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  • ‘I Was Jeffrey Dahmer’s Slave’: Victim Tells Chilling Story Of Torment — And Claims There Are 7 More Victims Unaccounted For

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    Radar Online
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    milwaukee PD,US Army

    Decades after escaping serial slayer Jeffrey Dahmer‘s clutches, one survivor tells his tale of torment… revealing to RadarOnline.comthat he believes there are 7 more victims unaccounted for.

    Dahmer — who is the subject of Netflix’s new series Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Storywas brutally murdered on November 28, 1994, at the Columbia Correctional Institute in Portage, Wis., where he was serving a 936-year sentence for the vicious homosexual torture, murder, and cannibalization of 17 young men.

    But he still haunts Billy Joe Capshaw to this day.

    Chillingly, Capshaw claimed that Dahmer’s tour of Army duty in Baumholder, Germany, may have resulted in as many as 7 other deaths, for which he was never punished.

    “I’ll never get over it, Capshaw told RadarOnline.com. “Dahmer put me through sheer hell for the 18 months we were in the Army in Germany.

    “We were both medics in the same unit. I was forced to room in the barracks with Dahmer in 1980 and, within two or three days after I arrived, the first attacks began.

    “Dahmer loved orange vodka or vodka and tonic and he drank pretty much all the time,” he explained. “He would make me drink it, too, and I’m sure it was drugged. I woke up sore and hurting, and I knew I had been beaten. But if I said anything about it, he would beat me again.

    “Over the next 18 months, Jeffrey Dahmer raped me at least 75 times!

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    US Army

    “People ask me how I let this go on for so long, but the truth is, I just gave up. He overpowered me in every way.

    “I would be drugged and, when I woke up, I would be tied to the bunk with motor pool ropes, and Jeff would be standing there, an evil look in his eyes, like he had been taken over by a demon.

    “He would be holding a bunk-spreader — an iron pipe used to separate two metal military bunk beds — and he would hit me with it. If I yelled, he would hit me harder, so I learned not to yell and just take the pain.

    “I would pass out from drugs he forced me to drink, and wake up tied down, with him on top of me, beating the back of my head, raping me. It was always very painful.” Sometimes, Capshaw said, “Dahmer would stand in front of me, put his hand on my genitals or my leg and rub me, while he was pleasuring himself. After he was done, he would beat me again, or slap me, pinch me or pull my hair.

    “I lived in terror of him. He kept me as his sex slave.”

    And there was no escape. “I tried to get away from him,” Capshaw told RadarOnliine.com. “I spoke to our superiors in the Army, but I was told, ‘You need to toughen up.’ No one would listen to me.

    “He was 6-foot-2 and very strong. I was 5-foot-10 and weighed about 230 pounds and was overweight. I was just 17 and he was three years older and seemed a lot smarter. I was terrified of this guy.

    “The Army left me at his mercy. There was no way out for me, and eventually, I just gave up and did whatever Jeff wanted me to do.

    “All of Dahmer’s victims — the young men he tortured and destroyed — would be alive today, if the Army had listened to me back then,” he insisted.

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    “Jeff controlled every minute of my life. The few times that I did escape for a night’s peace, when I returned, I would be drugged, tied up, and beaten again.

    “I prayed to God to let me die, just so I could get it over with. I think the only reason that Jeff kept me alive is because I was his toy. If I had tried really hard to get away, he would have killed me.”

    When the evil monster was finally arrested, cops found severed heads in his refrigerator, decaying bodies in acid cats, and an altar made of candles and human skulls.

    “I believe Dahmer was killing people over in Germany, too, because of the blood,” Capshaw said. “He would go out for a few hours and come back with blood on him.

    “During the time we were there, there were seven people killed near the base, including one young military woman — a mutilation murder.

    “Dahmer kept a refrigerator in our room and it was always locked. Now that I know what police found in his apartment, it gives me the creeps to think about what may have been in there.

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    Milwaukee PD

    “It seemed like a million years, but after 18 months, I was sent to the field, and when I got back, Dahmer was gone. The Army had discharged him for alcohol problems.”

    Capshaw said that when he was arrested in 1991, Dahmer, dubbed the Milwaukee Cannibal, stated that his one regret was that he had never killed him and eaten his liver.

    “Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on earth,” he told us. “But I still have nightmares that he is still alive — and I am still his slave.”

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