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What people really think of Montreal's Gay Village - it's NOT pretty

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As with reviews about anything, the recent reviews are all that matters. A place to eat can be four-and-a-half stars, but the last 5 diners, over weeks of time (that is very key), found the new cook to be horrible. A hotel can be the same, where the last 7 out of 8 say the service is sub-par and the breakfast food was lacking, while the 1 positive review had never stayed away from home ever. :eek:

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the vast majority of the 197 reviews in that link apparently rate it "Excellent" or "Very Good".....


( @P Gren : scroll down a little bit and you'll see the rest of the reviews and links to 40 more pages of them)



I read 3-4 pages of the reviews and the clear majority are positive. I have no idea what the OP is talking about here. The reality is that most people have a great time in Montreal's Gay Village....especially in the warmer months when the street is closed off and becomes a pedestrian walkway.

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I have been to the Gay Village many times at all times during the year. It has an eclectic feel to it, energetic, vivacious and all around just a lot of fun. Not sure what the reviewer was looking at, but it always puts a smile on my face to walk down the center of St Catherine or to set outside at one of the restaurant's outdoor seating areas and enjoy the hustle and bustle of the street. Sad that he saw it that way. Viva St Catherine and the Gay Village! :)

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You guys can try and re-write history and reviews all you like.

The bottom line is 92 positive and 44 "average/negative" is pretty BAD by anyone's standards.


Words in those reviews that keep recurring are: "dump," "neglected," "abandoned," "junkies," "homeless," and "dirty". Don't take my word for it, read the reviews (but be sure to remove your rose-colored glasses first!).

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You guys can try and re-write history and reviews all you like.

The bottom line is 92 positive and 44 "average/negative" is pretty BAD by anyone's standards.


Words in those reviews that keep recurring are: "dump," "neglected," "abandoned," "junkies," "homeless," and "dirty". Don't take my word for it, read the reviews (but be sure to remove your rose-colored glasses first!).


we are not "(rewriting) history and reviews"!!.....there is nothing "historic" about the reviews and they are there to be read, not rewritten....jeez......


137/197 "excellent" and "very good" reviews - and 169/197 if you include "average" - is absolutely acceptable......frankly, I don't know what has bothered you about this at all.......did you have a bad experience recently?.....St Catherine has never pretended to be anything other than what it is.....I have to wonder if Rodeo Dr and 5th Avenue are the only streets acceptable to you......why are you upset??

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we are not "(rewriting) history and reviews"!!.....there is nothing "historic" about the reviews and they are there to be read, not rewritten....jeez......


137/197 "excellent" and "very good" reviews - and 169/197 if you include "average" - is absolutely acceptable......frankly, I don't know what has bothered you about this at all.......did you have a bad experience recently?.....St Catherine has never pretended to be anything other than what it is.....I have to wonder if Rodeo Dr and 5th Avenue are the only streets acceptable to you......why are you upset??

Rodeo Drive … super over hyped.

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Twinkboy lover has been on the rag about Montreal for more than 2 years now.

If you search back on his old Montreal posts and read there content his current and future posts might not even we worth a response.

I think Montreal will be a better place without him.

  • Excellent
  • Very good
  • Average
  • Poor
  • Terrible

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You guys can try and re-write history and reviews all you like.

The bottom line is 92 positive and 44 "average/negative" is pretty BAD by anyone's standards.


Words in those reviews that keep recurring are: "dump," "neglected," "abandoned," "junkies," "homeless," and "dirty". Don't take my word for it, read the reviews (but be sure to remove your rose-colored glasses first!).


Well....I am not rewriting anything. I wrote from my personal experience. I am not sure where you visited or the reviewers as "dump", "neglected", "abandoned" or "dirty" definitely are not words I would use to describe it. Yes, there are junkies and homeless people there but once can find that almost anywhere. Maybe your observation('s) are more a reflection of you than of the Gay Village. Just my thoughts.



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Twinkboy lover has been on the rag about Montreal for more than 2 years now.

If you search back on his old Montreal posts and read there content his current and future posts might not even we worth a response.

I think Montreal will be a better place without him.

