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  • Vatican Conservatives Allegedly Has ‘Secret Plan’ To Force Liberal Pope Francis To Resign

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    Radar Online
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    It has been alleged that conservatives in the Vatican have set out on a “secret plan” to apply pressure on the liberal Pope Francis to force his resignation, RadarOnline.com has learned.

    Francis, 86, has served as the head of the Catholic church, the Bishop of Rome, and sovereign of Vatican City since 2013, following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI after a child sexual abuse scandal plagued the church.

    Francis’ reign has been a stark contrast to his predecessor’s. The current head of the Catholic church has been criticized by conservatives and celebrated by liberals for leading the religious establishment in an unprecedented modern direction.

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    Pope Francismega

    Since 2013, Francis has made shocking statements that ruffled feathers amongst conservative members in Vatican City. The current pope has openly supported gay marriage and same-sex unions, as well as his claim that atheists can still go to heaven.

    He also stated in the past that he would step down should his health merit the decision; however, it was believed to be an unlikely event while his predecessor was still alive. Potential resignation was believed to be avoided at all costs to prevent three living popes residing at the Vatican at the same time.

    The alleged “secret plan” to force his resignation was believed to be contrived within the days following Pope Benedict XVI’s death on New Year’s Eve 2022.

    According to the Italian publicationLa Stampa, a cardinal allegedly told the newspaper that the conservative members are ready to make a move toward the “communist” pope.

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    Pope Benedict XVI mega

    The anonymous cardinal stated, “The secret plan will be formulated on various axes and phases, but it will have one objective – to place the pontificate under such stress that Francis will have to resign.

    “The opponents of Francis know that right now they are in a minority, that they will need time to both win a consensus and to weaken [him],” the cardinal’s alleged remarks continued.

    “The progressive weakening of the Holy Father as well as his doctrinal choices, which will create a great deal of discontent which can be used against him,” the cardinal added.

    A recent meeting with Francis and an Archbishop fueled rumors that conservatives were working behind the scenes to oust the Bishop of Rome.

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    Funeral services for Pope Benedict XVImega

    Francis met with Archbishop Georg Gänswein on January 2. Gänswein was a right-hand man to Pope Benedict XVI and served as his secretary for 19 years. The late pope’s former secretary also played a key role in his funeral services.

    Gänswein has also been outspoken in his criticism of the current pope and included a scathing review of Francis in his memoir.

    Other than confirming that the meeting took place, the Vatican did not elaborate on the purpose of the private meeting or other figures who may have been present.

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