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  • Elon Musk, Russell Brand, Tucker Carlson & Other Celebrities Supporting Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ Blockade

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    Radar Online
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    Candian citizens aren’t the only ones backing the truckers’ “freedom convoy.” Loads of celebrities — who aren’t even Canadian — are throwing their hat in the ring.

    Billionaire Elon Musk, comedian Russell Brand, and right-wing Fox News host Tucker Carlson are among those with star power vocalizing about their support.

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    The self-proclaimed “freedom convoy” includes thousands who are protesting vaccine mandates for truckers that were implemented last month on the US-Canadian border. Their peaceful protests have quickly gone sideways with some joining the movement while waving Confederate and Nazi flags.

    They not only want the vaccine mandates abolished, but they also want Canadian Prime Mister Justin Trudeau ousted from office.

    Taking to YouTube, Brand dropped a 14-minute video explaining why he’s backing the truckers. Calling out what he claims as hypocrisy, the British comedian said the delivery drivers have gone from being heroes during the pandemic to the bad guys who are “loathed if they won’t participate and capitulate according to the wills of the powerful.”

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    “This is precisely what people need to do. You have to work out what your objectives are, work out how you’re going to pursue it, make sure you’re ideologically sound and that your conduct is fair,” Katy Perry‘s outspoken ex-husband said about the “freedom convoy.”

    “We’re dealing with a pretty nefarious machine that will say anything to shut down opposition to its intentions.”

    As for Musk, the Telsa founder — who was born in South Africa — made his support known from the very beginning. “Canadian truckers rule,” he tweeted on January 27. He’s also been liking tweets about other countries who are stopping their mandates.

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    When it comes to Tucker, everyone knows he’s on board with the truckers’ protest. The conservative television personality is even selling t-shirts online reading, “I (heart) Truckers” instead of “I (heart) Tucker.”

    Thousands of truckers have been stationed in the capital city of Ottawa for more than two weeks, blocking streets, heckling citizens, honking horns at all hours of the night, and even forcing some businesses to shut down.

    The mayor of Ottawa has even declared a state of emergency.

    Besides Elon, Brand, and Tucker, another celebrity backing the truckers includes Marvel star Evangeline Lilly, who is actually Canadian. As Radar reported, the actress even attended an anti-vaxx rally last month in D.C.

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