  • Excellent
  • Very good
  • Average
  • Poor
  • Terrible



Just like you've been Montreal's polyanna and Stock Bar fanboy over the last decade! Perhaps the reviews for the Village have been declining the past few years because Montreal has been going down the crapper? There's a reason long time members and people who use to own property in the city have vacated and stopped visiting.


Reviews (197)

  • Excellent
  • Very good
  • Average
  • Poor
  • Terrible

The bottom line is 92 "very good/positive" and 44 "average/poor/terrible" negative reviews are pretty BAD by anyone's standards.


Some words in those reviews that keep recurring are: "dump," "neglected," "abandoned," "junkies," "homeless," and "dirty". Don't take my word for it, read the reviews from UNBIASED people.

Edited by twinkboylover28
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I read 3-4 pages of the reviews and the clear majority are positive. I have no idea what the OP is talking about here. The reality is that most people have a great time in Montreal's Gay Village....especially in the warmer months when the street is closed off and becomes a pedestrian walkway.


Go figure! I read the same reviews and the clear majority are negative. I have no idea what you are talking about. The reality is that most people notice a significant increase in homeless/junkies/drug dealers and crime in the summer when the street is closed off and becomes a pedestrian walkway.


It's breathtakingly undeniable that Le Village has been on a steady decline for over a decade. For God sakes, there are Montrealer's begging the reviewers to inform the Mayor of Montreal on how bad the village is so something can be done to save it. It would be comical if it weren't so sad.

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Go figure! I read the same reviews and the clear majority are negative. I have no idea what you are talking about. The reality is that most people notice a significant increase in homeless/junkies/drug dealers and crime in the summer when the street is closed off and becomes a pedestrian walkway.


It's breathtakingly undeniable that Le Village has been on a steady decline for over a decade. For God sakes, there are Montrealer's begging the reviewers to inform the Mayor of Montreal on how bad the village is so something can be done to save it. It would be comical if it weren't so sad.



I agree with Tazmanian that Montreal is a better place without you.

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Sounds like the East Village in NYC circa 1990!


It was HEAVEN!....and now it’s overrun with pristine baby strollers.


Thanks for the heads up....I’m planning a Montreal trip as we speak

and I’m looking forward to experiencing the grittier side of urban life.


Viva La Vie Bohème!

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NYCMan makes a good point. There's not much architectural distinction to the Gay Village, true. And there are actually some poor people there, and some with substance abuse issues - also true. So it's a little rough, but there's also an inclusive, funky, friendly, non-judgmental vibe in Montreal like almost nowhere else. You can see disabled people out enjoying themselves next to the ripped stripper boys. Street performers can suddenly dive into real acrobatics, or a singer can start belting like the next Celine Dion. I love it.

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during my one and only visit to Montreal in January, 2016, homeless people were immediately outside my hotel (Governeur (sp?)) sleeping on the heat grates......and a dude tried to sell me some cocaine on St. Catherine......I'm tolerant and aware of my surroundings and none of this bothered me in the least......fearing Montreal would be the Paris of North America (pretentious and rude), I, instead, found Montreal to be utterly unpretentious, friendly, low-key, fun, and easy to navigate......

Edited by azdr0710
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BostonTom is right! I've been going to Montreal regularly for more than 35 years and of course it has changed, so have I. Some people want it to be what it was years and years ago and are bitter that it no longer caters to their tastes. I was going to Fort Lauderdale in the 80's and 90's too and it has dramatically changed as well. The Marlin Beach Hotel and all it's activities is long gone and the hustlers on Birch were like flies on 'you know what' but no more. The bars were a lot raunchier than they are now, but the beach is still sandy, the sun bright and even though the prices are much higher I always manage a visit over the winter. Just like Montreal I always find something to keep me coming back. In fact I'll be in Montreal next weekend... will it be my last time? I doubt it.

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NYCMan makes a good point. There's not much architectural distinction to the Gay Village, true. And there are actually some poor people there, and some with substance abuse issues - also true. So it's a little rough, but there's also an inclusive, funky, friendly, non-judgmental vibe in Montreal like almost nowhere else. You can see disabled people out enjoying themselves next to the ripped stripper boys. Street performers can suddenly dive into real acrobatics, or a singer can start belting like the next Celine Dion. I love it.


Haha! The same can be said about Skid Row!


Nothing like not being judged by junkies and homeless.


Pure heaven!

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