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  • What? Omicron Came From A COVID HIV Collision; ‘Most Plausible Origin Story’; ‘Pretty Good Bet’; Top Scientists Agree

    omicron covid hiv mutation
    Buck: Covid HIV Omicron

    Omicron Is A Living Reminder Of Our Piss-Poor Response to AIDS.

    Frightening mutations arise in Covid-19 patients with suppressed” immune systems from drugs to fight cancer, autoimmune disorders or from unrecognized and poorly treated HIV.

    8 million People With Untreated HIV Southern Africa “a factory of variants for the whole world,

    If I had to guess, I would say this is likely how Omicron came about.
    –Dr. Jonathan Li, Harvard infectious-diseases specialist

    Failure to get COVID-19 vaccines to nations with high rates of uncontrolled advanced HIV puts people living with that virus at even greater risk, and could drive the emergence of coronavirus variants.
    Nokukhanya Msomi , Richard Lessells , Koleka Mlisana & Tulio de Oliveira, in Nature

    Indications are that we’re not done with COVID yet… and the other way around. In spite of vaccine protections, it may not be the best idea to just let it rip.

    COVID ends when transmission and mutations are under control. The vaccines just don’t stop transmission anywhere near as well as they prevent serious illness and death.

    Scope is beyond our borders. Viruses don’t see them. Borders don’t contain. And those vaccines we are “donating” weekly across borders aren’t enough to make a dent, though enough to sound good in media. Also maybe we give more seeing it as self interest and not charity. Share the formulas.

    Dangers of Delay: Delays allow gestation of variants. Delay is waiting on transmission. Untreated HIV is not the only supportive immune compromised spot for virus to mutate.

    People in Glass Countries: There is plenty of poverty, untreated HiV, and other immune suppressed people for the US to support variants. Our adherence rate is very low for HIV meds. Recent studies found the US rate of 55-60% of those on meds fully adhering to the schedules 90% of the time. Plenty of room there for the 20% drug resistance, for Covid mutations, and likely in some cases, other than undetectable viral loads.

    Omicron may not be the big one. Today it’s, “No worse than Delta” hopefully that’s true. Delta wasn’t so great either. And the high transmissibility is concerning. Spreading everywhere makes everywhere part of the big Petri dish.

    Response Fatigue: Public health experts at the beginning of COVID preached minimal interventions, to watch out for conspiracies, hostilities and irrational fears.They explained interventions and the nuances of a Swiss-cheese response. But damned if we didn’t go off the rails, credibility lost, patience too. Now we have mandate rebellions, divisive rhetoric, demagoguery and disinformation. Also Anti-science, fantastical conspiracy theories and cow pills, not to mention Karens driven by entitlement and irrational fear, though they insist on calling it “science”

    COVID HIV Mutation Factories not on my Bingo card.
    The misery delivered through millions of gay people, blood product and drug users; through tens of millions of brown and black people in resource-poor countries and others resource-poor in our country.

    The traumas, illnesses, and deaths have never made it on the priority radar really, never prioritized. With this or another variant–maybe one is in the oven–might we see a mobilization like we haven’t seen ever in the 40 years if those in power finally feel a threat? Weird.

    For now we cna just add it to the list of what happened

    What happened when our response to HIV/AIDS was forged
    in silence and shame;
    through anti-gay, racial prejudices, religious hypocrisy;
    amid new-age rationales for skipping empathy and ignoring poverty;
    profit-driven medicine;
    and convenient fictions about borders and barriers?

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    covid hiv mutation hiv omicron
    In this sequencing laboratory in Chennai, samples are systematically examined for coronavirus mutations like Omicron. The aim is to rapidly identify mutations that pose a particular risk in terms of transmissibility, disease severity and vaccine. Sri Loganathan/ZUMA Press Wire/dpa

    The Omicron variant, now present in at least 23 countries around the world, was probably incubated in the body of a person with an immune system battered by HIV or another immune-compromising condition that can cause a prolonged coronavirus infection, according to the South African scientist who detected the fast-spreading genetic mutant.

    Tulio De Oliveira said the emergence of Omicron in a patient unable to clear the virus quickly was “the most plausible” origin story for the world’s newest variant of concern.

    There’s good reason to think so.

    Researchers in the United States and Europe have seen coronaviruses with frightening mutations arise in Covid-19 patients whose natural defenses have been suppressed by drugs to fight cancer, manage autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, or keep transplanted organs from being rejected.

    De Oliveira has been warning for months that the people mostly likely to spawn such mutations in sub-Saharan Africa are the roughly 8 million with unrecognized or poorly treated HIV. Largely young, unvaccinated and with debilitated immune systems, these people could “become a factory of variants for the whole world,” he said.

