlon Brando,'' Mr. Caulfield said. ''I remember thinking, 'I really like this dude, the way he just gets up and does things.' So, I slammed the book shut and said 'I don't want to go to college anymore. I'm going to be an actor.' ''



At the time, Mr. Caulfield had appeared in school productions. But he had never worked as a professional. He took a job tearing tickets at a London movie theater and scraped by, determined to get an Actor's Equity card without having to work in the provinces for a year. Instead, he joined a ''nude show'' on London's West End, dancing naked to Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.


By the time he won the Equity card, he wanted another card even more: the ''green card'' that bestowed resident's status in the United States. He had been reading biographies of James Dean and Montgomery Clift, and was ''totally addicted to the idea of coming to New York and achieving success in American theater.'' Time for a Change


In May 1978, he flew to New York with $300 in his pocket, got a room at the West Side Y.M.C.A. and took a job in a hot basement kitchen on Columbus Avenue. ''I did the job for two hours and said, 'I cannot stand this.' ''


That same day Mr. Caulfield's American acting career began. Among the casting calls in Backstage magazine, he found one for a gay farce called ''Hot Rock'' at the Truck and Wareh ouse Theater, tried out andgot the part. ''It was sort of trashy, but it was one step up from the nude show , so I was improving,'' Mr. Caulfield said.


Within a year, he had won the lead role in ''Class Enemy,'' which began as a showcase then played Off Broadway after receiving good critical reviews. Jeremy Ritzer, a producer, came backstage one evening and said that if he ever staged ''Entertaining Mr. Sloane,'' the title role was Mr. Caulfield's. On the Road in 'Elephant Man


While waiting, Mr. Caulfield hardly wasted his time. He toured in Florida, playing John Merrick in ''The Elephant Man.'' His leading lady was Juliet Mills, the 39-year-old actress who is best known for her role in the television series, ''Nanny and the Professor.'' She and Mr. Caulfield were married when the run was over.


''We are great admirers of the relationship between Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh, and Ruth Gordon and Garson Kanin,'' he said. ''We have great chemistry, and we want to work together whenever we can. But we're also simply good for each other. Juliet is my ideal of a woman. She has the life force and the secret of eternal youth.''


What is next for Maxwell Caulfield? ''What I see around the corner, actually, is a kind of meteoric flash,'' he said. ''All I can hope is that it's not just a flash. If I can keep lighting up my part of the sky for a few years to come, I'll be a happy man.''


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  • 2 months later...





The glasses. We get it he's a dweeb. But the glasses. :rolleyes: Even a dweeb wouldn't wear those. Maybe the game plan is to come out of his dweeb shell, lose them. Hope so.

Now that he's brimming with self-confidence, Schmitt has decided to switch to contacts. It happened towards the end of the episode, and it's at the end of this clip. He couldn't do it himself, so his lesbian intern pal had to help.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

SCHMICO overcame some recent struggles and endures!



At the start, then at 4:02 (the final minute and a half was a scene from the spin-off, STATION 19):


Starting at 3:02:


1:25 (note Nico’s weird facial expressions when he talks) and 3:10:

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  • 1 year later...

The GREY’S ANATOMY season premiere was really good. It picked up in April, when the hospital was overrun with Covid. The performances and the depiction of the doctors’ struggles were top-notch. Plus, we got an unexpected Schmico situation and a legitimate surprise at the end.


Schmico broke up last year because Nico couldn’t give Schmidt the emotional intimacy he wanted. I thought that would be the last we’d see of him (he got a sweet new job that led to the break up), but he was there working in the hospital tonight (no explanation why) and they had a couple of awkward scenes, including one in which Schmidt told him he’d just had to tell his 100th person that their loved one had died, which was ten times more than he’d had to in his whole career before Covid, and he didn’t know how much longer he could do this, and just wanted to know if Nico was okay, because he wasn't. Nico gave him an uncomfortable look and said he was fine and walked away. Near the end, Schmidt was looking for something in a supply closet and Nico walked in. Schmidt told him whatever he was looking for, he probably wouldn't find it in there. Nico told him he'd been a terrible boyfriend and he was sorry he couldn’t give Schmidt what he had needed emotionally, but he sensed earlier that Schmidt needed some stress relief, and at least he could give him that…


Stress relief?


Stress relief.


Can I can keep my mask on?


That’s not what I want to take off. (as he sinks out of the picture & Schmidt’s eyes roll back.)


As for the surprise ending... (SPOILER ALERT)













Patrick Dempsey left the show on rather frosty terms six years ago and his character was killed off. The episode started with Meredith on the beach, staring at the ocean, and at the end one of the doctors found her passed out in the parking lot, and then she was back on the beach, and off in the distance she saw… guess who? Definitely new footage, and he’ll be in next week’s episode, too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Schmidt and Nico have decided to be each other's designated safe partner for sex during the pandemic.


Covid is probably going to eventually kill Meredith Grey, but it has reinvigorated GREY'S ANATOMY. It has been quite good so far.


I guessed tonight's return-from-the-dead character, though.

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How do you take an old war-horse and make it the best show on TV in its 17th season? Have a global pandemic.


GREY’s has been tremendous so far this season.


I won't get to say this again until the show returns March 4th, but another tremendous episode tonight.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm inconsolable.


As was rumored, GREY'S killed off my favorite character tonight-- Dr. Deluca, the one who's been involved with Meredith the last 2 years. He was stabbed, then appeared to be okay after surgery, but they were only halfway through the episode, so I knew...


There were a couple of tender SCHMICO moments tonight (Nico's been written as more thoughtful this year), but they were no salve to my deep wound.



http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sRkhF5l-nyg/TprN2NSXqxI/AAAAAAAABLk/LSYpZRnqO74/s280/Sad+Animated+Gif+Animation+Crying.gif http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sRkhF5l-nyg/TprN2NSXqxI/AAAAAAAABLk/LSYpZRnqO74/s280/Sad+Animated+Gif+Animation+Crying.gif

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Grey's Anatomy had a gay relationship long ago.



It only took 15 seasons, but it seems like we're finally getting a gay male relationship on GREY'S ANATOMY


They introduced a nerdy-cute intern last year named Schmitt. Early in the season he had a one-night stand with a female doctor.



Recently the show introduced a new “Ortho God”, a new doc that’s supposed to be gorgeous. He’s played by Chris Carmack, whom I didn’t find that attractive, especially because he’s a new-age-y character, apparently.





HOWEVER… He had another surgeon with him, Dr. Niko Kim, played by Alex Landi.




ANYHOO… Schmitt & Dr. Kim were working on a case and had their masks over their mouths. Their eyes met, Kim winked at Schmitt, and Schmitt got a little flustered. The flirtation continued later...







So after 14 seasons of having to suffer (and gag) through lesbo

kisses and romance, will we finally get one for our side?

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