    In June, his team chronicled the emergence of more than 30 genetic changes in SARS-CoV-2 specimens taken from a single South African woman with advanced uncontrolled HIV. The mutations they saw — including several that could erode vaccine protection and boost disease transmission — appeared over a period of six months.

    Now De Oliveira worries that a similar scenario might have given rise to Omicron. Last week, he alerted the World Health Organization that his team had detected a variant with dozens of new mutations that was circulating in Gauteng, South Africa’s most densely populated province, and in neighboring Botswana. The samples the scientists studied were collected between Nov. 12 and Nov. 20.

    More than 30 of the mutations they saw were in the code for the crucial spike protein of the virus — the key that picks the lock to human cells and initiates an infection. Many of the changes were familiar to De Oliveira from his study of HIV patients with prolonged coronavirus infections.

    The Omicron variant appears to have played a key role in driving the dramatic rise in new cases among students, most of them young adults, at Tshwane University of Technology in Gauteng, said De Oliveira, director of the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation at Stellenbosch University.

    With Johannesburg at its heart, Gauteng province is the epicenter of South Africa’s HIV epidemic. It is home to roughly 20% of South Africa’s 7.5 million people living with HIV.

    Across the country, 2.2 million people are infected with HIV that is undetected, untreated or poorly controlled. These patients’ immune systems are “pretty heavily suppressed,” said Dr. Jonathan Li, a Harvard infectious-diseases specialist who was among the first to detail extensive coronavirus mutations in an immunosuppressed patient. Under attack by HIV, their T cells are not providing vital support that the immune system’s B cells need to an clear infection.

    “The sheer number of mutations that arose all of a sudden here is really reminiscent of what we’ve seen,” Li said. “If I had to guess, I would say this is likely how Omicron came about.”

    Dr. Bruce Walker, an immunologist and founding director of the Ragon Institute in Cambridge, Mass., warned against stigmatizing patients whose conditions may give rise to variants. But Omicron’s emergence from a patient with prolonged infection is a pretty good bet, he said.

    “We know that in the setting of severe immune compromise, the virus can stay in someone’s body for a long time, and the longer it can make copies of itself, the virus can make mistakes and can escape from what’s left of such a patient’s immune system,” Walker said.

    A new variant will bear no telltale signature of how or where it came into existence, he added. But “statistically speaking, there are a variety of causes of immune suppression. And in southern Africa, one of the leading causes is HIV.”

    In an essay published in a December edition of the journal Nature, De Oliveira and three South African colleagues warned that “Africa is being completely left behind,” as Covid-19 vaccines, medicines and testing supplies are hoarded by the world’s affluent countries. If those countries fail to help African countries control both HIV and Covid-19, the scientists wrote, it will undermine their efforts to extinguish the pandemic worldwide.

    While nearly 40 per cent of the global population has been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, the rate for Africa is less than 7%, the scientists wrote. In South Africa, 24 per cent of the public has been fully vaccinated, according to Our World in Data.

    To complicate matters, the continent’s fitful progress in securing vaccines has prompted public health officials to focus first on elderly patients. The result is that virtually all of Africa’s young adults remain unvaccinated. And since 80 per cent of those with HIV across the continent are under 50 years old, vanishingly few patients who are at risk of harboring a prolonged coronavirus infection have been vaccinated.

    In an interview this week, De Oliveira said there could be other explanations for the sudden emergence of a variant with so many mutations.

    It’s possible Omicron has been circulating for months somewhere else, steadily accumulating genetic changes. (It was present in the Netherlands by Nov. 19, nearly a week before De Oliveira’s announcement.) If the variant matured in countries where genetic sequencing is rare or absent, it might have flown under the radar until it arrived in South Africa — the continent’s genetic sequencing powerhouse — already laden with mutations, he said.

    Walker, who called the detection of Omicron “an absolutely world-class performance” by the South African scientists, said that wherever it came from, the world cannot afford to allow the pandemic to rage unchecked on any continent.

    “It’s in the nature of the virus to mutate,” he said. “It’s not like, if there were no HIV infection, we wouldn’t have to worry about this.”

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    Commuters at Birmingham New Street train station, as mask wearing on public transport becomes mandatory to contain the spread of the Omicron Covid-19 variant. Jacob King/PA Wire/dpa

    “Africa is being completely left behind,” as Covid-19 vaccines, medicines and testing supplies are hoarded by the world’s affluent countries. If those countries fail to help African countries control both HIV and Covid-19, the scientists wrote, it will undermine their efforts to extinguish the pandemic worldwide.”

    Covid HIV Omicron Origin on Towleroad

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